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I am adding this section to the guide because I receive so many emails asking the same questions. Although these questions ARE answered in this guide in other sections, I am going to answer them quickly here as well, for those players who evidently either do not have the interest or patience to read the entire guide. 1. Question: How do I obtain a Fishing Rod? Answer: Simply go to Galen's house between noon and 1.00 p.m. on Saturday afternoon when the weather is fine. Galen's house is situated in the southeast of the Valley on a little hill. When you enter his house, make certain that NO TOOL is equipped in your tool slot. In other words, have an empty tool slot. Make certain that you speak both to Galen and to his wife Nina. This will prompt him to offer you his old Fishing Rod. Upgrades to this Rod are made in the same way that any tool upgrade is made, by telephone order from Grey at Saibara's forge in Mineral Town. In order to upgrade any tool, you need to have the required level of experience as well as the necessary money and ore. 2. Question: How do I obtain a Yule stocking? Answer: You must befriend Nina. When she reaches 200 FP, go to her house with a ball of yarn. Give her the yarn in order to trigger the Stocking scene. She will knit the stocking for you then and there and it will hang on the wall of your house thereafter forever. N.B. 200 FP signifies 200 Friendship Points. In order to gauge the level of an individual's friendship, buy the Friendship Bangle at the Casino window. When you equip it in your Accessory slot and speak to any individual, it will show that person's Affection Level and/or Friendship Level. 3. Question: Why did a girl's heart level go down drastically for NO REASON? Answer: There actually IS a reason. This game is brutal where littering is concerned. If you throw a weed or drop ANY item anywhere, whether in your own house, in your own yard or in an Animal Shed, you will be considered to be guilty of littering and AP and FP levels will decrease. You cannot drop a portion of animal feed or a crop even by accident. Throwing a fish back into the water is considered littering as well. Wearing the Large Friend Brooch will increase every one's FP by 2 overnight but you cannot drop ANY ITEMS anywhere if you wish to maintain the heart levels of an eligible girl or other individual. 4. Question: How do I obtain a Yarn Maker, Cheese Maker, Seed Maker or any other Maker? Answer: You first must hire Gotz to build a Maker Barn for you. Once you have this Barn on your property, the six Makers will become available at Saibara's Forge from Grey. Each Maker costs 20,000G and requires a piece of Adamantite. Adamantite is a blue cubical ore that is found on ANY floor of the 3rd Mine, including the ground floor. Its appearance is random but it is not rare. 5. Question: Where is the Hot Spring? Answer: In this game, there will be no Hot Spring at the start of gameplay. You can obtain the Hot Springs either by experiencing Flora's 3rd (Blue) Heart Event or by having a child. The first Hot Spring will be situated in the southeast corner of the Valley. After you use it 200 times, another Hot Spring will open near the Sprite Company Tree and Goddess Spring. 6. Question: Where are the Mines? Answer: There are four Mines in this game and all of them are accessed through tunnels in the Excavation Site. In order to unlock the first mine (and each other mine thereafter), you must enter the Excavation Site after 9.00 p.m. with your HAMMER EQUIPPED in your tool slot. There are different requirements for each mine, but the actual scene that unlocks each is triggered in the same fashion. Read the Mining Section in this guide for specific details about the Mines, the requirements to unlock each and all items found in the Mines. 7. Question: Where did I get 1,000,000,000G? Answer: This is a Fishing Bonus and it is a random event. There is no drama or event involved here. You simply will find that your total earnings suddenly have increased by 1,000,000,000G. The only requirement is that you hire the Fishing Team. You need not have rescued every member of the team. Players have received this bonus with as few as three members of the Fishing Team working for them. The purpose of this bonus is to allow you to purchase the Island where the best fish are to be found. If you can keep the total at 900,000,000G or above, Thomas will appear at your door on the first day of the next season to ask if you wish to purchase the Island. 8. Question: How can I make enough money to buy the Godhand or Miracle Glove? Answer: Please remember that this game takes time. It is unlikely that you will win any of the Animal Festivals in the first couple of years. It takes time to complete your shipping list. One of the items on it will not be available until the 6th year. You cannot rescue all the Sprites in the first year, nor can you have a child in that year. Some of the characters will not appear in the Valley until your child is a toddler. Many events in this game cannot be experienced in the first year. Other couples cannot marry until the fourth year at the very soonest. In other words, if you play Harvest Moon, you have to think in terms of the future, rather than expecting instant gratification. By the end of the first year, however, you should have far more money than you can spend, especially if your milker is at maximum level. The answer to this question is: The Godhand is a reward for the player who puts time and energy into this game. Relax, play the game as it is intended to be played and you will be able to purchase the Godhand in time. You can achieve this in one of two ways. The first is by changing your gold into medals on a daily basis, 100,000G or so at a time. The second is by gambling in the Casino and saving all the medals you earn. 9. Question: How do I rescue both Woohoo and Red Ribbon? Can I have 3 Animal Barns and 5 Bird Barns? Answer: Not at the same time! You have to do one or the other, then demolish a building to fulfil the requirement for rescuing the other Sprite. As Bird Barns and Poultry are less expensive, you may wish to build 5 Bird Barns to rescue Woohoo, then demolish at least one of them in order to build the third Animal Barn that you will need to rescue Red Ribbon. It really is a matter of personal preference. 10. Question: How can I shop at Karen's Supermarket for 10 days when it is shut on Tuesday and Sunday? Answer: This is NOT a problem, and I am surprised when so many players ask this question. Simply buy an item each day the Supermarket is open for 10 days. 11. Question: How can I make butter? Answer: Butter in this HM game is made in the kitchen, using Milk of any kind and a Mixer. You will need one house upgrade and access to the Shopping Network by telephone in order to be able to buy a Kitchen and Kitchen implements. 12. Question: How can I get a Yarn Maker or Cheese Maker or any other kind of Maker? Answer: First you will need a Maker Barn. You have to order that from Gotz. Once the Maker Barn is completed, you need to find Adamantite in the Third Mine. You order each maker from Grey at Saibara's forge. Each maker requires 20,000G and a piece of Adamantite. 13. Question: How do I ship recipes (cooked dishes) to complete my Shipping List? Answer: You either ship them through the Cannery or through the Basket. If you place them in the Basket, you then have to dump the contents into a Shipping Container. If you ship them through the Cannery, you can place them directly in the Can Food Maker. 14. Question: Where do I find Buckwheat Flour? Answer: Unlike FoMT and MFoMT, you cannot expect to receive Buckwheat Flour at the Year End Festival. You will receive either Buckwheat Flour or Buckwheat Noodles. The item that you receive is a random result when you attend. Buckwheat Flour is more valuable an item as you can use it to make Buckwheat Noodles or other cooked dishes. Buckwheat Noodles cannot be used in place of Buckwheat Flour. If you are determined to complete your Shipping List by the New Year, save your game BEFORE you attend the Festival and keep trying until you obtain the Buckwheat Flour. 15. Question: How do I separate one item from a stack? Answer: It is very simple in theory but a little more difficult in practice. You simply tap on the stack of items with your stylus, then tap on an empty slot in order to separate one item from the stack and move it to the empty slot. If it doesn't work the first time, try again. 16. Question: How do I use the boat to get to the Island? Answer: You simply press the 'A' button when standing on the wooden pole next to the boat in order to take it to the Island. Unfortunately, you cannot access the Island at all until you BUY it from Thomas. He will offer it on the 1st day of any season when your total earnings are equal to or greater than 900,000,000G. This is the price of the Island. Often a player will use the Fishing Bonus to buy the Island. If the Fishing Team gives you the 1,000,000,000G bonus, make certain that you keep 900,000,000G of it until the 1st day of the next season in order to experience the Island event. 17. Question: When will the level of my Clippers ever increase? Answer. It never will. Once the level of your Milker increases from 0 to 1, it will increase by 1 level each time you use it, but the Clippers remain at the lowest level no matter how many times they are used. 18. Question: Daryl's friendship level is at 255 FP. When will he invite me into the basement to meet Leia? Answer. He won't! You simply go to the trapdoor and open it. Once Daryl reaches 100 FP, the trapdoor in the room no longer will be locked. You have to open it yourself and go into the basement to meet Leia. 19. Question: Why won't the Legendary Sword smash the boulders in front of the Super Field? Answer: If you attempt to use it as a tool by pressing the 'Y' button, nothing will happen. You only can use the Legendary Sword as a tool in the Mines to defeat Dark Creatures, not to smash stones. If you wish to clear away the boulders in front of the Super Field, you need to stand in front of one of the boulders and press the 'A' button. When you do this, you will experience a little event, wherein the boulder will crumble and you will have a clear path to the Super Field behind the waterfall. If you wish to clear the other boulder, you do so in the same fashion, experiencing the same scene again. 20. Question: Should I play this game in one or two files? Answer: Although you can play the game in a single file, it is not recommended. First of all, the DS tends to freeze frequently. Not only does this make frequent saving a necessity, but sometimes a file actually will freeze in the act of loading. When this occurs, there is no way to 'fix' it. If you have been playing the game in a single file, the information never can be retrieved nor can the file be played. If, however, you have saved the game in BOTH files, you can load the other file and overwrite the 'frozen file' with that information. Another reason to play in both files is because the occurrence of any special item in the Mines always is random. If therefore you save one file at the floor previous to the one that is your target, you can load that file if you fail to find the item you seek and overwrite the unsuccessful attempt with it, always keeping one 'pure' file at the previous floor until the item is found. 21. Question: Why can't I upgrade my house? Answer: You will not 'unlock' the first house expansion until you buy the Round Table (small coffee table) from the Shopping Channel. Once you have your house expanded for the first time, you will be able to buy a Kitchen and kitchen accessories from the Shopping Channel. 22. Question: Where can I buy a Kitchen? Answer: The Kitchen, Fridge, Shelf and all Kitchen implements as well as the Big Bed are offered exclusively through the Shopping Channel. To unlock the Shopping Channel, you must rescue Venus, the Sprite who controls it. Do this by purchasing an item from Karen's Supermarket for 10 days. Incidentally, the Big Bed will not be offered until you upgrade your house for the second time. 23. Question: Where did my Medicines go? Answer: Whenever you purchase Medicines from Van, they will be sent to your Refrigerator automatically unless you do not have a Refrigerator or, unless your Refrigerator is filled completely. Only in these circumstances will the Medicines be placed in your Rucksack instead. Disregard whatever Van tells you at the time of purchase and remember this instead. Many players have written to me when they failed to find the Medicines they purchased from Van in their rucksacks. N.B. The same is true of any Accessories purchased either from Van or a Sprite. If you have a Beauty Box, the Accessory will be delivered automatically to your Beauty Box. It is only when you do not own a Beauty Box that the Accessory will be placed in your rucksack. 24. Question: Why can't I find a Cursed Tool/Cursed Accessory on a specific floor where I should be able to find it? Answer: While remembering always that the appearance of any special item in the Mines is random, there is one situation where NO special item will appear for you no matter how many times you reload to search on a new configuration of the floor in question. If you do not have an empty slot in your rucksack, the special item WILL NOT APPEAR. You must have an empty slot in your rucksack when searching for any Cursed Tool or Cursed Accessory. Be careful whenever you are in the Mines not to allow every single slot to be filled with items. Remember that any item you stash in your rucksack automatically will go to the first available slot. It therefore is a good idea to allot one of the slots on the 1st 'page' of your rucksack for such items as junk ore and black grass which are found in large quantities in the mines. By doing so, you can make certain that every item you find will join the stack rather than occupying a new slot. 25. Question: Where is the Harvest Goddess? Answer: As you know, the Harvest Goddess was spirited away by the Witch Princess and one of your goals in the game is to bring her back to the Valley. You do this by rescuing 60 Harvest Sprites. When you rescue the 60th Sprite, the Harvest Goddess will return. From that point, you will be able to visit her at the Goddess Pond any time you like. She will NOT appear, however, unless you throw an offering into the Pond. When you do this, she will respond to the offering, either in a negative or positive fashion. Her Most Favourite item is a strawberry but she likes all crops and fruits that you have grown and harvested. She is the Harvest Goddess, after all! If you intend to court her, you need to know the requirements for marriage which, like those for the Witch Princess, involve the achievement of goals rather than traditional 'heart events'. 26. Question: I caught the Bottled Message but Leia won't take it from me. Why not? Answer: If you are trying to experience Leia's 4th and final Heart Event, you will need the Message in the Bottle. This can be caught at the beach only in Spring, by using a Mystrile fishing rod or a higher fishing rod AT mystrile level. (In other words, you cannnot charge the Blessed or Mythic Rod beyond mystrile level if you wish to catch the Bottle.) After catching it, equip it in your hands as an item and go to Daryl's house. When you enter the house, the event will be triggered immediately, provided Leia's heart level is high enough. If you enter Daryl's house and THEN equip the Bottle, the event will not occur and Leia will not recognise the Bottle at all. The only way to experience the event is to enter the house with the Bottle in your hands. 27. Question: I went to the 255th level of the 2nd Mine but Keira wouldn't give me the Legendary Sword. Why not? Answer: You need to have enough experience with at least one tool to upgrade it to Mystrile level when you visit the 255th floor of the Second Mine or Keira will not give you the Legendary Sword. If she tells you that you haven't enough experience yet, use at least one tool to the point where you would be able to upgrade it to mystrile and then go back to the 255th floor of the 2nd mine for the Legendary Sword. Remember that Keira does not live on the 255th floor of the Second Mine but rather on the 255th floor of the Third Mine. Once she gives you the Legendary Sword, you will not find her again in the Second Mine. Remember as well that you need to defeat every Dark Creature by hand (without cheating) on the 255th Floor or the barrier to the secret chamber will not crumble. 28. Question: I killed over 50 Animals but still cannot experience the Witch Princess' Heart Event. Why not? Answer: Evidently poultry does not count. You must kill 50 cows and/or sheep in order to fulfil the requirement. 29. Question: Where can I obtain Korobos? Answer: Korobos cannot be acquired by any means in Harvest Moon games. They are restricted to the Harvest Sprites. If you carefully read the descriptions of the items offered to Harvest Sprites on the Shopping Network, you will see that they are very impractical. It is an old Natsume Harvest Moon joke. 30. Question: Why doesn't Gotz offer an option to upgrade my House? Answer: You must buy the Round Table from the Shopping Network in order to 'unlock' the first House Expansion in this game.