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Your shipping bin could hold 99 quantities of each shippable goods.
Your goods will go bad in two weeks if not shipped.  When you get the
Frozen Ice in the Mountain cave, then you could ask to build a non-
spoiled shipping bin.  The person who makes the non-sploiled bin, he is
in the tool shop at the Mall area.

To ship make sure you have your shippable items in the shipping bin
house.  Do not press any items you want to ship. Then go to your house,
and use your phone before 6pm.  Then pick yes, and the top choice, and
you select the things you want to ship, and how much you want to ship.
(Quantity, of one good.)  You will have to do this over and over to
ship more stuff.

|Turnip|Potato|Aspa- |Tomato|Corn  |
|      |      |ragus |      |      |
|Melon |Egg-  |Peanut|Sweet |Wheat |
|      |plant |      |Potato|      |
|Rice  |Star- |White |Moon- |      |
|      |Dust  |FLW   |litFLW|      |
|Amary-|Moon  |      |
|sil   |Drop  |      |

|      |      |      |      |      |
|S.Wool|M.Wool|L.Wool|Yarn  |Knit- |
|      |      |      |      |wear  |
|Egg   |Golden|Mayon-|
|      |Egg   |aisse |
|Rasp- |Cherry|Mush- |
|berry |      |room  |

|      |      |      |      |      |
|      |      |      |      |      |
|      |      |      |      |      |
|      |      |      |      |      |
|      |      |      |      |      |
|      |      |      |      |      |
|King  |
|of the|
|Lake  |

The miracle gloves really help.  Hold up an item and equip the miracle
gloves, then throw it.  It looks like it disappeared.  It went into the