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The Town
The town on the main land will allow you to become friends with the
inhabitants in the town.  You could receive tools from people.  You can
get the fishing pole here.  The port allows you to go to the other
island.  You cannot enter their houses though.  Here is the map for the
 ___________________________    ______________________
|          |   |          |            |
|  Church__|   |  Billy's |            |
|    |     |   |  House   |             \
|____| |3| |   |          |              |
|__________|   |__________|              |
|                  |2|                    \
|                                          |
|__________     __________                 |
|          |   |          |                |
|  BigBee's|   | Elza's   |                |
|  House   |   | House    |                |
|          |   |          |                |
|__________|   |__________|                |
|   |3|            |4|                    /
|                                        |
|__________     __________               |
|          |   |          |             /
| Light-   |   | Kate's   |            |
| House    |   | House    |            |
| and Boat |   |          |            |
|__________|   |__________|            |
|________|8|_______|5|___       _______|
                         | |6| |
                      |7||     |

You can Fish here.

The Townsfolk

(2) Billy- He gives you the fishing pole-Sundays, Wednesdays, and
(3) Elza-She gives you advice an a boat.-Tuesdays, Thursdays, and
(5) Kate-She will go out on an event with you.-Sundays, Tuesdays,
(1) The Elder-he gives advice to save the farm.-Every Day
(6) Kirk- He gives you a ride from the main island to the other
island.-Every Mondays and Thursday, if not raining.
(3) BigBee– Just runs the town, I think?-Sundays, Wednesdays, Saturdays
(7) Ferry Ride- Mondays and Thursday
(8) Your boat

They will not appear if raining.
|@|_|_|@                                                       @|_|_|@|
||_|_|_|                    2. Cliff                           |_|_|_||

This is where you are supposed to meet when your boyfriend/ girlfriend
asks you what time do you want to meet here.  It is a romantic SITE. If
you do this several times, you could get married.
Also, you can come here in Fireworks festival, I think that is what
it's called.  To make sure you're here, here is how it looks.

|    Water_______ Water   |
|________/       \________|
|                         |
|______             ______|
|      |_         _|      |
|        \_     _/        |
|  Trees   |   |   Trees  |
|          |   |          |
|          |   |          |

|@|_|_|@                                                       @|_|_|@|
||_|_|_|                    3. Mountain                        |_|_|_||

This part is accessible only when the earthquake hits sometime during
spring, second year.  Then clear your crop field of rocks first,
because the earthquake landed some rocks on the field.  The earthquake
will not damage any crops.  Then go to the cliff  go to the right, then
go inside the cave.  Look at the jewel, it's a slab of ice, and it will
disappear.  Then you go to the right of the cave, right under spot
where you saw the slab of ice. Go all the way to the right on the black
area. Then go up, and talk to the dwarf.  He will give you a power

Before Earthquake
|          |
|          |

After Earthquake
            _________   _________       _____
           |   ___   | |||    (3)|     |_(4)_|
 __________|__/(2)\__| |       |||       | |
|                    | |||   ||()|_______| |
|___     ____       _| |||       |_________|
|___|   |__| |_____| | ||||    ()|
|          |         | |___(2)___|

(1) Entrance of the Mountain.

(2) Entrance of the Cave.

(3) The slab of ice is used to upgrade your shipping bin.  It will not
make the food spoil.  Talk to the guy at the tool shop to get the

(4) Harvest Sprite.  Talk to it an it will give you a power berry.
|@|_|_|@                                                       @|_|_|@|
||_|_|_|                    4.Grassland                        |_|_|_||

You can chop lumber, gather fruits, break boulders, and ski here. Also,
you can jump down the cliffs with a one level steepness.

Fruit costs 30 gold each. (Grapes, Berries, and Mushrooms)
When it is Winter you can snowboard here.  Look at Misc. (Part 7)

Here is what it looks like.
|  |                        | (S)= Stump
|__| (R) (S)                | (R)= Raspberry-Spring
|___________________ (S)(R) | (C)= Cherry-Summer
|                   |  (S)  | (M)= Mushroom-Fall
|___________________|  (C)  | (B)= Boulder
|  | (S)(M)                 |
|  |       (B)  ____________|
|  |      _____|            |
|  |     |     |____________|
|  |(R)  |_____|        (M) |
|__|(C)   (M)(S)      (S)(C)|
|___________________      __|
|___________________|    |__|
|__|(R)(C)            (M)(B)|
|______________     ________|
|______________|   |________|

|@|_|_|@                                                       @|_|_|@|
||_|_|_|                    5. The Forest                      |_|_|_||

The Forest consists of many paths that lead to the Fountain Spring.
The Maze has no purpose, cause it always lead to the Fountain.  You can
catch a fish worth of 5000 gold here on the 1st of Spring.  Talk to the
Aquarium guy(he is behind the counter).  Get the Fishing Book, if you
don't have it already.  You don't need this, but I recommend you do.
 ________   ________
|        |2|        | Any exit (except one) will lead to different
|        | |        | paths along the maze.
|        | |        | (1) will lead back to the island map.
|________| |________|
3________   ________4
|        | |        |
|        | |        |
|        | |        |

When you arrive at the spring:
|^^^^^^^|(1)  |      | Any of the numbers will lead to the screen above
|^^^^^^^^\    |      | this one.
|^^^^^^^^^|   |______|
|^^^^^^^^^|    ____(3)
|^^^^^^^^^|   |      |
|^^^^^^^^/    |      |

You can Fish here.