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As in other Harvest Moon games, your energy level is a combination of Stamina and Fatigue. Items when eaten or used operate to restore your Stamina and/or to reduce your Fatigue. When you awaken in the morning, you should be at: 100/100 in terms of SR and 0/100 in terms of FR. As you use energy through the day, your SR will drop and your FR will increase as you lose Stamina Resistance and your Fatigue grows greater. If you watch your character's actions carefully, you will be able to see when his level of energy drops: he will mop his brow with a hankerchief, stoop and then his knees will buckle, and you will see him struggle to stand. Finally, when all energy is gone, he will pass out. A villager will rescue your character whenever he passes out and will take him home. The villager who rescues him will change according to the location where he passed out. Once he passes out, he will awaken only the next morning at 6.00 a.m. If he passes out AFTER midnight, he will lose an entire day! Passing Out Your character needs to pass out a certain number of times in order to experience Elli's 1st Heart Event. Passing out a specific number of times is a requirement for marriage to the Witch Princess as well. The benefit to it is that you will awaken with full energy restored and will not oversleep. If you can time yourself and pass out a few minutes prior to midnight, you will lose nothing. If you are exhausted but do not pass out, you will find that you oversleep the next morning, awakening only at 8.00 a.m. rather than 6.00 a.m. Apart from the fact that you will have lost two hours, you will be unable to experience certain events if you do not awaken at 6.00 a.m. Lumina's 2nd Heart event is a case in point. It may be better to pass out before midnight than to go to bed utterly exhausted! Although whenever you pass out from exhaustion, you will awaken fully refreshed, with 100/100 SR and 0/100 Fatigue, you may pay a price for this. If you pay close attention to your Gold Total, you may notice that you have lost up to 30,000G! In fact, if Murrey 'rescues' you, he will tell you, 'I think you dropped some money, moi'. This is a warning as to the potential cost of passing out. Even so, it may be more advantageous in some circumstances to pass out instead of awakening the next morning exhausted. Although Harvest Sprites will not be rescued if you pass out from exhaustion, there is an entire Harvest Team devoted to Recovery and some of the members are rescued when you eat a specific number of wild grasses as well as when you have used members of this Team to restore your energy a specific number of times. Wild grasses in general are good items to eat in order to recover your energy. Bodigizer and Turbojolt are medicines that will restore energy as well. They can be purchased from Van or made in your own kitchen. In fact, almost every item that you consume will have some effect on your SR and FR. Black grass is a wonderful source of energy and can be found in EVERY season in the Mines. I usually collect some to store for future use. If you look at the effect of crops on your energy, you will notice that most crops have the same effect but that each season, there are one or two crops that restore more energy than the others. In Spring, you should store Strawberries for energy renewal as they are not terribly valuable and restore more energy than the other Spring Crops. In Summer, the Pineapple is the most potent but as it is very valuable, you may wish to store Tomatoes instead. In Autumn, store Carrots for future use. Bamboo Shoots in Spring are another marvelous source of energy and they are not very valuable when shipped, so store those as well. Once you have a Kitchen, you will find that cooked dishes are far more potent in terms of SR and FR than raw ingredients. A medium fish is worth +3 Stamina -1 Fatigue. Sashimi which can be made without utensils using the same medium fish will give you +30 Stamina -3 Fatigue. That is 3x the value of the raw ingredient. It definitely is worth the trouble of preparing fish before you consume them! You can purchase a Truth Bangle at the Casino Window that when equipped, will give you your precise energy level in terms of SR and FR. This is most useful when you know you are almost exhausted and need to know what to eat or drink to restore your energy. Energy Use: Even if it appears that you are using no energy to perform an action, this is not the case. Each use of a tool decreases your Stamina by 2 points. Each use of the Teleport Stone decreases your Stamina by 2 points. In the Mines, whenever you fall down a hole, you use Energy when you do so. Make certain that your Stamina is NOT at zero before you move about in the Mine at all or you will pass out as soon as you fall down the next hole. If you go to bed late with low Stamina Resistance and High Fatigue, you may not awaken fully refreshed. When you pass out, you do awaken with SR and FR fully restored. There are advantages to passing out, but there are disadvantages as well. Once you have unlocked the Hot Springs near the Circus grounds, you will be able to use those to combat Fatigue. If you sit in the Hot Springs for an entire hour, you should be able to reduce your Fatigue to zero. Spending time in the Hot Springs will result in the rescue of Harvest Sprites as well. The Bathroom when built has a similar effect but the advantage of a Bathroom is that you need not leave your house in order to reduce your Fatigue. Water therapy has absolutely no effect on Stamina, however, so you will need to restore your Stamina by other means. Note that in terms of SR and FR, the quality of a crop or item is irrelevant. Level of crop or item is relevant only in terms of selling price. Size, however, does make a difference. A Level 8 Small Milk will have the same effect in terms of SR and FR as a Level 1 Small Milk but a Large Milk of any level will restore more Stamina. Cooked Items and Energy Values With respect to 'cooked' dishes, there may be both a basic recipe and a best recipe. The 'best' recipe contains optional ingredients that increase energy in terms of SR and/or FR. There is a trick that can be employed to enter only the Basic Recipe in your Recipe Book but to 'trick' the game into believing it is the 'Best Recipe'. To do this, you make the 'Best Recipe' once, but do not save the results. Details are given in the 'Tips and Tricks' section below. A cooked item always will give more energy in terms of SR and FR than any raw ingredient. Even the simple act of boiling an egg will increase the egg's value in terms of energy. A boiled egg gives: +20 Stamina -2 Fatigue. The same small egg when consumed raw gives only +3 Stamina -1 Fatigue. If you throw the egg into the Hot Spring, it will become a Spa Egg, giving: +4 Stamina -2 Fatigue. As you can see, it is best to make Spa Eggs if you do not have a Kitchen, but once you have a Kitchen and Pot, a Boiled Egg gives five times the Stamina of a Spa Egg. Another easy recipe that gives tremendous energy increase to an item is Baked Yam. A raw yam gives: +3 Stamina -1 Fatigue. Throw the Yam into the oven and it becomes a Baked Yam, giving: +40 Stamina -5 Fatigue. As you can see, simply baking the Yam not only multiplies the SR almost x11, but it multiplies the FR value x5! By studying the values of the cooked items listed below, you will see that some items are more powerful iin terms of SR and others more powerful in terms of FR. When preparing for a journey to the Mines or a strenous farming effort, therefore, you need to organise your 'provisions' or supplies in terms of both factors. A beverage like Hot Chocolate is a good choice if you find that you need to decrease Fatigue only by a few points. The 'best' version of a Curry or Stew is a great choice if you need to boost your SR more than 50 points but less than 100. In other words, there is no need to use the most powerful items if you monitor your SR and FR regularly. Simply use what you need. Bodigizer XL and Turbojolt XL as well as Elli Leaves can be conserved for real emergencies. You only waste them by using them indiscriminately. List of Items with SR and FR values Here are a list of items with the statistics for each in terms of Stamina and Fatigue. Where items are crops that can have higher levels, I tried to use the lowest, basic Level 1 version so as to give a value that any player could obtain. For example, if the recipe calls for a Cucumber, I tried to use a basic Cucumber, rather than using a Level 24 Cucumber. A higher level of crop will give a higher level of energy, BUT ONLY WHEN USED IN A COOKED DISH, so use the highest level possible when cooking. When consumed raw, there is no difference between a Level 1 Carrot and a Level 10 Carrot in terms of SR and FR. Use it in a recipe, however, and you will see a difference in the results. Remember that the game recognises each level of a crop as a separate item so if your recipe was written down using a basic item, the game will tell you that you have 'insufficient ingredients' if you no longer have that level of item. You then need to highlight the higher level of item if you wish the kitchen to use it. As stated previously, I have used the basic Level 1 crop in every case when possible to determine SR and FR. Once again, a higher level crop does NOT give higher energy when consumed raw, but only when used in a recipe. In a few cases, I no longer had the basic level in my refrigerator and had to use a Level 2 or Level 3 crop. If you obtain a slightly less effective result when you make a cooked dish than the result given below, that would be the reason. Items Available from Karen's Supermarket: Bread: +2 Stamina -1 Fatigue Rice Ball: +2 Stamina -1 Fatigue Chocolate: +2 Stamina -1 Fatigue Dumpling Mix: +1 Stamina +1 Fatigue Curry Powder: +1 Stamina +5 Fatigue Flour: +1 Stamina +1 Fatigue Oil: +1 Stamina +1 Fatigue Grape Juice: +7 Stamina -14 Fatigue Wine: +1 Stamina -5 Fatigue Items Available from the Wilds: Bamboo Shoot: +10 Stamina -1 Fatigue Black Grass: +5 Stamina -5 Fatigue Yellow Grass: -5 Stamina -4 Fatigue Purple Grass: +5 Stamina -2 Fatigue Green Grass: +0 Stamina -2 Fatigue Indigo Grass: +20 Stamina -1 Fatigue Blue Grass: +10 Stamina -1 Fatigue Red Grass: -10 Stamina +5 Fatigue Wild Grapes: +10 Stamina -2 Fatigue Fruits: Peach: +2 Stamina -3 Fatigue Spring Crops: Turnip: +3 Stamina -2 Fatigue Cucumber: +4 Stamina -1 Fatigue Potato: +3 Stamina -1 Fatigue Strawberry: +5 Stamina -2 Fatigue Cabbage: +3 Stamina -1 Fatigue Summer Crops: Tomato: +4 Stamina -1 Fatigue Onion: +3 Stamina -1 Fatigue Pineapple: +5 Stamina -2 Fatigue Pumpkin: +3 Stamina - 1 Fatigue Corn: +3 Stamina - 1 Fatigue Autumn Crops: Carrot: +4 Stamina -1 Fatigue Spinach: +3 Stamina -1 Fatigue Yam: +3 Stamina -1 Fatigue Eggplant: +3 Stamina -1 Fatigue Bell Pepper: +3 Stamina -1 Fatigue Dairy Products: Egg: +3 Stamina -1 Fatigue Spa Egg: +4 Stamina -2 Fatigue N.B. As you can see, you will gain by transforming your eggs into Spa Eggs at the Hot Spring. Spa Eggs are worth more than small eggs when shipped and are more powerful in terms of restoring energy levels than an ordinary egg. Once you have a Kitchen and a Pot, you will do better if you boil the egg, as a basic boiled egg gives: +20 Stamina -2 Fatigue. Milk (S): +2 Stamina -2 Fatigue Milk (M): +3 Stamina and -2 Fatigue Milk (L): +4 Stamina - 2 Fatigue Cheese (S): +5 Stamina - 1 Fatigue Cheese (M): +6 Stamina - 1 Fatigue Cheese (L): +7 Stamina - 1 Fatigue Medium Yoghurt +3 Stamina -2 Fatigue Large Yoghurt: +5 Stamina -2 Fatigue Fish: Small Fish: +3 Stamina -1 Fatigue Medium Fish: +3 Stamina -1 Fatigue Large Fish: +4 Stamina -1 Fatigue Medicines: Bodigizer: +50 Stamina (no effect on Fatigue) Bodigizer XL: +100 Stamina (no effect on Fatigue) Turbojolt: -50 Fatigue (no effect on Stamina) Turbojolt XL: -100 Fatigue (no effect on Stamina) Cooked Recipes: No Utensil Recipes: Sashimi: +30 Stamina -3 Fatigue Sushi: +40 Stamina -1 Fatigue Salad: +20 Stamina -5 Fatigue Raisin Bread: +30 Stamina -5 Fatigue Pickled Cucumber: +20 Stamina -5 Fatigue Pickled Turnip: +20 Stamina -5 Fatigue Bamboo Rice: +30 Stamina -1 Fatigue Mushroom Rice: +30 Stamina -1 Fatigue Matsutake Rice: +60 Stamina -1 Fatigue Sandwich: +40 Stamina -5 Fatigue Fruit Sandwich: +40 Stamina -5 Fatigue Frying Pan Recipes: Basic Stir Fry: +40 Stamina -1 Fatigue Best Stir Fry: +80 Stamina -9 Fatigue Basic Fried Rice: +40 Stamina -1 Fatigue Best Fried Rice: +55 Stamina -8 Fatigue Savoury Pancake: +50 Stamina -1 Fatigue Croquette: +20 Stamina -2 Fatigue French Fries: +30 Stamina -2 Fatigue Basic Popcorn: +30 Stamina -1 Fatigue Best Popcorn: +35 Stamina -1 Fatigue Cornflakes: +10 Stamina -2 Fatigue Happy Eggplant: +30 Stamina -2 Fatigue Basic Scrambled Eggs: +40 Stamina -3 Fatigue Best Scrambled Eggs: +46 Stamina -4 Fatigue Omelet: +50 Stamina -4 Fatigue Omelet Rice: +60 Stamina -4 Fatigue Curry Bread: +30 Stamina -2 Fatigue French Toast: +30 Stamina -2 Fatigue Doughnut: +30 Stamina -2 Fatigue Grilled Fish: +30 Stamina -1 Fatigue Fried Thick Noodles: +60 Stamina -2 Fatigue Fried Noodles: +60 Stamina -2 Fatigue Tempura: +20 Stamina -2 Fatigue Pancake: +20 Stamina -3 Fatigue Pot Sticker: +25 Stamina -1 Fatigue Risotto: +35 Stamina -1 Fatigue Basic Dry Curry: +25 Stamina -1 Fatigue Best Dry Curry: Pot Recipes: Hot Milk: +20 Stamina -10 Fatigue Hot Chocolate: +10 Stamina -15 Fatigue Wild Grape Wine: +1 Stamina -40 Fatigue Pumpkin Stew: +8 Stamina -1 Fatigue Fish Stew: +7 Stamina -1 Fatigue Rice Soup: +7 Stamina -5 Fatigue Porridge: +9 Stamina -10 Fatigue Stew: +30 Stamina -2 Fatigue Basic Boiled Egg: +20 Stamina -2 Fatigue Best Boiled Egg: Boiled Spinach: +20 Stamina -1 Fatigue Candied Potato: +8 Stamina -1 Fatigue Dumplings: +25 Stamina -1 Fatigue Strawberry Jam: +5 Stamina -5 Fatigue Basic Cheese Fondue: +40 Stamina -3 Fatigue Best Cheese Fondue: +45 Stamina -5 Fatigue Noodles: +40 Stamina -3 Fatigue Basic Curry Noodles: +60 Stamina - 3 Fatigue Best Curry Noodles: +78 Stamina -5 Fatigue Curry Rice (basic): +30 Stamina -2 Fatigue Curry Rice (better) with Green Pepper: +38 Stamina -2 Fatigue Curry Rice (even better): with Carrot, Green Pepper, Onion and Potato: +53 Stamina -2 Fatigue Curry Rice (best): with Medium Fish, Carrot, Green Pepper, Eggplant, Onion and Potato: +64 Stamina -2 Fatigue Orange Curry: +30 Stamina -2 Fatigue Yellow Curry: +25 Stamina -20 Fatigue Red Curry: +15 Stamina -0 Fatigue Indigo Curry: +70 Stamina -2 Fatigue Blue Curry: +45 Stamina -3 Fatigue Purple Curry: +40 Stamina -5 Fatigue Black Curry: +40 Stamina -20 Fatigue White Curry : +50 Stamina -30 Fatigue Rainbow Curry: +50 Stamina -100 Fatigue Relax Tea: +50 Stamina -50 Fatigue Relax Tea with White Grass: +51 Stamina -60 Fatigue Relax Tea with Black Grass: +53 Stamina -50 Fatigue Relax Tea with Black Grass and White Grass: +54 Stamina - 60 Fatigue Oven Recipes: Baked Yam +40 Stamina -5 Fatigue Best Baked Yam +42 Stamina -6 Fatigue Baked Corn: Best Baked Corn: +12 Stamina -1 Fatigue Cookie: +15 Stamina -5 Fatigue Chocolate Cookie: +30 Stamina -5 Fatigue Cake: +46 Stamina -11 Fatigue Basic Chocolate Cake: +70 Stamina -8 Fatigue Best Chocolate Cake: +76 Stamina -11 Fatigue Cheesecake: +50 Stamina -5 Fatigue Steamer Recipes: Steamed Bun: +20 Stamina -2 Fatigue Moon Dumpling: +40 Stamina -3 Fatigue Chinese Bun: +25 Stamina -2 Fatigue Steamed Egg: +30 Stamina -3 Fatigue Shaomai: +30 Stamina -3 Fatigue Curry Bun: +15 Stamina -2 Fatigue Steamed Dumplings: +15 Stamina -2 Fatigue Sponge Cake: +5 Stamina -3 Fatigue Cheese Steamed Bun; +25 Stamina -2 Fatigue Steamed Cake: +40 Stamina -8 Fatigue Pudding: +30 Stamina -8 Fatigue Pumpkin Pudding: +50 Stamina -10 Fatigue Mixer Recipes: Pineapple Juice: +5 Stamina -15 Fatigue Tomato Juice: +20 Stamina, - 20 Fatigue Basic Fruit Juice: +20 Stamina - 15 Fatigue (using a Strawberry) Basic Fruit Latte: +30 Stamina -15 Fatigue (using 1 Peach) Basic Vegetable Juice: +20 Stamina -20 Fatigue (when made with Cucumber) Best Vegetable Juice: +45 Stamina -35 Fatigue (when made with Cucumber, Tomato, Cabbage, Green Pepper, Onion, Carrot, Spinach, Turnip) Basic Vegetable Latte: +30 Stamina -20 Fatigue Best Vegetable Latte: +50 Stamina -33 Fatigue Basic Mix Juice: +50 Stamina -30 Fatigue (using 1 Cucumber, 1 Strawberry) Best Mix Juice: +71 Stamina -40 Fatigue (using Strawberry, Carrot, Onion, Tomato, Spinach, Cucumber, Cabbage, Green Pepper) Basic Mix Latte: +60 Stamina -20 Fatigue Best Mix Latte: +78 Stamina, - 33 Fatigue Tomato Juice: +20 Stamina -20 Fatigue Ketchup: +1 Stamina -0 Fatigue (So don't waste your ingredients making Ketchup if you intend to consume it by itself! You would do better to eat the raw onion and the raw tomato! Obviously, the game isn't being fair here with the ingredient values, but that it becuase it intends ketchup to be used only as an ingredient in other recipes like Pizza.) Fish Sticks Butter: +1 Stamina 0 Fatigue Peach Juice: +30 Stamina -10 Fatigue Drinks purchased at Blue Bar where you must consume them on the spot: Morning Mist: 400G (: +1 Stamina -30 Fatigue) Spring Time 400G (no effect on SR or FR) Summer Heat: 300G (+1 Stamina -20 Fatigue) Fall Colours: 300G (+1 Stamina -22 Fatigue) Winter Blast: 350G (+1 Stamina Fatigue: -20) Fresh Breeze: 300G (+2 Staimina -20 Fatigue) Bodiaid: 250G ( +1 Stamina -15 Fatigue) ABC: 350G (+3 Stamina -25 Fatigue) Moomoo Milk: 300G (Stamina: +1 Fatigue: -21)