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Differences from the older games
Marry In this game you cannot marry anymore.So don't waste your time giving girls presents. Dog You will not get a dog so easily too.You have to put a food (i.e:very berry) everyday in the dog bowl but remember to put just one food a day. Graphics You will notice it yourself Farm At start,your farm is alredy clean. No need for cleaning anymore. Bell It's harder to move your cows now because there's no bell anymore. Fish You can no longer pet fish. The only thing you can do is sell,eat or give them to someone. Logs and rocks There's no rocks and logs in the game. That means,no more axe and hammer too. Upgrades You can't upgrade your farm. The only thing you can do is add a kitchen and a a dog house. Seeds Now, one seeds is use for only one box/space. The older games is one seeds 6 box/space. Sowing You can sow in a sunny day and rainy day . But if, you sow anything in a rainy,some of the seeds will vanished the next day. Also,you can only sow at a brown soil. Sickness If you work till after midnight or work too much in a rainy day, you might get sick the next day. If you get sick,you'll have to sleep the whole day because there are no clinics. Weather There's now 3 weather and that's sunny day (everything's normal) rainy day (don't go out walking around the the town if you don't wanna get sick) and gloomy day (50%normal and 50% rain). Filling water in the watering can No more filling from the pond,you have a life-stock water now. Horses To get a horse,check at the animals title. Fodder and grass The older games,you need to sow grass by yourself for fodder. But now,there's also a life-stock of grass. What you need to do is just cut them down. Three grass you cut will be only one fodder. Stockup items/belongings You can stockup to an unlimited amount of items/belongings in you bag. Brush,milker and chicken feed Now,if you suddenly press S without attention to press it where there's no attention/reason to use it, he will not use it. Selling items/belongings Just go to the right/correct shop and sell it. Buying If you wanna buy or sell, you just need to go to the shop and check the paper/notepad. An option will pop-out. Taking a bath/restoring your energy You cannot take a bath and relax at the hot water no more. Ores There's no mines now. If you want ores,just dig some good soils at your farm. Harvest sprites In the game,there's only three harvest sprite. You can't get help from them. They will play around at certain spots randomly. Afternoon, they will already be home. That's their cave next to your stable. They'll give you some tips if you talk to them. Also, they will leave some tips around the town but the tipsboard is invicible so you gotta search it by yourself. Foods/Belongings/Flowers They appear in most part of the town ,not just in the forest. You know why? There's no forest in the game. Also, you cannot just pickup food and flowers everyday. You'll have to wait till it blooms (flowers) and ripe (foods). Mayor No more mayors too. I don't know why Natsume do this. Because of this, there's no more festivals. Seasons There will be three types of season in a season. Weird,huh ? Mild,rainy and dry. To check what season it is, check the calender. Mild is cloured yellow, rainy is blue and dry is red. Mild weather is normal ,sometimes it rains and sometimes it don't. Rainy season is bad, all the rainy season day will be rain with thunder (not like normal rain). Some people hates this season a lot. The good thing is you don't have to water your crops. The bad thing is your crops might get washed up. The last one is Dry season. This is a very bad season , no advantange at all. Your crops will grow slowly and they're easy to DIE! Channels The channels is only three now. Likes Even if a person likes a thing, som'times they'll say "Thanks but I don't really need this now" or som'thing. Time The time goes quicker now so better be quick. Especially, when you don't do anything. The time will 2 times more faster if you just seat around and do nothing.