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Livestock Barns
These include Horses, Cows, Chickens, and Sheep.

All but the horse gives you money.  Now I will tell you how to get your
livestock.  Notice it has to be your first animal of each.  Exception;
unless you are playing a girl with the cow.  The grass has to be nearly
grown patches.

_______________   _______________
|||  || ||  ||     ||  || ||  |||
|||__|| ||__||     ||__|| ||__|||
|         FEED  HOLDERS         |
|             Barn 2            |
|                               |
|                          FEED |
|                          _____|
|                         |     |
|______________   ________|_____|
|||  || ||  ||     ||  || ||  |||
|||__|| ||__||     ||__|| ||__|||
|         FEED  HOLDERS         |
|                               |
|            Barn 1             |
|______      __             FEED|
|   PREGNANT   |           _____|
|    FEMALES   |          |     |
|______________|   _______|_____|

Barns for horses, cows, and sheep
_______________   _______________
|                     FEED||  || |
|                   HOLDER||  || |
|                         ||  || |
|                         ||  || |
|                         ||__|| |
|               Coop2        FEED|
|                           _____|
|                          |     |
|______________   _________|_____|
|                     FEED||  || |
|                   HOLDER||  || |
|                         ||  || |
|                         ||  || |
|                         ||__|| |
|               Coop1        FEED|
|_                          _____|
| |Incubator               |     |
|_|____________   _________|_____|
Chicken Coop

Horses-To get a horse, you must have these requirements.
1.$4000 gold.
2.6-8 patches of grass.
3.at least 50 fodder pieces cut from grass.

Cows-To get a cow, you must have these requirements.

1.$5000 gold.
2.6-8 patches of grass.
3.at least 50 fodder of grass.

Chickens-To get a chicken, you must have these requirements.

1.$1000 gold.
2.4-5 patches of grass.
3.at least 20 fodder pieces.

Sheep-To get a sheep, you must have these requirements.

1.$3000 gold.
2.5-6 patches of grass.
3.at least 30-40 pieces of fodder.

You buy the animals in the animal shop, on the other island.  It is in
the shop with a green roof, or the Farmer's Union.

If you are a boy and need to milk, shear, and brush livestock-
Ask your girlfriend: To feed, milk, shear, gather eggs, and brush, all
the livestock.  NOTE: She will only do one option and only once per
Here is what she says

1.Animals           2.M-E-W

3.Anything          4.End
1.Animals - She will feed and brush.
2.M-E-W – Milk, Eggs, and Wool, she will collect them.
3.Anything – She does the above 2 options, but that just makes you
getting to love her harder, from what I heard.
4.End – She does nothing.  NOTE: Once you choose this, you cannot
choose anything till the next day.

Ask her and say yes.  Go outside and go in the livestock barns.  You
will meet her at every barn, depending if you have at least one animal
in every barn.  She will say this, per barn.  Here is how to feed if
you want to do it, or when you're a girl.

First number she says in the barn: The number of fodder she placed in a
Second number she says in the barn: Is the number she brushed.
Third number she says in the barn: The number of goods she collected,
eggs, milk, and wool.

Notice if she didn't do the expected work. If you buy books at the mall
for 1600 gold, she will do all the work with the animals.  She will
usually get better at a slower rate, if you didn't buy books.
Here is how to feed if you want to do it, or when you're a girl.
_______________   _______________
|||  || ||  ||     ||  || ||  |||<--- (3)Press (A) here
|||__|| ||__||     ||__|| ||__|||        to release the
|         FEED  HOLDERS         |        fodder on the
|                               |        holders.
|            Barn 1             |
|______      __             FEED|<--- (2)Do not press (A)
|   PREGNANT   |           _____|        while walking.
|    FEMALES   |          |     |<--- (1)Press (A) here
|______________|   _______|_____|        on the Feed Box.

(4) Do not throw the feed onto the animals, you are wasting fodder
pieces, if you do so.
To make a male and a female, mate, talk to them, and chose no to let
them outside, and chose yes to let them mate, so you cold have a calf
in 30 days.

NOTE: There is only one feed holder in the pen, so feed the male's
holder where he used to be, and feed the pregnant female, on the feed
holder next to the pen.