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Carpenter Gotz: Open 11.00 a.m. - 4.00 p.m. Closed on Saturday Building Upgrades As in most Harvest Moon games, Gotz is a pivotal character, who is in charge of all building construction and upgrades. You can purchase the materials from him if you have not been diligent in collecting them, or you can gather the materials yourself. There is a tremendous difference in cost between a building that requires the purchase of materials as well and one for which you provide the materials. You cannot go far without Gotz, as livestock and poultry require shelter and your farmhouse must be upgraded if you wish to marry. If you have aspirations with respect to farming excellence, you will wish to build a Basement and a Mushroom House as well. A Mushroom House is a small hut where Mushrooms can be grown. There are three varieties of Mushrooms in this game: the wild Matsutake Mushroom and poisonous Toadstool and the Shitake Mushroom. Seeds for the Shitake Mushroom can be purchased from Vesta once you have built a Mushroom House. Seeds for the wild mushrooms must be produced in the Seedmaker. You can order a Mushroom House without having expanded your House. Up to three Basements can be built beneath your house, but only when you have expanded your house twice. Basements require access through a stairwell in the southeast corner of your house, which means that the house has to be the largest size possible. Each basement is successively more expensive to build. Without a 'Sun', no crops can be grown in any basement but Gotz will give you a random Sun for each basement he builds. If you save your game before you exit the house on the morning that the Basement is completed, you can reload the game if you do not receive the specific Sun you need. Suns are specific to season. A Spring Sun is needed to grow Spring Crops; a Summer Sun is needed for Summer crops and a Fall Sun is needed for Autumn crops. It is possible that the Winter Sun when kept in one Basement during the other Seasons of the year will improve the levels of crops grown elsewhere. You can buy all types of lumber from Gotz, including Golden Lumber as well as ordering any buildings and upgrades, provided you have met the requirements for those upgrades. When you have not met the basic requirements for any building or upgrade, it will not appear in the menu. Gotz's prices for lumber are as follows: Wood Lumber: 50G Stone Lumber: 200G Golden Lumber: 100000G These are his prices for a single piece of Lumber. When you telephone Gotz to order an upgrade, in most cases he will ask you first: Which material should we use? Your options will be: Fodder Lumber Stone Golden Lumber Never mind. When you have made your choice, he will declare: We can get renovation material here. What do you want to do? Your options: Prepare the material myself. Buy the material too. Cancel. The reason I am including this dialogue is because players often are confused when they believe they have sufficient materials in their possession but Gotz tells them that they do not have the Lumber required for the upgrade. The fact of the matter is that Gotz will not recognise any Lumber in your possession unless it is stored in the appropriate Lumber Shed. If an upgrade requires 300 pieces of lumber and you have 300 pieces of Lumber in your Rucksack or Shelf but do not have a Lumber Shed, Gotz will tell you that you have no Lumber for the project. Remember that there is a separate shed for each type of Lumber. Wood Lumber requires a Wood Lumber shed. Stone Lumber requires a Stone Lumber Shed and Golden Lumber requires a Golden Lumber shed. Fodder is kept in a Silo. Please bear in mind the fact that your house is made of Stone and any expansion to the house itself must be made with Stone Lumber. The Pond must be built from Stone as well. You cannot use Wood Lumber to expand your house, although you can use it to build other buildings. Here are some of the prices for Buildings and Upgrades: 1st House Expansion: Requires 200 pieces. If you provide the materials, it will cost 3000G to build using Stone. If you purchase materials and labour, it will cost 43,000G. N.B. You need to have the Round Table from the Shopping Channel before you will be able to expand your House for the first time. Note that the House expansion must be constructed of Stone Lumber. No other options exist. If you have only Wood Lumber, it cannot be used for any house expansion! 2nd House Expansion: Requires 700 pieces. If you provide the materials, it will cost 10,000G. If you purchase the materials, it will cost 150,000G. N.B. Once Gotz has expanded your house once, the option to expand it again will become available. Note again that the house expansion must be constructed of Stone Lumber. No other options exist. Incidentally, when you expand your house for the second time, the Shopping Channel will offer the Big Bed as the next item offered. If you expand your house twice before you have purchased a Refrigerator or Shelf from the Shopping Network, you will find that you must buy the Big Bed next even if you have not met any other requirements for marriage. Most players prefer to have a Refrigerator, Shelf and even a Kitchen before they buy a Big Bed. If this is the case, do not expand your house for the second time until the Shopping Network has offered the Refrigerator, Shelf and Kitchen. Bathroom: Requires 580 pieces. Cost depends on material used. Prices as follows: Grass: 3000G Cost of labour and materials: 4160G Wood: 30,000G Cost of labour and materials: 32,000G Stone: 60,000G Cost of labour and materials: 176,000G Golden Lumber: 600,000G Cost of labour and materials: 58,600,000G Toilet: Requires 400 pieces. Cost depends on material used. Prices as follows: Grass: 2000G Cost of labour and materials: 2800G Wood: 20,000G Cost of labour and materials: 40,000G Stone: 40,000G Cost of labour and materials: 120,000G Golden Lumber: 400,000G Cost of labour and materials: 40,400,000G 1st Basement: Requires 999 pieces. Cost depends on material used. Prices as follows: Grass: 10,000G Cost of labour and materials: 30,000G Wood: 100,000G Cost of labour and materials: 150,000G Stone: 200,000G Cost of labour and materials: 400,000G Golden Lumber: 2,000,000G Cost of labour and materials: 102,000,000G 2nd Basement: Requires 999 pieces. Cost depends on material used. Prices as follows: Grass: 50,000G Cost of labour and materials: 70,000G Wood: 500,000G Cost of labour and materials: 550,000G Stone: 750,000G Cost of labour and materials: 950,000G Golden Lumber: 7,500,000G Cost of labour and materials: 107,550,000G 3rd Basement: Requires 999 pieces. Cost depends on material used. Prices as follows: Grass: 200,000G Cost of labour and materials: 220,000G Wood: 2,000,000G Cost of labour and materials: 2,050,000G Stone: 3,000,000G Cost of labour and materials: 3,200,000G Golden Lumber: 30,000,000G Cost of labour and materials: 130,000,000G Bird Barn (maximum four birds): Requires 420 pieces. Cost depends on material used. Prices as follows: Grass: 500G Cost of labour and materials: 8900G Wood: 5000G Cost of labour and materials 26,000G Stone: 10,000G Cost of labour and materials: 94,000G Golden Lumber: 100,000G Cost of labour and materials: 42,100,000G Animal Barn (maximum 4 animals): Requires 500 pieces. Cost depends on material used. Prices as follows: Grass: 680G Cost of labour and materials: 10,680G Wood: 6800G Cost of labour and materials: 31,800G Stone: 13,000G Cost of labour and materials: 101,300G Golden Lumber: 130,000G Cost of labour and materials: 50,130,000 Duck Pond: Requires 600 pieces and must be made of stone. Stone: 100,000G Cost of labour and materials: 220,000G Silo (for fodder): Requires 100 pieces: Cost depends on material used. Prices as follows: Grass: 200G Cost of labour and materials: 2200G Wood: 2000G Cost of labour and materials: 7000G Stone: 4000G Cost of labour and materials: 24,000G Golden Lumber: 40,000G Cost of labour and materials: 10,040,000G N.B. Until you have a Silo, you will be forced to store all fodder in your Rucksack or Shelf. Once you have a Silo, all Fodder will be placed automatically in the Fodder Bin in your Animal Barns where you can access it in order to place it in the individual mangers for each animal. Mushroom House: Requires 300 pieces: Cost depends on material used. Prices as follows: Fodder: 1000G Cost of labour and materials: 7000G Wood: 10,000G Cost of labour and materials: 25,000G Stone: 20,000G Cost of labour and materials: 35,000G Golden Lumber: 200,000G Cost of labour and materials: 30,200,000G Maker Barn: Requires 360 pieces. Cost depends on material used. Prices as follows: Fodder: 3000G Cost of labour and materials: 10,200G Wood: 20,000G Cost of labour and materials: 48,000G Stone: 60,000G Cost of labour and materials: 132,000G Golden Lumber: 600,000G Cost of labour and materials: 36,600,000G Wood/Stone Bin: Requires 100 pieces. Cost depends on material used. Prices as follows: Fodder: 200G Cost of labour and materials: 2200G Wood 2000G Cost of labour and materials: 7000G Stone: 4000G Cost of labour and materials: 24,000G Golden Lumber: 40,000G Cost of labour and materials: 10,040,000G Golden Lumber Bin: Requires 100 pieces. Cost depends on material used. Prices as follows: Fodder: 2000G Cost of labour and materials: 4000G Wood: 20,000G Cost of labour and materials: 25,000G Stone: 40,000G Cost of labour and materials: 60,000G Golden Lumber: 400,000G Cost of labour and materials: 10,400,000G Vacation House: Requires 999 pieces. Cost depends on material used. Prices as follows: Fodder: 1,000,000G Cost of labour and materials: 1,020,000G Wood: 10,000,000G Cost of labour and materials: 10,050,000G Stone: 20,000,000G Cost of labour and materials: 20,200,000G Golden Lumber: 200,000,000G Cost of labour and materials: 300,000,000G N.B. Once you have a Bird Barn and Animal Barn, you will be able to order a Mushroom Shed, a Maker Shed and/or Pond. You need not have expanded your house to order these buildings. Your Building List To access your Building List, tap on the icon of the house in your Farm Menu. You then will be able to see all the Buildings you currently possess. Next to the icon itself is a number that represents the total of all the types of buildings Gotz has constructed for you. If you have built every possible type of building, including all upgrades, the list should be as follows: House Lv 3 Animal Shed x (whatever number of sheds currently are on your property) Bird Shed x (whatever number of sheds currently are on your property) Silo Lumber Shed Stone Shed Gold Lumber Shed Mushroom Shed Maker Shed Cottage Bathroom Toilet B1 B2 B3 Pond The type of material used to construct each building will be shown by an icon next to the name of the building. The most durable material that is not exorbitantly expensive is Stone. If you can afford stone, use it for any building that you intend to keep permanently. Toilet and Bathroom Incidentally, the Toilet and Bathroom have no function whatsoever in terms of restoring Stamina and/or reducing Fatigue. You will need to order them if you wish to complete your Building List, but their actual usefulness is nil. Using either one does consume time. If you enter the bathroom, you will use 30 minutes of time. If you enter the Toilet, you will re-emerge after 10 minutes have elapsed. Pond: If you wish to be able to raise or keep ducks, you must order a Pond from Gotz. After it is completed, Popuri will be willing to sell ducks to you. If you have any desire to wed a mermaid, you will need a Pond as well. Leia will not accept your marriage proposal if your farm lacks a Pond, as she needs to live in water. Even if you experience all four of her heart events and have met all other ordinary requirements for marriage, Leia will refuse your proposal unless you have a Pond. Another reason to have the Pond built is because a Sprite can be rescued when you fish at the Pond. The Pond Manual in your bookcase will inform you: Store fish you catch here. Fish in here soon grow larger and multiply. As you can put in fish and take them out when you wish, it's great to use. Vacation House or Cottage You will not be able to build a Vacation House or Cottage unless you own the Island. Once you have purchased the Island from Thomas, the option to build a Vacation House on it will become available. The house when built is rather small and contains very little. It does have a bed, however, so you can sleep on the island if you wish. Dining Out: As in other Harvest Moon games, there always are places to go to meet people and restore your energy by eating or drinking, and this game is no exception. The two places where you can purchase food and beverages are the Blue Bar and Kai's Concession Stand. Kai is in town only during the Summer months but the Blue Bar is open in every season. If you wish to advance your friendship with every one, you will find that the Lobby of the Inner Inn and the Blue Bar are places where people gather on a regular basis. You will find different groups in each location on different days and at different hours. On rainy days, you will find most of the eligible girls in the Lobby of the Inner Inn.