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The Mainland
___________    __________________________ /_\
|  _______  |  |/_______\       /_______\ \| |
| |_______| |  ||   _   |       |  (_.< |  | |_
| |       | |  ||__|_|__|____(5)|__|_|__|  |_| \________
| |       | |  |(4)|  _________________ \  (1)|         |
| |       | |  |   | |                 \ \____|_________|
| |\     /| |  |   | |                  \_______  |     |
| | \___/ | |  |  _|_|___                       | |     |
| \       / |  | /_______\                    __|_|__   |
 \ \     / /   | |   _   |                (2)/_______\  |
  \ \   / /    | |__|_|__|___________________|   _   |  |
   \ \_/ /     |(3) |________________________|__|_|__|  |
    \___/      |________________________________________|

1. The Mainland Port
2. Farmer's Union
3. Mall
4. Theater
5. Aquarium

|@|_|_|@                                                       @|_|_|@|
||_|_|_|                    1. The Mainland                    |_|_|_||

This allows you to have access to the other island and the shops.  The
opening hours are from 6am-6pm.  If you are in a shop at 6pm, he will
take you back to the town.  The Mainland is only available on Mondays
and Thursdays, unless you have your boat.
If you have your own boat, you could visit the island anytime, but the
opening hours are the same.

The Morning Fair is open at 6 a.m. to 9 a.m. on Tuesdays and Saturdays.
Joe will let you come.  A series of people will ask you what you have
in your rucksack, so fill your rucksack with different stuff.  Best if
you only have one of each item.
 __ ____________________
|1 |^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^| (1)Lighthouse
|  |^^^^^ ______________| (2)Your Boat
|  |2___3|4             5 (3)Ferry
|                       | (4)Kirk
|                       | (5)Morning Fair Guy (Joe)
|                       | (6)Exit
|_____________ 6 _______|

Yes, you can fish here.
|@|_|_|@                                                       @|_|_|@|
||_|_|_|                    2. Farmer's Union                  |_|_|_||

Here are the three main parts of the shops.  Open 8 AM- 6 PM

(1) The Botany Helper
(2) Animal shop
(3) Crop Jobs
(4) The Bank
|(1) |   |(2) |
|____|   |____|
|             |
|____     ____|
|(4) |   |(3) |

The Animal Shop

You can buy these following stuff.
NOTE: When you buy a livestock, they ask you yes, if you want to buy
the livestock.  Then it asks you to pick what gender of the livestock.
Male is the left, and females are the right.
Horse-4000 Gold
Horse Medicine-2000 Gold
Cow-5000 Gold
Cow Medicine-1000 Gold
Chicken-1000 Gold
Chicken Medicine-500 Gold
Sheep-3000 Gold
Sheep Medicine-750 Gold
Feed-1500 Gold

You can sell these livestock.
Selling prices.
Bought Horses
Breed Horses
Newborn Calf- 1500 gold
Calf-2000 gold
Adult Cow-2500 gold
Selling prices
Chick-cannot sell
Chicken-500 Gold
Golden Chick-Cannot Sell
Golden Chicken-5000 Gold
Selling prices
Lamb-1000 Gold
Sheep-1500 Gold

The Botany helper

Here is what you can buy here.
Grass seeds-600 gold
You can only get these in the second year.
Wheat seeds-600 Gold
Rice seeds-600 Gold
Sprinkler-50000 Gold 1st year-Summer of 2nd year, 25000 fall 2nd year-
3rd year. Used to water Rice and Wheat, also you could use it on
flowers and crops.
Scare Crow- 3200 Gold

The Bank

You can Deposit and Receive your money at the bank in increments of
10000 Gold.  You must have a least of 10000 gold.  Get your money out
of the bank before Spring 1st, third year.  You will lose money if you
carry too much money, or too much money in the bank.  If you have
30,000 gold, in the bank and 70,000 gold in your hands, you'll lose
10,000 in the bank for 1 gold.  Since you can only carry 99,999 gold
make sure you don't store so much gold in the bank.  Store 10,000 to
20,000.  Store more if you're going to spend a lot of money.

The Farmer's Union Part-Time Job Enlistment

In here you can sign up for jobs.  Every jobs takes a minimum of 30
days for you to complete what they order for you to do.  You get more
money, from this than shipping the same amount without part-time job.
The earlier you get the order, the more money in interest you get.
|@|_|_|@                                                       @|_|_|@|
||_|_|_|                    3. The Aquarium                    |_|_|_||

The aquarium will receive more fishes if you give them fishes. I heard
your happiness level will go up if you do so.  You can watch the fishes
swim in the tank.  You will get a powerberry here once, when you give
the aquarium all the fishes.

You could look into the tank to see a certain species of fish.  Just
walk to a tank and press the (A) button.  You should see a number and a
yes and no option.  Press yes to look at the tank, and no to leave.

The Aquarium is divided into 4 sections:

1. Fish caught by the River
2. Fish caught by the Town and Mainland Port
3. Fish caught by the Ocean
4. Fish caught by the Lake

Here is a fish chart.  (Coming Soon)

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|      |      |      |      |      |
|      |      |      |      |      |
|      |      |      |      |      |
|      |      |      |      |      |
|King  |
|of the|
|Lake  |
|@|_|_|@                                                       @|_|_|@|
||_|_|_|                    4. The Theater                     |_|_|_||

The theater is there to rise your happiness rate.  The movies will be
depending on the happiness rate you have currently.  It also depends on
the seasons also.  It is about 5-10 minutes long each.
Each movie costs 1500 gold, so if you don't have that much money, I
suggest you leave.

Season/Year             Description
Spring 1st year- Two pop-stars
Summer 1st year- Blue and Pink MaoMaos
Fall 1st year- A Stubborn Boy and His Flower
More coming soon!

To Exit a Movie, while it is playing, press start and select yes.
Each Movie takes 2-4 hours, game time.
|@|_|_|@                                                       @|_|_|@|
||_|_|_|                    5. The Mall                        |_|_|_||

Here is what you can buy in this buildings.

Orange juice-80 gold
Apple juice-80 gold
Tea-100 gold
Lunch box-200 gold
Cake-300 gold
NOTE: This is food to raise stamina at the restaurant.  You do not need
to purchase food for the farm to eat.  I never see the farmers get
tired, odd?

Flower pot-3000 Gold-DECORATION for house
Flower seeds
Spring (StarDust)-400 Gold
Summer (MoonLit)-400 Gold
Turnips-120 Gold
Potatoes-160 Gold
Asparagus-300 Gold
Tomatoes-200 Gold
Corn-300 Gold
Melon-500 Gold
Eggplant-120 Gold
Peanut-160 Gold
Sweet Patatoes-300 Gold

TV-30000-10000 Gold-DECORATION for house
Crib-30000 Gold-DECORATION for house

Tool Shop-
S.Rug-3000 Gold-DECORATION for house
M.Rug-6000 Gold-DECORATION for house
L.Rug-9000 Gold-DECORATION for house
These make your happiness go up.

Butter, Cheese, Yarn, Knitwear, and Mayo makers-30000 Gold each.

Books-1600-9000 Gold Each