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The Harvest Moon Cards comprise a little collecting mini-game. When you purchase 'Harvest Moon Cards' from Jet for 150G, you will obtain five random cards. There are five 'suits' of 608 cards each. The most common suit is Paper. Next is Fodder. Third is Lumber. The fourth suit is Stone. The rarest suit is Gold. The first card in any suit is 001 Main Character which represents YOU. The last card is the 'Mine Research Group'. There is no real 'value' to any of the cards. If you receive a duplicate, it simply is tossed. You cannot sell it or trade it for a different card. The real value of the Harvest Moon Cards is that they show all the items that exist in the game. If you have not completed your Shipping List and wonder what gems you may be missing, you will be able to find all gems in the Harvest Moon cards. All 'cooked dishes' are included in the cards as well as all Tools and Accessories. All characters are featured as well so if you do not have a child but are curious about the Circus and its employees, look at the Harvest Moon cards. In fact, if you are curious as to the appearance of your future child, you will find all Child types in the card deck, as well as the different age phases that children go through in the game. There is one error in the Harvest Moon Cards descriptions, and the error is in every 'suit' from Paper through Gold. The Cursed Tools are given the label of 'Blessed' tools and the Blessed Tools are given the label of 'Cursed' Tools. It is the Cursed Tools that are black when you find them and they change colour when transformed into their Blessed counterparts. Collecting cards is an activity for a player who has money to burn... You will find that the same cards will be given again and again. Some of the most common are: 001 'Main Character' and 400 'Failed Drink'. In fact, all the 'Failed' Dishes, cards 399 through 404, surface frequently in EVERY suit. By the way, the Alexandrite Gem is shown in two separate cards: both as Red and as Green. The reason for this is that it is the only gem that changes colour in sunlight. This is why natural Alexandrite is both rare and expensive in the 'real world.' The Harvest Moon cards are a source of information for game tips. If you study them, you will see that there is a card representing a half-sheared sheep. This is a hint that directs a player to the fact that you can shear the same sheep up to 6 tips in the same day to gain 6 balls of Small Wool instead of one ball of Large Wool, if you so desire.