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Quick Money Tip: A really quick way of making money that does not take much energy or time (for your character, but it can take quite a bit of YOUR time): Enter the Excavation Site and save your game immediately there. Dig for jewelry, but do not save your game. Simply note the squares where you found the jewelry. Now reload your game and go directly to the squares where you found the jewelry pieces, uncovering only those squares. Now save again. By leaving the Excavation Site and re-entering, you will create a totally new configuration and can repeat the process until you run out of energy. N.B. Going into one of the mines and coming out again will not change the floor configuration. You need to go outside. Apart from the fact that these items are popular not only with the eligible girls but with other villagers (like Ruby) as well, they can bring you considerable income. Here are the values of the items you can find in the Excavation Site in the first year with their shipping values: Sunblock (Spring Season): 43G Lotion (Summer Season): 45G Choker: 2000G Bracelet: 2000G Earrings: 2000G Brooch: 2000G There are other items such as Perfume that can be found here later in the game. Perfume appears in Year 6. N.B. You can make more of a profit on jewelry if you sell it to Van, as he will pay up to 3500G for any item of jewelry. Bear in mind always that any items sold to Van will not contribute to your shipping list or shipping totals. The Magic of Reloading: HM DS allows you to save anywhere on the map as long as you are not experiencing an event or holding an item in your hands. Save your game frequently and reload if you make an error or do not achieve the result you desire from any action. This tip is especially useful when you are gambling in the Casino. Especially at the start of the game, when your resources are few, it is best to save after each win and to reload without saving after any loss. This can be usedful at the Excavation Site or in the Mines as well. Although items are random, most often you will find an item in the same place where you found it before if you save before you dig or smash rocks, then reload your game and go directly to the spaces or stones where you found special items. Incidentally, if you have defeated all Dark Creatures on a specific floor, you should save your game instantly before you begin to search for any items. If you then reload your game, you need not fear that the Dark Creatures will 'respawn'. Weather Tip You can cheat the weather in this game in the same way as you do in FoMT/MFoMT. Simply save your game before you go to bed. When you awaken in the morning, watch the Weather Channel immediately. If a hurricane or snowstorm is predicted for the next day, reload without saving. It is useful always to save your game before you go to bed at night. Although most Events will occur on sunny days, there are a few that actually require rain. You can control the weather here as in other Harvest Moon games by reloading until you obtain the result you desire. Remember that Festival Days ALWAYS are sunny! Horse Tip When you have shipped 1000 items, Takakura will bring you a horse as a gift. In this version of HM, you can ship even weeds, branches and rocks. As you can place a stack up to 99 of any item in a single slot in your rucksack, it should not be too difficult to reach 1000 shipped items. Your Basket Buy a basket from Karen's Supermarket as soon as possible. Not only will you gain a Sprite for doing so, but you will be able to ship items faster. Go into a building in order to 'stop the clock' as time will not pass inside any building. Do all your rucksack sorting inside a building and place all items for shipment into the Basket while you are inside. In this game, whenever you dump the contents of your Basket into the Shipping Container, you will hear the sound of items falling into it, even when the Basket is empty. To see if your Basket has any items in it, simply take it in your hands and then open your Rucksack menu. There is an icon on the bottom left that will allow you to see the description of any item when you tap on it. You can tap on your basket to see how many items it contains. Cooked items can be shipped only if you have the Basket or the Cannery. They can be shipped directly through the Cannery, but if you do not have the Cannery, place them in the Basket and then dump them into any Shipping Container. Saving Time: Time will pass in Harvest Moon whenever you are outside any building. It passes even when you are inside the Mines, although it passes far more slowly underground than on the surface. As there are a limited number of hours in each day, one may not feel one has enough time to accomplish everything. Here are some ways to save time: 1. Use the Teleport Stone, the Fast Shoes or your horse to travel from one part of the Valley to another. Remember, however, that using the Teleport Stone may prevent you from experiencing some events. There are events that are triggered when one enters a particular screen from another screen. If one enters that screen using the Teleport Stone instead, the event therefore will not be triggered. Although the Teleport Stone is a marvelous accessory, try to walk from one end of the Valley to the other from time to time each season. 2. Use a Necklace to discover the position of any individual or wild item, then go directly to the spot on the map where that person or item is instead of losing time searching randomly. You can use your Necklace to perform activites that otherwise would consume a lot of time. For example, fishing is an activity that ordinarily takes hours, but if you fish from a building using a Necklace, no time will pass. (Remember that energy will be used when you use any tool. If you have a Necklace equipped in your Accessory Slot, this will prevent you from equipping any energy-saving or energy-restoring Accessory. There both are advantages and disadvantages, therefore, to the use of the Necklace to perform tasks.) Clearing weeds, wood or stone from public land is best accomplished with the Necklace as it otherwise would take too much time from the day. Remember only to restore your energy regularly in the course of this task. 3. Try NOT to access any Menu when you are outside. Go into the nearest building in order to place a gift in your hands or to look at any stats in a menu. There is more about this in the next section. Separating Items for Gifts Not only is it best to fill your Basket with items when you are inside a building, it is best to organise gifts there as well. Separate any items you wish to give a gifts while you are inside a building. You need to tap twice on the item with your stylus in order to separate one from the stack and place it in another slot. If you do not have an empty slot for the item, you will be unable to separate it. Another action that should be performed when you are inside a building is any change in equipment. Change tools while inside your farmhouse. Change from the teleport stone to the Love Bangle when you are inside a building, then change back to the Teleport Stone before you leave the building. Casino Tip: Every player has his/her own strategy with respect to the Casino. I personally believe that this game is not geared towards wealth as much as it is towards community and relationships. You can spend hours in the Casino amassing millions of medals, or you can spend the amount of time needed to win enough medals for your basic needs and then concentrate on other aspects of the game. This tip therefore will show you how to win enough medals to acquire a few items that, when sold to Van, will give you a good financial foundation. Once you have more money than you need, this tip will not be useful but at the start of the game, it is better to gamble conservatively as follows: Save your game when you reach the table, then bet the maximum of 10 medals at the game of your choice. I will use Poker here as an example, as you can make the most money using this method by playing Poker. If you have anything better than 1 pair, quit and save. If you have only 1 pair, play high and low as you will not have won any money. If you lose, reload your game without saving. The philosophy here is that it is better to increase your winnings steadily than lose any medals. If you take your winnings after the hand, rather than playing high and low with them, you will build up the Medal total faster in the long run. There is no gain if you win with a single pair, however, so this is the time when you should choose to play high and low. Playing high and low in any other circumstance can double your winnings, but it can cause you to lose as well. It is better to have a certain gain of 40 medals than a possible loss of 40. Once you have purchased everything you need from the Sprites and have 'money to burn', you can gamble freely and lose freely, but at the start, this is the best method to follow. Many players have written to me to the effect that it is easy to win thousands of medals by playing high and low in EVERY case. My point here is that it is better to gamble conservatively using the method I have given UNTIL you have won enough medals to purchase the Teleport Stone and the Love Bangle at least, as well as having sufficient medals to buy Cabbage Seeds and hire a team of Sprites. Once you have purchased these necessities, you can gamble freely with your medals. N.B. Bear in mind the fact that there is a 'billion gold' bonus available randomly from the Fishing Sprites. You can spend hours and hours in the Casino only to find that the Fishing Sprites have given you a billion in gold in a single day. Memory Game Tip: Here is another Casino tip, one that specifically applies to the Memory Game. If your memory is less than perfect, simply write down the location of the cards as they are uncovered. You should have no trouble winning the game if you do this. That will give you 40 Medals for each game you play.