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Normal L2 - Wissel to call your horse L1 - Wissel to call your dog R2 - Change your items (You can either press R2 many times or press R2 then use the d-pad) R1 - Change your belongings (To change : Same as above),Store things. D-Pad - Move your character/Choose an option (Only in menu) T - Move the camera angle to your back O - Cancel X - Confirm/Examine/Talk/Throw or give things/Pickup items (You can only throw/give items if are holding it) S - Use items/Eat belongings Start - Open the menu Select - Map/Identify item that you have (i.e highlight an item in your rucksack and press select). L-Analog - Move your character R-Analog - Move the camera angle by yourself Fishing S - Take fishing rod X - Pull line/To throw (The longer you hold the x button, the farther you will throw). D-Pad - Hold the fish from running away A. Left - Same as D.Pad Flute S - Take the flute out X + D-Pad - Play (X button must be hold) X + R1,R2 - Play (same as above) X + L1,L2 - Play (same as above)