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As in FoMT/MFoMT, you will begin the game with basic tools: a Hoe, a Hammer, a Watering Can, an Axe and a Scythe (or Sickle). You then must use these tools in order to meet requirements for upgrading them to higher levels. As in FoMT/MFoMT, tools are upgraded by ordering the upgrade from Saibara's Smithy. You must have a specific type of ore for each level upgrade. You need to make the order by telephone but Grey will deliver the tool to your door when the upgrade is completed. The highest level of tool is the Mythic Tool. You need to find the Cursed Tools and have them Blessed before you can find Mythic Stones in order to have the Mystrile Tools upgraded to Mythic Level. Unlike FoMT/MFoMT, you cannot have more than one Mythic Stone in your possession. You must sell or use it before you will be able to find another in the Mine. Tools and Energy Levels Whenever you use a tool in the ordinary way, you lose 2 SR points. The only exceptions to this rule are the Milker and the Clippers, consuming more energy than any other tool. You lose 4 SR points each time you use the Milker and 8 SR points each time you use the Clippers. Whenever you charge an upgraded tool and use that, the number of points used will vary depending on the level of the tool and the degree to which it is charged. There are no Power Berries in this game, so there is no way that your Energy levels can be increased on a permanent basis. What exists instead are Accessories that can be worn to restore or boost energy levels. There are two Accessories that deal specifically with energy levels and Tool use. These are the Hats. There is a Kappa Hat that decreases the amount of Fatigue with each use of any tool and a Harvest Goddess Hat that decreases the Stamina loss with each use of any tool. If your Stamina is above zero, you will not gain any Fatigue when you use a tool. The Harvest Goddess Hat, therefore, should be more useful than the Kappa Hat. Equip a Harvest Goddess Hat each time you use any tool. In particular, when you are mining, a Harvest Goddess Hat can give you the opportunity to do twice as much mining as you could do otherwise. There are four types of Accessory: Small, Medium, Cursed and Large. Accessories that first are offered either at Jet's Shop or by Van are of the Small variety. It is only when you find a Cursed Accessory in the 3rd Mine and have the Curse removed that the Medium level of Accessory will become available at a shop. Cursed Accessories when Blessed are of the Large variety. In terms of the Harvest Goddess Hat, the Large variety will cut your Stamina loss in half if you equip it whenever you use any tool. For example, when using the Milker, your SR loss will be only 2 and when using the Clippers, the SR loss will be reduced to 4. When using the Mythic Watering Can fully charged, there is a loss of 30 SR when no accessory is equipped. When the Large Harvest Goddess Hat is equipped, the loss of SR is only 15. The Mythic Watering Can when fully charged can water an entire basement in a single use. The only time the Kappa Hat is of use is when your SR is at zero. In such a case, equipping a small Kappa Hat will reduce the amount of Fatigue gained by the use of any tool and equipping the Large Kappa Hat will reduce the amount to zero. When your SR is at zero, use of any tool (without charging it) will result in the gain of 2 Fatigue points. Remember that if your SR is ABOVE zero, you will not gain any Fatigue when using tools. It is only when your SR is at zero that the Fatigue factor activates. Interestingly enough, using either the Milker or Clippers when your SR is at zero only raises your Fatigue by 2 points, like any other tool. If you equip the Kappa Hat at this point, you will not gain ANY Fatigue when using tools. If, therefore, you have no means of raising your SR when it reaches zero and you wish to continue using tools, it would be a good idea to equip the Kappa Hat. This only would occur perhaps when you are deep inside one of the Mines without any more items to consume and a desire to continue mining. You then would be advised to switch from the Harvest Goddess Hat to the Kappa Hat to avoid passing out. In fact, equipping the Large Kappa Hat in the Mine when your SR is at 0 will allow you to mine indefinitely without passing out as the Large Kappa Hat will prevent you from gaining ANY Fatigue no matter how many times you use a tool. Moreover, if you fall down a hole while the Large Kappa Hat is equipped, it will prevent you from passing out on arrival as well, as your Fatigue will not rise in the fall as it otherwise would with SR at 0. If you wish to mine forever, therefore, equip a Large Kappa Hat once your SR is at 0 and mine to your heart's content. If you wish to increase your SR without consuming any item, you can equip the Harvest Goddess earrings and take a walk. Over the course of time, your SR gradually will increase. Fatigue can be decreased by spending time in a Hot Spring. If you equip the Kappa earrings and take a walk, your level of Fatigue will decrease over the course of time. The best Accessory for this is the Witch Princess Earrings, found only in the 3rd Mine. When equipped, these earrings will both increase SR and decrease FR over the course of time. In order to restore energy, therefore, you either can consume an item or items or equip a pair of earrings and spend time outdoors. As time does not pass inside a building, earrings will not have an effect when worn indoors. It therefore would not be very efficacious if you equip the Witch Princess Earrings while you are inside one of the Mines. Although time will pass in the Mines, it passes very slowly and you would have to wait forever for your energy levels to rise using this Accessory. Once you are inside the Mines, the most useful Accessories are the Truth Bangle (to keep you aware of your SR and FR levels), the Harvest Goddess Hat and the Kappa Hat. Fishing Rod There is one basic tool that you will not have in your rucksack at the start of the game. This is a Fishing Rod. In order to obtain a basic Fishing Rod, you must visit Galen on a fine Saturday between noon and 1.00 p.m. Make certain that you have not equipped any tool in your tool slot. Speak both to Galen and to his wife Nina. You then will experience an Event wherein he will give you your first Fishing Rod. Two Sets of Tools In this game, if you upgrade all your tools to the highest levels possible, you will find yourself with two separate sets of high-level tools. The Mystrile Tools can be upgraded to Mythic Tools, the very highest level of tools available. The Cursed Tools found in the 3rd Mine can be 'upgraded' into the Blessed Tools. Interestingly enough, you can downgrade as well as upgrade your tools at Saibara's smithy. As of now, I have seen no virtue in downgrading a tool. The only time a lower level of tool is required is in the case of the Bottled Message which can be caught only with a tool at mystrile level. It is possible, however, to catch the Bottled Message with a Blessed or Mythic Tool provided the player charges the tool only to Mystrile level and does not give it the full charge when casting.