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As in Magical Melody, there is an Island in this version of Harvest Moon that offers the promise of catching fish that cannot be found anywhere else. Unlike Magical Melody, however, you will be obliged to purchase the island from Thomas if you wish to take advantage of it. You must have 900,000,000G in order to be eligible as a buyer. When you have amassed this princely sum, Thomas will come to your house on the 1st day of the next season to ask you if you wish to purchase an Island. The Island is larger than its Magical Melody counterpart. In fact, it is large enough for a Vacation Villa. The boat in this game actually is functional once you have purchased the Island, unlike the boat moored at the pier in Mineral Town. Go to the boat and press A to obtain a prompt asking if you wish to travel to the Island. The boat then will transport you there. You can return from the Island either by using the boat again or by using your Teleport Stone. You cannot use the Teleport Stone to reach the Island only because it does not appear on your Map. The Vacation House or Cottage on the Island is rather spartan, but it does contain a bed. If you have the Teleport Stone, however, it probably will be more practical to return to your farmhouse when you are ready to go to bed.