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As in other Harvest Moon games, there are many different places where you can fish, and the fish that you will find depend not only on the level of your Fishing Rod but the location and season. In Harvest Moon DS, as in FoMT/MFoMT, the type of fish you catch is irrelevant in terms of your Shipping List. The Shipping List only recognises the size of fish. Van will not recognise different types of fish in this game either. He only will recognise size. In this respect, the game is very different from AWL/AnWL and Magical Melody. As in FoMT/MFoMT, you do have another list that does register every type of fish caught with your Fishing Rod. This is your Fishing List and catching every type of fish brings rewards. Your first basic Fishing Rod can catch Small and Medium Fish. You will not have a Fishing Rod at the start of the game, but must acquire it from Galen. To do so, visit his house between 12.00 noon and 1.00 p.m. on a sunny Saturday to experience an event with him wherein he will give you a Fishing Rod. Players of FoMT/MFoMT will recall a similar event with Zack and players of AWL/AnWL will recall that Galen in those games gave you a superior Fishing Rod. You cannot have a tool equipped when you visit him or you will not experience the event in Harvest Moon DS. Moreover, you must introduce yourself both to Galen and to Nina. Remember that you can fish from ANY building if you equip a Necklace. This prevents time from passing while you fish, as fishing tends to be an activity that is slow and takes hours. You need to equip the Necklace that corresponds with the level of your Fishing Rod if you wish to be able to charge the tool to maximum power. Obviously, you can save your game after catching a fish and then reload when you catch only rubbish. Casting your Fishing Rod will use two Stamina points, which means that you can conserve energy by saving only positive results. On the other hand, the game does track the number of boots, empty cans and branches that you catch as well as the good items. The only truly negative result of catching rubbish would occur if you throw it back into the sea. In fact, even throwing a fish back into the sea is considered littering in this game and you will lose FP with every one in the Valley if you do it. There is one occasion when you will be obliged to throw a small fish into the sea. If you wish to catch a Squid, one of the King Fish, you must throw a small fish into the water first. You will lose FP points for doing so, but you can regain them quickly, especially if you equip the large Friend Brooch every night before bed. In AWL and AnWL, there were specific times during the day when fishing would be at its best. It appears that this is the case in Harvest Moon DS as well. From 6.00 a.m. - 9.00 a.m. and from 5.00 p.m. to 9.00 p.m. appear to be the best times. In the middle of the day, very little is caught apart from an occasional small fish and rubbish. Obviously, the level of your Fishing Rod will affect results, but even using a Mythic Rod, one catches next to nothing decent during the middle of the day. Here are the Shipping values of Items that you can find using your Fishing Rod: Small Fish (all varieties) 50G Medium Fish (all varieties) 120G Large Fish (all varieties) 200G Fish Bones 1 G Empty Can 1G Boot 1G Branch 1G N.B. Van will pay up to 324G for a small fish and 637G for a medium fish. He will pay over 931 for a Large Fish. Special Items: Bottled Message (only in Spring from the ocean) 4G Pirate Treasure (only in Summer, fishing in the ocean) 10,000G Fish Fossil (only in Autumn, fishing in the ocean) 5,000G As you can see, you can make the most money by fishing in the Summer from the Beach area. Unfortunately, if you are not using a Blessed or Mythic Fishing Rod, you will not catch any Pirate Treasures or Fossils of Fish. The Blessed Fishing Rod is obtained when the curse is removed from the Cursed Fishing Rod. The Mythic Fishing Rod must be ordered from Grey, and cannot be made without a Mythic Stone. The Mythic Fishing Rod is made from the Mystrile Fishing Rod, but Mythic Stones will not appear until you have a full set of Blessed Tools. (Technically speaking, you can catch Pirate Treasures and Fish Fossils with a Cursed Fishing Rod, but the Cursed Tools use so much energy that it is not worth the effort to use them. Simple have them blessed before you use them.) You will not be able to find the Bottled Message until Leia's Heart Level is at Yellow. You can catch the Bottled Message with any Fishing Rod that is Mystrile Level or higher but you cannot charge the Rod to a higher level than Mystrille. In other words, if you are using the Mythic Rod, charge it only to Mystrile level. (When your character's face turns red and a small circle appears over it, you have charged it to Mystrile level. If an aura appears round his body, you have charged it too much!) Unlike FoMT and MFoMT, you will be able to catch more than one Bottled Message in this game. It is part of your Shipping List, so make certain to ship at least one Bottled Message as well as using one to trigger Leia's fourth and final Heart Event. As in many Harvest Moon games, you can catch King Fish in Harvest Moon DS. In Magical Melody, you actually can keep the King Fish, and cook them, eat them, give them as gifts or ship them. As in FoMT/MFoMT, in Harvest Moon DS, you cannot keep the King Fish that you catch. They are recorded in your Farm Achievements, however, and as in FoMT/MFoMT, you will have a picture of each type of King Fish that you catch. There are 51 different types of Fish, 7 other items that can be caught with the Fishing Rod and 6 different King Fish in Harvest Moon DS. As There are seven different fishing locations in Forget-Me-Not Valley where you can find specific varieties of fish. There are four seasons in Harvest Moon and most fish are seasonal. The level of Fishing Rod needed for each item found in the sea is as follows: Rubbish (empty tin, boot, fishbone, branch): any level of Fishing Rod Small Fish: any level of Fishing Rod Medium Fish: any level of Fishing Rod Large Fish: Gold Fishing Rod or higher Bottled Message: Mystrile Fishing Rod (can be higher level of rod, but cannot be charged above Mystrile level) (only in Spring) Fossil of Fish: Cursed, Blessed or Mythic Fishing Rod (only in Autumn) Pirate Treasure: Cursed, Blessed or Mythic Fishing Rod (only in Summer) Here is the full list of items in the order in which they are found in your Fishing list: Greenling Horse Mackerel Prawn Amago Trout Grunt Sardine Char Dace Eel Pale Chub Bonito Sole Filefish Gold Crucian Carp Silver Crucian Carp Sandfish Bighead Carp Salmon Mackerel Halfbeck Wahoo Saury Dorado Snapper Pollack Loach Darter Rainbow Trout Herring Silver Carp Sailfin Sandfish Halibut Blowfish Black Bass Yellowtail Bluegill Crucian Carp Okhostk Mackerel Tuna Sunfish Loinfish Rockfish Yamame Snakehead Pond Smelt Other Items: Empty Can Fishbones Boot Branch Pirate Treasure Fossil of Fish Message in a Bottle King Fish Huchen Angler Fish Spa Catfish Carp Coelacanth Squid Here is a list of all fish by season and location. The original Japanese names are given here as well where possible with their English equivalents. As I am not fluent in Japanese, I had some trouble with this. After the English listing of the fish, I am adding the largest size that can be caught. Fishing Team and your List: When you hire the Harvest Sprites to fish for you, they may catch a number of varieties of fish that you yourself have not caught yet. When this occurs, the name of the fish will appear in your Fishing List, as well as the number caught by the Fishing Team. What will not appear, however, is the size of the fish caught. In place of the size that ordinarily is included, you will see ??? instead. Incidentally, the level of fish caught by the Fishing Team is determined by the level of your own Fishing Rod but they may be able to catch fish or items that have not been unlocked for you. For example, if you have a Mystrile Fishing Rod in your first Spring, the Fishing Team may catch a Message in a Bottle. This then will appear not only in your Fishing List but in your Shipping List as well. If it does appear in your Shipping List, however, no description of it will be given until you yourself catch it. You will not be able to do this in the first Spring, as it is unlocked for you only when Leia's heart level reaches Yellow. HIRE THE FISHING TEAM IN WINTER TO OBTAIN THE BILLION GOLD BONUS FROM THEM. You need only have rescued 2 Fishing Team Sprites in order to obtain this bonus. It will give you the money you need to trigger the event with Thomas wherein he will offer to sell you an Island. Sizes: Small: up to and including 28 cm. Medium: from 29 cm to 50 cm. Large: from 50 cm to 1 m 75 cm All Fish Found in Spring: Freshwater Fish: Aburahaya: found at Waterfall and Upstream Amago Trout: found at Waterfall and Upstream Black Bass: found Downstream and at Turtle Pond Bluegill: found at Waterfall, Upstream, Downstream and at Turtle Pond Donjyou/Loach: found at Goddess Pond, Downstream and at Turtle Pond Donko: found at Waterfall, Upstream, Downstream and at Turtle Pond Ginbuna: found at Goddess Pond, Downstream and at Turtle Pond Hakuren: found Downstream and at Turtle Pond Herabuna: found at Goddess Pond, Waterfall and Turtle Pond Iwana: found at Goddess Pond, Waterfall, Upstream and at Turtle Pond Kinbuna: found at Goddess Pond, Downstream and at Turtle Pond Kokuren: found Downstream and at Turtle Pond Nijimas/Rainbow Trout: found at Waterfall and Upstream Oikawa: found Downstream and at Turtle Pond Raigyo: found at Goddess Pond, Downstream and at Turtle Pond Sayori: found Downstream Ugui: found at Goddess pond, Downstream and at Turtle Pond Unagi/Eel: found Downstream and at Turtle Pond Wakasagi: found at Goddess Pond and at Turtle Pond Yamame: found at Goddess Pond, Waterfall and Upstream Amago Trout: Waterfall, Upstream Bighead Carp (L): Turtle Pond Black Bass: Turtle Pond, Downstream Bluegill: Turtle Pond, Downstream, Waterfall Char: Goddess Pond (M) Crucian Carp: Turtle Pond, Goddess Pond Dace: Goddess Pond, Turtle Pond, Downstream Darter: Turtle Pond, Waterfall Eel: Downstream, Turtle Pond Gold Crucian Carp: Goddess Pond, Turtle Pond, Downstream Halfbeck: Downstream (This is an Ocean fish) Loach: Goddess Pond, Downstream, Turtle Pond Pond Smelt: Turtle Pond Prawn: Waterfall Rainbow Trout (L): Waterfall, Upstream Silver Crucian Carp: Turtle Pond, Goddess Pond Silver Carp (L): Downstream Snakehead (L): Goddess Pond, Turtle Pond Wahoo (L): Turtle Pond (Can be found in Ocean as well) Yamame: Goddess pond, Waterfall, Upstream N.B. Salmon cannot be found in Spring Saltwater Fish Ocean: Ainame, Aji, Buri/Yellowtail, Fugu/Blowfish, Hatahata/Sandfish, Hirame/Halibut, Hokke, Isaki, Karei/Sole, Kawahagi, Kui, Mebaru/Rock Fish, Minokasago, Nishin/Herring, Saba/Mackerel, Sawara, Sayori, Tai/Snapper, Tara Blowfish (M) Filefish (M) Greenling (M) Grunt (M) Halibut (L) Halfbeck (M) Herring (M) Horse Mackerel (M) Loin Fish (M) Okhostk Mackerel (M) Pollack (M) Rockfish (M) Sailfin Sandfish Sandfish (L) Sole (L) Wahoo (L) Yellowtail (L) Island: Buri/Yellowtail, Fugu/Blowfish, Isaki, Iwashi/Sardine, Karei/Sole, Katsuo/Bonito, Maguro/Tuna, Manbou, Minokasago, Tai/ Snapper, Tara Blowfish (M) Bonito (L) Grunt (M) Loinfish (M) Sardine (S) Snapper (L) Sole (L) Sunfish (L) Tuna (L) Yellowtail (L) All Fish Found in Summer: Freshwater Fish: Aburahaya: found at Waterfall and Upstream Amago Trout: found at Waterfall and Upstream Black Bass: found Downstream and at Turtle Pond Bluegill: found at Waterfall, Upstream, Downstream and at Turtle Pond Donjyou/Loach: found at Goddess Pond, Downstream and at Turtle Pond Donko: found at Waterfall, Upstream, Downstream and at Turtle Pond Ginbuna: found at Goddess Pond, Downstream and at Turtle Pond Hakuren: found Downstream and at Turtle Pond Herabuna: found at Goddess Pond, Waterfall and Turtle Pond Iwana: found at Goddess Pond, Waterfall, Upstream and at Turtle Pond Kinbuna/Gold Crucian Carp: found at Goddess Pond, Downstream and at Turtle Pond Kokuren: found Downstream and at Turtle Pond Nijimas/Rainbow Trout: found at Waterfall and Upstream Oikawa: found Downstream and at Turtle Pond Raigyo: found at Goddess Pond, Downstream and at Turtle Pond Sake/Salmon: found only Downstream Sayori: found Downstream Ugui: found at Goddess pond, Downstream and at Turtle Pond Unagi/Eel: found Downstream and at Turtle Pond Yamame: found at Goddess Pond, Waterfall and Upstream Amago Trout: found at Waterfall and Upstream, at Bridge (S) Bighead Carp: found Downstream (L) Black Bass: found at Turtle Pond and Downstream (M) Bluegill: found at Waterfall and Upstream, Downstream and Turtle Pond (S) Char: found at Goddess Pond (S) (M) Crucian Carp: found at Goddess Pond, Turtle Pond (M) Dace: found at Goddess Pond, Turtle Pond (M) Darter: Bridge, Downstream (S) Eel: Downstream, Turtle Pond (L) Gold Crucian Carp: found at Goddess Pond, Waterfall,Upstream, Turtle Pond and Downstream (S) Halfbeck: Downstream (M) Loach: Goddess Pond, Downstream and Turtle Pond (S) Pale Chub: Downstream (S) Prawn: found at Waterfall and Upstream (S) Rainbow Trout: found at Waterfall and Upstream (L) Roach: Goddess Pond (S) Salmon: found Downstream (M) (L) Silver Carp: found at Turtle Pond and Downstream (L) Snakehead: found at Turtle Pond (L) Sole: found at Turtle Pond (M) (S) (not only saltwater, evidently!) Yamame: found at Goddess Pond, Waterfall, Upstream and Bridge (M) Wahoo: found at Turtle Pond (L) N.B. Wakasagi cannot be found in Summer. Saltwater Fish: Ocean: Ainame, Aji/Saury, Isaki/Isaki, Karei/Sole, Kawahagi/Kawahagi, Kui/Sea Bass, Mebaru/Rockfish, Minokasago, Nishin/Herring, Saba/Mackerel, Sawara, Sayori/Halfbeak, Shiira/Dorado Dorado (L) Filefish Greenling (M) Grunt (M) Halfbeak (M) Herring (S) Horse Mackerel (M) Mackerel (M) Rockfish (M) Loin Fish (S) Sole (M or L) Wahoo (L) Island: Aji/Saury, Isaki, Iwashi/Sardine, Karei/Sole, Katsuo/Bonito, Maguro/ Tuna, Manbou, Mebaru, Minokasago, Nishin/Herring, Saba/Mackerel, Shiira/Dorado, Tai/Snapper Bonito (M) Dorado (L) Herring (M) Horse Mackerel (M) Loin Fish (M) Mackerel (M) Rockfish (M) Snapper (L) Sunfish (L) Tuna (L) All Fish Found in Autumn: Freshwater: Aburahaya: found at Waterfall and Upstream Amago: found at Waterfall and Upstream Black Bass: found Downstream and at Turtle Pond Bluegill: found at Waterfall, Upstream, Downstream and at Turtle Pond Donjyou/Loach: found at Goddess Pond, Downstream and at Turtle Pond Donko: found at Waterfall, Upstream, Downstream and at Turtle Pond Ginbuna: found at Goddess Pond, Downstream and at Turtle Pond Hakuren: found Downstream and at Turtle Pond Herabuna: found at Goddess Pond, Waterfall and Turtle Pond Iwana: found at Goddess Pond, Waterfall, Upstream and at Turtle Pond Kinbuna: found at Goddess Pond, Downstream and at Turtle Pond Kokuren: found Downstream and at Turtle Pond Nijimas/Rainbow Trout: found at Waterfall and Upstream Oikawa: found Downstream and at Turtle Pond Raigyo: found at Goddess Pond, Downstream and at Turtle Pond Sake/Salmon: found only Downstream Sayori: found Downstream Ugui: found at Goddess pond, Downstream and at Turtle Pond Unagi/Eel: found Downstream and at Turtle Pond Wakasagi: found at Goddess Pond and at Turtle Pond Yamame: found at Goddess Pond, Waterfall and Upstream Amago Trout: Waterfall Prawn: Waterfall Okhostk Mackerel: Turtle Pond Loach: Turtle Pond, Downstream Dace: Turtle Pond Gold Crucian Carp: Turtle Pond, Goddess Pond, Downstream Crucian Carp: Goddess Pond, Waterfall, Turtle Pond Silver Crucian Carp: Goddess Pond, Turtle Pond, Downstream Grunt: Goddess Pond Char: Turtle Pond, Waterfall Pale Chub Yamame: Goddess Pond, Waterfall Pond Smelt: Goddess Pond Black Bass: Turtle Pond and Downstream Saury: Turtle Pond Eel (L): Downstream Darter: Downstream, Waterfall Salmon (L): Downstream Snakehead (L): Turtle Pond Silver Carp (L): Turtle Pond Rainbow Trout (L): Waterfall Saltwater Fish: Ocean: Ainame, Aji/Saury, Isaki, Iwashi/Sardine, Karei/Sole, Kawahagi, Mebaru/Scorpion Fish, Minokasago, Nishin/Herring, Saba/Mackerel, Sayori/Halfbeak, Shiira/Dorado Dorado (L) Filefish Fish Fossil Greenling (M) Grunt (M) Halfbeck (M) Halibut (L) Herring (M) Horse Mackerel (M) Loin Fish (M) Mackerel (M) Okhostk Mackerel (M) (found both in saltwater and freshwater evidently) Rockfish (M) Sailfin Sandfish (S) Sandfish (L) Sardine (S) Saury (M Snapper (L) Sole (M, L) Island: Aji, Hatahata/Sandfish, Iwashi/Sardine, Katsuo/Bonito, Kui/Sole, Mabaru/Rockfish, Maguro/Tuna, Manbou, Minokasago, Nishin/Herring, Saba/Mackerel, Shiira/Dorado, Tai/Snapper Bonito (L) Dorado (L) Herring (S, M) Horse Mackerel (S, M) Loinfish (S, M) Mackerel (M) Sailfin Sandfish (S) Sandfish (L) Sardine (S) Snapper (L) Sole (M, L) Sunfish (L) Tuna (L) All Fish found in Winter: Aburahaya: found at Waterfall and Upstream Amago Trout: found at Waterfall and Upstream Black Bass: found Downstream and at Turtle Pond Bluegill: found at Waterfall, Upstream, Downstream and at Turtle Pond Donko: found at Waterfall, Upstream, Downstream and at Turtle Pond Ginbuna: found at Goddess Pond, Downstream and at Turtle Pond Hakuren: found Downstream and at Turtle Pond Herabuna: found at Goddess Pond, Waterfall and Turtle Pond Iwana: found at Goddess Pond, Waterfall, Upstream and at Turtle Pond Kinbuna: found at Goddess Pond, Downstream and at Turtle Pond Kokuren: found Downstream and at Turtle Pond Nijimas/Rainbow Trout: found at Waterfall and Upstream Oikawa: found Downstream and at Turtle Pond Ugui: found at Goddess pond, Downstream and at Turtle Pond Unagi: found Downstream and at Turtle Pond Wakasagi: found at Goddess Pond and at Turtle Pond Yamame: found at Goddess Pond, Waterfall and Upstream N.B. Loach, Raigyo, Salmon, Needlefish cannot be found in Winter Amago Trout: Waterfall Bluegill: Downstream Crucian Carp Waterfall, Goddess Pond, Turtle Pond Darter Waterfall, Downstream Eel (L): Turtle Pond Pond Smelt Waterfall, Goddess Pond, Turtle Pond Prawn Waterfall Yamame Waterfall, Goddess Pond Dace: Goddess Pond, Downstream, Turtle Pond Okhostk Mackerel: Turtle Pond Silver Crucian Carp: Goddess Pond Silver Carp (L): Turtle Pond, Downstream Gold Crucian Carp: Goddess Pond, Turtle Pond Wahoo: Turtle Pond (L) (found in Ocean as well) Saltwater Fish: Ocean: Ainame, Aji, Buri/Yellowtail, Fugu/Blowfish, Hatahata/Sandfish, Hirame, Hokke, Isaki, Iwashi/Sardine, Karei, Kawahagi, Kui, Mebaru, Minokasago, Nishin/Herring, Saba/Mackerel, Sawara, Tai, Tara Blowfish (M) Grunt Herring (M) Horse Mackerel (M) Okhostk Mackerel (M) Sailfin Sandfish (S) Sandfish (L) Sardine (S) Snapper (L) Wahoo (L) Yellowtail (L) Island: Aji, Buri/Yellowtail, Fugu/Blowfish, Hatahata/Sandfish, Iwashi/Sardine, Kui, Mabaru, Manguro, Manbou, Minokasago, Nishin, Saba/Mackerel, Tai/Snapper, Tara Blowfish (M) Herring (M) Horse Mackerel (M) Pollack (M) Sailfin Sandfish Sardine (S) Sandfish (L) Sunfish (L) Tuna (L) Yellowtail (L) King Fish: The King Fish have special requirements. Angler: can be found in the Ocean in Winter, Spring and Summer. To catch one, you must have caught at least 15 different types of Saltwater Fish Carp: Can be found in every season but Winter. To catch one, you must have caught 5 or more different types of Fish at the Waterfall. Huchen: Can be found in Turtle Pond in Winter and Spring. To catch one, you must have caught at least 10 different types of Fish from Turtle Pond Spa Catfish: Can be found in the Hot Spring only in Winter. To catch one, you must unlock the Hot Spring Squid: Can be found in the Ocean in Winter and Spring. To catch one, you must throw a small fish into the water. (One is reminded of the old proverb: 'Give a sprat to catch a mackerel.' Coelacanth: Can be found at the Island in all Seasons. To catch one, you must have caught 5 King Fish. Fishing Bonus This is a random event that can be experienced in any Winter season once you are able to hire the Sprite Fishing Team. Having hired them to fish for you in any location, you suddenly may acquire 1,000,000,000G. I believe that the purpose of this is to aid you in purchasing the Island where the best fish are to be found. If you are able to keep your total at least at 900,000,000G, when the first day of the next season arrives, Thomas will offer to sell the Island to you. The Island is a necessary purchase if you wish to complete your Fishing List. There is more information about strategies for using your wealth to maximum advantage in the section on life as a Billionaire. Incidentally, even if you have rescued only 2 Sprites from the Fishing Team, you can obtain the Bonus by hiring them in Winter.