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Harvest Sprites as well as the Harvest Goddess are integral to all Harvest Moon games. They serve different functions in different games. In AWL/AnWL, they do not ever perform any farm tasks for you and apart from assisting at the naming of your Animals and providing you with the Blue Feather, they really have no function in the game. In Magical Melody, they basically spend all their time at the Goddess Spring, playing instruments and dancing for the Harvest Goddess, guarding her even when she has been turned to stone. In FoMT/MFoMT, the Harvest Sprites serve as farm labour, and are critical to your success as a farmer. If you befriend them, they will water your crops and harvest them and care for your animals. Sprites in FoMT/MFoMT are hired individually, however. In the DS Harvest Moon, there are a total of 101 Sprites, divided into teams. They must be rescued from the other world to which the Witch Princess sent them before you even can meet them. Once they are rescued, each belongs to a Team. Some Teams will work for you on your farm, or aid with fishing and gathering. One Team works at the Sprite Company Tree, where you will find the Casino. Another Team is in charge of the Sprite Television Station, including the Shopping Network. 7 teams consist of 12 members each. The remainder are divided between 3 Teams. There is one Team that consists of a single member. Many Sprites can be rescued only by performed a specific task or reaching a specific total. You will not be able to rescue these Sprites early in the game. I have written a guide that lists all 101 Sprites with the requirements for rescuing each that includes a section listing the 60 easiest Sprites to rescue. You can find it at: Harvest Moon DS 101 Sprites Guide Rescuing all 101 Sprites is one of the primary goals in this Harvest Moon game. In this sense, it resembles Magical Melody and the goal of finding all 100 Magical Notes. In Magical Melody, the Musical Notes simply were a reward for performing a specific task or attaining a specific goal. In this game, the Sprites whom you rescue will have tasks to perform, and many Teams actually will be able to work for you in different capacities. Unlike FoMT/MFoMT, Sprites when hired are hired as a Team and the usefulness of the Team depends partly on its level of experience as well as the number of Team Members that have been rescued. Some Sprites will be rescued when you investigate an object and press the A button. Other Sprites will be rescued when you have performed a specific number of tasks or achieved specific goals in the game. By being successful in farming, ranching, gathering wild items, fishing and mining, you will rescue more Sprites. As in other Harvest Moon games, Sprites all like to receive gifts, and although each has his own 3 'Most Favourite' items and 3 'Most Detested' items, all Sprites like flour. If you give a Sprite a box of flour, his Friendship level will increase by +3 points. If you give him another box in the same day, it will raise his Friendship level by +2. You either can give a Sprite a gift when you encounter him on the map, or you can send it to him in a parcel. In this game, there is a separate postbox for every Team of Sprites that is eligible to work for you. The postboxes are located in the foyer of the Sprite Company Tree. You can give gifts to the individual members of the team by accessing his Team postbox. You will be given an option to choose the quantity of the item you select as a gift. Remembering a Sprite's birthday with a special gift will multiply the FP value of that gift by 5. Sprites who are your friends will work more efficiently than those who are not. A list of all birthdays is included in the 101 Sprites Guide. Most Favourite and Most Detested Items will be included as well as time permits. Tip: Make certain that you visit the Sprite Company Tree at least once each week and take enough flour to give one box of flour to each Sprite who has been rescued and who is part of a Team with a postbox. Go from postbox to postbox giving each Sprite one flour. Even if you do not pay attention to the Calendar of Birthdays, you should be able to raise the heart levels of all Sprites gradually. Actually, you can send up to 99 of any item to a Sprite using the Sprite Postal Box service. Sending 99 Flours to any Sprite will raise that Sprite's heart level by four hearts. Send two stacks of 99 Flours to gain 8 hearts with the Sprite. When you have befriended all Sprites, the Sprite Company Tree will extend its opening hours. Sprite Stations You do not need a television in order to watch the Sprite Channels but you do need to find the various Sprites that control them. The Shopping Channel, a necessity if you wish to upgrade your House, cook and marry, is aired on Channel 2 of the Sprite Station. You can buy a television from Van as well as a DVD player and DVDs of shows that are aired in Mineral Town in FoMT and MFoMT. The Sprite Stations are accessed through your Menu, however. Each of the Sprite Stations has a different function. Channel 1 will give you the Weather Forecast for the following day. Channel 3 will give you information about all the Sprites. This information, which includes their birthdays, can be found in my 101 Sprites Guide. The Sprite Stations are: Channel 1: Weather Forecast for the following day; controlled by Mercury. Available from start of game. Channel 2: Shopping Network; controlled by Venus. Only one item available each week for purchase with gold. Must have korobos to purchase others. Unlocked by purchasing an item for 10 days from Karen's Supermarket. Channel 3: Sprite Profiles: Gives you information on rescuing Sprites as well as profiles of individual Sprites; controlled by Earth. Unlocked by rescuing 20 Sprites. Channel 4: Farming Information; controlled by Mars. Unlocked by shipping 300 of one type of crop or ranch product (does not include processed items) Channel 5: Music Station; controlled by Jupiter. Allows you to choose background music; controlled by Unlocked when you purchase 5 records from Jet. Channel 6: News Channel. Announces seasonal events; controlled by Saturn. Unlocked when you have actively participated in 3 Festivals. Eating a dish prepared by Kai at the Beach Festival counts, so if you enter a Chicken in the Chicken Festival and a Cow in the Cow Festival, Saturn will appear the morning after the Cow Festival. Channel 7: Variety Channel; controlled by Uranus. A different episode of 'Rookie Detective Kanako' airs each week. Unlocked when you raise a character's FP to 100. Channel 8: Farm Tutorials; controlled by Neptune. Available from start of game. Channel 9. Quiz Show; controlled by Pluto. This is the Channel where prizes can be won. Unlocked by shipping 100,000 of one type of item, either crop or ranch item (does not include processed items) produced on your farm. The easiest way to unlock this one is by using the Ranch Bonus trick to obtain 100 bottles of milk repeatedly from the same animal each day and shipping them immediately, doing this daily until you reach the required total. Channel 2: Shopping Network: This is one of the most vital Channels to unlock. Without the Shopping Network, you will be unable to expand your house, buy a Kitchen or kitchen accessories and finally, buy the Big Bed that is a requirement for marriage. You unlock this Channel by buying at least one item from Karen's Supermarket every day that the market is open for 10 days. If you begin on the very first day of gameplay, the Channel will be unlocked on Saturday, 14 Spring. That is the earliest possible day to unlock the Shopping Network. When the Shopping Channel is unlocked, you must access the Channel to see what item is offered. The Shopping Channel only offers one item for humans each week. The rest of the week is devoted to items offered only to Harvest Sprites. The ridiculous items offered to Harvest Sprites cannot be purchased by you, as you never have access to 'korobos', the currency used by the Harvest Sprites. They exist merely as a form of entertainment. This is an old Natsume joke, found in other Harvest Moon games as well. The first item offered by the Shopping Network should be the Beauty Box. Buy it. In fact, buy all items offered by the Network. Each has an important function in the game. The Beauty Box is a storage place for all accessories. As you continue to play, you will acquire quite a few accessories. Even in the early stages of the game, the TouchGlove and your Necklaces can be stored in the Beauty Box. Your Truth Bangle, Love Bangle and Teleport Stone can be stored there as well if you need space in your rucksack. I usually keep the Truth Bangle, Love Bangle and Teleport Stone in my rucksack at all times, but if you have not purchased the Largest Rucksack from Karen's Supermarket, you will have few empty slots in your rucksack for items. In any case, the Beauty Box is a useful item to have and if you purchase it, the next item offered should be the Coffee Table. Despite its ostensible unimportance, the Coffee Table is a vital item to acquire if you wish to expand your house. Until it is delivered, you will not find any option for house expansion from Gotz. Once you have the Coffee Table, the option to expand your house will appear. When your house has been expanded for the first time, the Refrigerator, Shelf and Kitchen will become available in succession from the Shopping Network. If you do not expand your house, however, these items will not become available until you do. The Shopping Channel offers one item each week, but you cannot order the item from the Channel. To order the item, you must use your telephone to ring the Shopping Network. Make certain that you order the item the same day you watch the Channel in order to prevent delay in the offer of the next item. The next item will be offered a full week after you order the previous item, so delay in ordering an item will result in delay for the appearance of the next item. Once you have ordered the item offered by the Shopping Channel in any week, items solely for the Harvest Sprites will be advertised for the remainder of that week. Some of the offerings are: Rumbling Cinch Dash It's that time again today. It's time for the show that introduces the items used by Harvest Sprites. Shocking, dismaying catalogue living! It's Harvest Shopping Network 2! Anybody can slim down easily with today's product. It's the Rumbling Cinch Dash. Just wrap the belt around your stomach, flip the switch and the belt will start to vibrate. The same effect as working your abdominals!! There's more.You used to get the effect of just 8,000 crunches in 3 minutes. But with the Dash, it's like doing 12,00 crunches in only 3 minutes... After all that vibration, you won't be feeling well. In fact, you won't want to eat at all. Today, this product is a mere... 181,000K. We only accept korobos for this product, so those of you who use as different currency can't buy it. Sorry! Survival Kit X It's that time again today. It's time for the show that introduces the items used by Harvest Sprites. Shocking, dismaying, catalogue living! It's Harvest Shopping Network 2! Today we're introducing 'Survival Kit X'. It will really come in handy when you're camping! This is a kinfe, a spoon, a can opener, everything you need for camping, all bundled into one product. With this you're ready to go anywhere. In addition to the fork, bottle opener, lighter, clock, canned food, pillow, digital camera , playing cards and pole, we've souped this product up with clothes pins, hangers, saw and a pager. It used to be the size of one cow and now it's the size of three cows! You could stay alive for a week at a place like Snow Mountain. To today a mere 235,000K. We only accept korobos for this product, so those of you who use a different currency can't buy it. Sorry! Helemcopter H2 It's that time again today. It's time for the show that introduces the items used by Harvest Sprites. Shocking, dismaying, catalogue living! It's Harvest Shopping Network 2! It is perfect for going here and there. Today let me introduce Helemcopter H2. Simply put the helmet on your head and the rotor on top begins to turn. Soon you'll be flying through the sky! But this is the H2 so it's even bertter!! In the past you could only use solar energy, but nnow you can use batteries to power this product! Only the special batteries are so heavy that you can't fly at all! This product is now going for only only 466,000K. We only accept korobos for this product, so those of you who use a different currency can't buy it. Sorry! Elasto Scissors ERZ It's that time again today. It's time for the show that introduces the items used by Harvest Sprites. Shocking, dismaying, catalogue living! It's Harvest Shopping Network 2! Today I'd like to introduce Elasto Scissors ERZ. Nothing'd be more convenient for caring for tall trees. There are scissors attached ot the tip of the magic hand. It lengthens, so you can care for even the tallest trees without having to climb them. Before it was only 5 metres long. But we've increased it 100 times to 500 metres. This will reach any tree! There's more! This product weighs 1 ton. You'll care for your trees and get buff all at once. You'll soon be getting lots of dates! This kind of product for only 508,000K. We only accept korobos for this product, so those of you who use a different currency can't buy it. Sorry! Handy Cleaner V3 It's that time again today. It's time for the show that introduces the items used by Harvest Sprites. Shocking, dismaying catalogue living! It's Harvest Shopping Network 2! It's a compact, convenient vacuum cleaner. Today we introduce the Handy Cleaner V3'. You can use it with a battery or plug it in. We call it handy becuase you can hold it with just one hand! With this proeduct it's easy to clean anywhere you want. The motor in the last version was the 'black hole'. But we've adopted the new and improved 'white hole'. It's sucking power is greater by far! This product goes for just 4,808,000K. Secret Saver XX It's that time again today. It's time for the show that introduces the items used by Harvest Sprites. Shocking, dismaying, catalogue living! It's Harvest Shopping Network 2! Today I introduce the 'Secret Saver XX!!' (Double X). With it, any one can save money anytime! All you have to do is place this product under your wallet. It will automatically take your money out, and without doing a thing your money will pile up! Left alone it will take all the money from your wallet, all wallets in your house, and before long all of the wallets in your city! But now, we've expanded the range by 100 kilometres. The money really piles up! A product like this for only 748,000K. As you can see, the items are not practical at all but the descriptions are very amusing. Channel 5: Music Station: Although you have a record cabinet, you will not be able to use your own record player in this game. Instead, you must access Sprite Station Channel 5 if you wish to listen to one of the records you have purchased. You will see a small record icon on the left side of the screen. Tap on it for a list of your records, then highlight one to listen to it. Announcement: Music is wonderful! Music pumps me up! Description of Records: Spring Song: 'Harvest Moon': A spring song. Town Spirit: 'Harvest Moon': The event song. Flower Bud Fall: 'Harvest Moon 2: A fall song. 64 Memories: 'Harvest Moon 2: Opening Theme. Marine Jazz: Harvest Moon for Girl: Opening Theme. Butterfly: Harvest Moon for Girls: The love event song. Summer Memories: 'Save the Homeland': A summer song. Joy of Fall: 'Save the Homeland' : A fall song. Quiet Winter: 'A Wonderful Life': Farm (Fall/Winter) song. Griffin Blue: 'A Wonderful Life': Sad evening songs in Blue Bar. Spring HM: 'Friends of Mineral Town': A spring song. Summer HM: Friends of M.T.' A summer song. Autumn HM: 'Friends of M.T.' A fall song. Winter HM: 'Friends of M.T.' A winter song. Last Dance: 'Friends of M.T.' Ending theme. Record List in HM Cards: Here is the list as it appears in your Harvest Moon cards: Spring Song Town Spirit Flower Bud Fall 64 Memories Marine Jazz Butterfly Summer Memories Joy of Fall Quiet Winter Griffin Blue Faraway You're Like a Flower Snow Smile Sad Grant Cheerful Gustafa Jolty A Wonderful Life Friends of M.T. Walk Harvest Samba Spring H.M. Summer H.M. Autumn H.M. Winter H.M. Last Dance Channel 9: This is the most difficult channel to unlock but if you use the Ranch Bonus trick to obtain 100 bottles of milk repeatedly, you should be able to reach the required 100,000 shipped item total by the end of your first year or early in the second year. When you have shipped 100,000 items of the same kind (100,000 Small Milk rather than 100,000 Milk of all sizes), you first will receive a visit from the Harvest Goddess. She will say: Harvest Goddess: Tadaaaa!! The number of Milk S shipments just passed 100,000. Congratulations! That's all I have to say. I don't have a special present for you. See you!' You then need to ship one more item in order to rescue the last Sprite Station Sprite, Pluto. You then will experience the following: Pluto: Hello? Can you hear me? Hey! We're on! I'm Pluto and I'm in charge of the 'Ranch Quiz' for the Harvest Sprite Station! I made it back thanks to you, Freyr! This is a programme where you, Freyr, answer a quiz about Harvest Moon! If you get all the questions right... Well, you'll have to wait and see after you answer them all correctly! See you later!' You must access the station again to be introduced to the Quiz game. Pluto: On this show you answer the quiz and get luxury goods. And now the question. It's a question from... Pluto then will name a specific Harvest Moon game and ask one question about it. The questions are fairly simple if you are familiar with other Harvest Moon games, but if you never played other Harvest Moon games, you will have trouble with them. I have listed a few of the questions with the correct responses for those who have not been fortunate enough to play FoMT/MFoMT or AWL/AnWL. A question from H.M. Friends of Mineral Town: What is the name of the flower that Ellen wanted to see? White Flower. H.M. A Wonderful Life: What milk do you get from a cow that has just given birth? Mother's Milk. AWL: In the past, Wally was a competitor in what event? Marathon. AWL: What plant that lives at the Takakura house hybrids crops for you? Tartan. AWL: What is Chris' job? News anchor. FOMT: One fish that lives at the hot springs is 'King'. What is it? Catfish AWL: Galen and Dr. hardy have what hobby in common? Bonsai. AWL: What kind of animal did Romana bring to the farm? Cat. AWL: What is the thing that Van always fails at? Dieting. AWL: What do you get from Ruby? Spice AnWL: What is the reason for Dr. Hardy's false left eye? To save patients! AnWL: What animal competed with Nina at Turtle Pond? Turtle AWL: What is Samantha's daughter's name? Kate. AWL: What breed of animal does Van sell? Goat AWL: What is the name of the item that keeps newly born calves safe? Calf Hutch FoMT: Ellen knitted something for you. What was it? Sock AWL: Your son could become a professional. What sports event was televised in the Valley? Pesapallo AnWL: Which fish in the Valley is sold at the highest price? Huge Sharshark FoMT: What kind of event is performed at the gathering to open the beaches each year? Dog Disk. AWL: What did Carter excavate to study ancient civilisation? Lithograph. AWL: What is the thing that Van always fails at? Dieting AnWL: In the first chapter, what fruit did Gustafa give Nami, who looked like she wasn't ? Tomato. FoMT: What does the doctor often do on his days off? Herb Search FoMT: The people get angry when you leave something on the farm. What is it? Golden Lumber AnWL: In Chapter 1, Romana who lives at the villa feels ill. What tool can you receive from her? Weird Watering Can. AWL: What can you receive from Wally? Clippers. FoMT: A kappa comes out of the lake when you throw what vegetable into a lake? Cucumber AWL: What item can you get from Grant? Clock. FoMT: What is the name of the girl from the orchard that Harris likes? Aja FoMT: Cliff has a part time job. Where is it? Aja Winery AWL: What is the instrument you can get from Gustafa? Drums Whether you answer correctly or incorrectly, the game will end for the day. You only are allowed one question per day and you must respond correctly 35 days in order to win a prize. If you give an incorrect response on any day, it will not set your record back to zero. Your reward for answering all the questions correctly usually will be Relax Tea Leaves. Once you win the game, it will begin again. The same questions may be asked more than once in the course of a game. Sprite Work Force There are 7 Teams of Sprites whom you can hire to work for you. You only can hire one team at a time, but you can hire another team to begin work directly after the first team has completed its 'contract'. You hire a team by going to the counter at the Sprite Company Tree and speaking to Guts. He will ask you to choose a Team and then to choose an area where you want that team to work. A team only works a single area at a time. In other words, if you hire the Fishing Team, you will be required to choose the area where you want that team to fish. You cannot hire the Fishing Team to fish throughout the map. In the same fashion, the Watering Team only can be hired to water a single area. If all your crops are grown on your own field, this will not present a problem, but if you have crops on public land, you will have to choose a single area for the Sprites to water. A team of Sprites can be hired for 1, 3 or 7 days. As the number of Sprites rescued increases, the cost of hiring that Team will increase. As a Team's level of experience increases, the cost of their labour will increase as well. An interesting aspect of this is that you can order members of a working team on any given day not to work that day. The medals paid for that day's labour then will be refunded. This is useful on rainy days if you have hired the Watering Team. Instead of keeping them inactive all day in the rain, you can send them home. Unlike the Sprites in FoMT/MFoMT, a Sprite who has been sent home one day will return the next if his contract has not expired. All Sprites love flour and it is not a bad idea to speak to all the members of any Team you have hired and give them flour directly rather than sending it through the Sprite postal boxes at the Sprite Company Tree. Each Team prefers a different type of wild grass and the type of grass the team likes best is the source of that Team's name. The only time you will be able to interact socially with a Sprite is when that Sprite's Team is working for you. Friendship with Sprites as well as mortals increases faster if you speak to them after giving gifts. As with mortals, Sprites usually have two different responses in any encounter so speak to them twice after giving the gift. Giving a gift in person rather than through the Sprite postal service appears to be slightly more effective in raising heart levels. If you simply wish to raise Sprite heart levels rather than needing Sprite Teams for any particular task, hire each Sprite Team to work only for one day periodically. Visit the Team the day it is working and give each Team member a gift, speaking to him twice afterwards. The advantages of raising heart levels with Sprites is twofold. They work more efficiently for you and charge less for their services when their heart level is high. Moreover, as in FoMT and MFoMT, you will find the door to the Sprite Company Tree unlocked earlier than 10.00 a.m. once you have made friends with the Sprites. Here are the Teams and the work they do: Red Team: This is the Animal Harvest team. The Red Team will collect all ranch products in the form of Milk, Eggs and Wool and will ship them. They will place fodder in the feed bins as well if your animals are inside the Barns. Animals who are outside will not be fed by the Sprites, so if you take your animals outside for the day and bring them back into the barn at night, you will be obliged to fill their feed bins yourself. If you have rescued seven or more members of the Red Team, they will harvest the crops in your field as well. The Red Team appears to collect only small milk from the cows and large wool from the Sheep. They will ship the products immediately and will not use any of the Makers. If you wish to ship goods through the Cannery or make your Milk into Cheese or Yoghurt and your Wool into Yarn, you will not want to have the Red Team working for you. Orange Team; This is the 'Lumber Team'. The Orange Team will collect all building materials. They will chop branches and tree stumps and smash all stones and boulders. They do not collect weeds, however. Yellow Team: This is the Animal Care Team. They will pet, wash and brush your Animals and increase the Affection levels of the Animals. When you have rescued seven or more members of the Yellow Team, they will water the crops in your field as well. Green Team: This is the Crop Harvest Team. They will harvest all the crops produced on regular land. They will not harvest crops grown in the Basements, in the Mushroom House or in the Super Field. Indigo Team: This is the Fishing Team. They will catch fish in the area you choose when you hire them. The fish they catch is shipped automatically and the level of your Fishing Rod will determine the size of fish that they catch for you. Purple Team: This is the Recovery Team. This team of Sprites can be hired only for a single area on the map. You must go to that area of the map if you wish to recover Energy and they will 'heal' you. When hired, you can ask them to recover your Energy once every half hour. By asking them to heal you a specific number of times, you will rescue other members of the Team. Moreover, as the Team improves, they will be able to restore more energy. At the beginning, they will restore only 10% but soon the amount will increase to 20%. With expertise, it will continue to increase in increments of 10%. Blue Team: This is the Watering Team. They will water your crops for you. They only work on regular land, however, and will not water the crops in your Basements, on the Super Field or in the Mushroom House. White Team: The Baby Sprite is the only member of this team, and is rescued when you investigate the huge Pot to the left of the Counter in the Sprite Company Tree. You will be directed to speak to the Baby and feed him. His favourite gift is Pudding which raises his Friendship level by 9 points. When you have fed the Baby 250 times, he will begin to give you gifts every few days. The Baby then will say. I'm in a good mood today so today I'm going to ... give you...' What the Baby announces then as the gift can be 10000G, medals, an increase in SR, or decrease in the Sprite's cost of hire. Sprite Labour: You can hire a Sprite Team even if you have rescued no more than a single member of it. Even if you have rescued quite a few members of any team that you hire, you will find them very untrustworthy at the beginning. If you speak to them, they will whine and complain that the work is too hard, that they haven't a clue how to perform their tasks or that they wish they could go out and play instead of working! This is their training period. If you look at the gauge under each Sprite's name in your Farm Assets Menu, you not only will see the number of hearts that Sprite has for you, but his amount of expertise. When the bar is filled, the Sprite will be an expert at his appointed task. When the bar is empty, you really cannot count on them for much. In other words, if you hire an inexperienced Sprite Team to water your crops, expect most of them to remain unwatered. If you hire a Team to feed your animals, you had best go into every Barn to feed the ones they miss! One of the more amusing examples of Sprite inexperience is the way they will shear your Sheep. They will shear only 1/4 of each Sheep rather than shearing one sheep completely! Once they are trained properly, they will perform their tasks with lightning speed and efficiency, but at the start, they will be almost useless. Sprite Parties When you have rescued all 12 members of any Team, you can experience an Event. The event only will occur if the weather is fine. If, therefore, the weather is fine on the day when you rescue the 12th and final member of a labourer Sprite Team, leave your house after 10.00 p.m. and you will be met by two representative Sprites from the Team who will invite you to a Dance. You will spend the night dancing with them and you will not return to your home until morning. Make certain that your energy levels are high before you leave the house that night! If it is raining or snowing on the day when you rescue the final member of the team, you must wait until the first fine day thereafter to experience the event. On that day, make certain to exit your farmhouse after 10.00 p.m. to obtain the invitation to the Dance. Unlocking the Sprite Casino You will unlock the Sprite Game Shop by finding Roller. Simply walk across the bridge towards Vesta's Farm on 8 Spring and he will appear. The Sprites who work in the Casino can be 'found' easily as well. There are a total of three Casino games and by playing and winning them, you will gain Medals. Medals can be exchanged at the desk for many interesting and very useful items, from Seeds to a Teleport Stone. The three games that can be played at the Casino are Poker, Blackjack and a Memory Game. The maximum bet in any case is 10 medals. (Medals cost 50G each.) You can bet a larger amount whenever you win a hand. When you win, an option to 'double up' appears. If you like, you can continue to use your winnings to make larger and larger bets until you lose everything. It is better, in my opinion, to put your winnings aside, and to continue to bet 10 Medals each time, saving after every winning hand and reloading after each hand that you lose. That way, you are guaranteed to obtain more Medals. Guts is the first Sprite that is rescued in the first scene with the Witch Princess. He will open the Sprite Company Tree. He is in charge of all Sprites and Sprite Activities. Here is a list of the Sprites that run the Casino and the methods by which they are rescued: Press A in front of the well next to the Blue Bar. This will rescue Hops, who is in charge of the Poker Table. Press A in front of the stove to the left of the Inner Inn. This will rescue Tep, who is the dealer at the Blackjack Table. Press A in front of the fountain in Romana's Courtyard. This will rescue Jum, who is the dealer at the Memory Game Table.