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Power Berries
Power Berry's give you more strength. In some games you will get percentage points for Power Berries, In other's you wont.

There are 11 of them:

  1. Try to cut down the lone tree on Mother's Hill (past the lake and over the bridge it's right before the summit entrance) in the middle of the meadow where all the flowers grow. It will talk to you and say "What? Are you trying to cut me down? Please don't cut me down I've been rooted here for over 100 years!" You will be given the options "cut down" or "don't cut down" If you choose "dont cut down" the tree will thank you and give you a power berry as thanks. Also for this event to trigger you must enter the Mother's Hill area across the bridge AFTER the noon bells. I triggered this at 3:10pm on Summer 3rd with the copper axe. Not sure if the axe level depends on the event or not.
  2. Mine in the mine behind the waterfall, you'll eventually get a Power Berry after you go down alot of levels.
  3. Mine in the Winter Mine, you'll eventually get a Power Berry after you go down alot of levels.
  4. Win the Swimming Festival in the summer.
  5. Throw five items (one per day) into the Goddess Pond. It has to be a crop or egg cant be like a weed or something. You have to stand behind the waterfall and throw it in the oval water. Once you throw it in she'll give you a Power Berry.
  6. In the Winter, go behind and to the left of the mine. Press X and walk around (against the wall you can't see) and you'll find one!
  7. Buy one off of the TV Shopping Network(5000G) after you have bought all the kitchen utensils.
  8. Buy one at the Horse Race. (Manage to win 1000 medals)
  9. Fish in the Ocean and eventually you'll get a Power Berry! Possibly only occurs in Winter. That is when I caught it.
  10. In the Winter mine down to the bottom of the Winter Mine. Go into the cavern with the pond and start fishing, you'll eventually get a Power Berry.
  11. Plant more than 90 flowers on your farm, and when Anna comes by (when they bloom) tell her she can have as many as she wants. She'll give you a Power Berry.