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Game Controls
This will be the control when playing.

Start: To view the memo, time, day, and year.
Select: To view menu options.
A button(during Menu) To select a choice on the menu.
B button(during Menu) To exit from the menu or option.

A button: Talk, pickup items, place items, use items, and to select.
B button: To run, place items in sack, to pick items in sack, and to
exit a option.

D pad: To move up, down, left, and right, also in the menu screens.
Menu(Game Play)|Tools    |
               |Seeds                  |
               |Sack                    |
               |Name/Stats        |
               |Animal                 |
               |PT Job                 |
               |Save                    |

Menu(After Title Screen)Press Start
              |New Game                   |
              |Continue Saved Game|
              |Copy Saved Game      |
              |Erase Saved Game     |
              |Trade                            |

Trade Menu
|Trade Livestock|Trade Livestock from HM2|Trade Seeds|Trade Seeds HM2|
|Trade Items    |Trade Items from HM2|Back|

RUMOR: The trade from HM2, might be real, but I am going to test it
myself. Sort of like Pokemon RPG games.