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In FoMT and MFoMT, you could 'equip' items or tools but not accessories. In HM DS, there is a new slot specifically designed for accessories. The Teleport Stone now is an accessory and can be purchased at the Casino Shop from the very start of the game. In this game, you have three slots for equipment: one for tools, one for items and one for accessories. Some items that appear to be accessories cannnot be equipped. These are the items of jewelry that Saibara fashioned for customers in FoMT/MFoMT but which now are found at the Excavation Site. Brooches, Chokers, Bracelets and regular Earrings are among the accessories that cannot be equipped. Ship them or give them as gifts. Accessories take the place of Power Berries in Harvest Moon DS. There is no way to increase your energy levels permanently in this game, but accessories when worn can improve energy levels or prevent energy loss on a temporary basis. Magical Earrings (different from those found at the Excavation Site) can be equipped to restore SR and/or FR gradually. Magical Hats can be equipped while using Tools to mitigate energy loss. Magical Pendants can boost energy levels temporarily. Magical Bangles in this game display either Energy or Love/Friendship levels with individuals. Other magical Accessories such as the Teleport Stone and the Quick Boots, allow faster movement through the village. Finally, there is a Time Ring that actually can slow down the passage of time. The most powerful Accessories are found only in Cursed Form in the Third Mine, but some Accessories, at the Small Level, are sold either by Sprites or by Van. Necklace: Your first accessory is given to you at the start of the game. It is a Necklace. When you equip it, you can open the Map menu and touch any square with your stylus to use a tool that you have equipped as well on that square. The Necklace does not allow you to pick up items such as Wild Grasses or to harvest crops. You need the Miracle Glove or Godhand for that. A necklace only allows you to use an equipped tool. It does allow you to fish inside a building, however, which can be very useful, as fishing ordinarily takes much time but little energy. When fishing indoors, time will not pass. There are different necklaces that will become available as you upgrade your tools. They operate in the same manner but allow you to use a charged tool at the same level. In other words, a Mystrile Necklace will allow you to use a Mystrile tool at full capacity. There is even a Blessed Necklace, at the cost of 10000G. Before a Necklace at any specific level will be offered at Jet's Shop, most of your tools must be upgraded to that level. Remember that you will not be able to charge a tool to full capacity using a Necklace unless the Necklace corresponds to the level of the tool. In other words, if you use a Mythic tool when a Blessed Necklace is equipped, you only will be able to charge the tool to Blessed level. If you skip levels in upgrading your tools, the Necklace corresponding to the level you skip never will become available. N.B. Although there is a Mythic Necklace in the Harvest Moon Cards deck, card No. 487, it will not become available when all tools have been upgraded to Mythic level. Instructions for the Necklace Here is what you do: Equip the Necklace in your Accessory Slot and equip the tool you wish to use in your Tool Slot. Now access your Map by tapping on the Map icon on the left side of the screen with your stylus. The Map will be displayed on the lower screen. Now tap with your stylus on the section of the map that you wish to access. That section will be displayed. For example, if you wish to clear your own field of weeds, rocks and branches, tap on the area of your house and your field will be displayed. There will be directional arrows on each side of the screen. By using your stylus, you can move the display north, south, east or west. When you have found the precise location where you wish to work, tap on the square that you wish to affect. In other words, if you have your sickle equipped and wish to clear a weed, tap on the weed. If you wish to till your soil and you have your hoe equipped, tap on the square you wish to till. Remember that you do not 'use' your tool in the normal way when the Necklace is equipped. You do not press any buttons! Instead, tap on the screen with your stylus to use the tool. You must understand that the level at which the tool will operate while using a Necklace is equal only to the level of the Necklace. In other words, even if you have a Mystrile hoe, your hoe will only operate as a Basic hoe if you have the Basic Necklace equipped. As you upgrade your tools, upgraded Necklaces will become available at Jet's shop in the Sprite Company Tree. If you buy the upgraded Necklaces, you will be able to use your tools at their upgraded levels. In other words, if you have the Gold Fishing Rod and the Gold Necklace, you will be able to catch a Big Fish. If you have the Gold Fishing Rod but only have a Silver Necklace, you will not be able to catch anything larger than a Medium Fish when using the Necklace. Teleport Stone No longer must you search in any Mine for the fabled Teleport Stone. You can buy it as soon as the Casino is unlocked if you have 1000 Medals. The Teleport is equipped as an Accessory and can be used only if you are standing outside. You cannot use it inside a building. When the Teleport Stone is equipped, simply open your Map and touch a destination using your stylus. You instantly will be transported to that destination. Although the Teleport Stone is one of the most useful and desirable accessories in Harvest Moon, it does have one disadvantage. You will not be able to experience events that require that you enter or exit a specific screen. Remember to walk along the paths in Forget-Me-Not Valley once in awhile, or you may miss important events! The other disadvantage to the Teleport Stone is that you cannot carry your Basket with you when you are using it. If you have the largest rucksack, however, you will not need your Basket. In this respect, your rucksacks in HM DS hold far more items than they ever could in FoMT or MFoMT. Each slot in a rucksack in this game can hold 99 items. In FoMT and MFoMT, only the Refrigerator and Shelf had that capacity. The Basket therefore is of limited use in HM DS. It is of the most value at the start of the game, as throwing an item in it will rescue a Sprite. Moreover, until you have the Cannery, the Basket will be the only method by which cooked items and a few other items can be shipped. With the Cannery, you will be able to ship all cooked items directly. Without it, you will be obliged to throw the dish into the Basket and then into an ordinary shipping container. Touch Glove The Touch Glove is another accessory that can be equipped in HM DS. When worn, press 'A' in front of any animal to activate a Mini-Game that allows you to interact with the Animal. You then need to use your stylus. For example, if you equip the Touch Glove and press 'A' in front of one of your Chickens, you will pick up the Chicken and a petting session will begin. Using your Stylus, you will pet the Chicken. If you touch certain spots on the bird, hearts will be displayed. If you touch other parts of the bird's body, white skulls will be displayed and the 'hurt' symbol will appear. You will receive a score at the end of the session. Using the Touch Glove as well as speaking to your animals and taking them outside in good weather will raise their heart levels. If you equip the Brush as a tool and the Touch Glove as an accessory, you will be able to wash your animals using the touch screen. In similar fashion, you can shear your sheep or milk your cows using the Touch Glove and the appropriate tool. The Touch Glove can be purchased either from the Poultry Farm or Yodel's Farm. Love Bangle This accessory is sold at the Casino Window. When you speak to any one while wearing it, it will show that individual's AP and/or FP. It is a good idea to save your game and equip the Love Bangle before testing any item as a gift on an individual. You will be able to see its precise effect on Affection and Friendship levels. If the gift has a negative effect, you can reload your game and give a different item. Truth Bangle This accessory is sold at the Casino Window for 2000 Medals. When worn as an accessory, it will show your Stamina and Fatigue levels. It is extremely useful whenever you are inside the Mines, as you will find that you need to keep your energy levels high, or you will be in danger of passing out simply by falling down a hole to a lower level. This accessory, like other accessories sold at the Casino Window, can be sold to Van for a fair profit. Remember, however, that every Casino Medal is worth 10G. Do not use Gold to purchase Medals at the Casino in order to buy items there and expect to make any real profit by selling the items to Van! Medals won by playing games in the Casino are another matter. You should be able to obtain 16500G for a Truth Bangle from Van if you bargain with him. Once your Truth Bangle has been sold, you will be able to buy another at the Casino Window, but you never can have more than one in your possession at any point in the game. In HM Cute, the 'girl' version of HM DS, you cannot sell any Accessories purchased at the Casino or found in the Third Mine to Van. Friend Brooch In order to use this accessory, you must equip it before you leap into bed at night. The usefulness of this accessory depends upon its colour. The least expensive Friend Brooch is light blue. When equipped, you may find that it has increased every one's FP the next morning. The highest level of Friend Brooch is guaranteed to increase every one's FP by 2 the next morning. The small level of this Accessory is sold at Jet's Shop. By finding the Cursed Friend Brooch in the 3rd Mine and having it blessed, you will obtain the Large Friend Brooch. In fact, what the Friend Brooch does best is make certain that you do not LOSE 2 FP randomly in the night. Red Cloak This accessory is sold at the Casino Window. When worn, it will enable you to move your animals anywhere on the map using your stylus to guide them. Unfortunately, it is of limited use, as you will not be able to move them into the barn. You only can guide the animal TO the barn door. Miracle Glove This accessory will become available at the Casino Window for 100,000,000 Medals when you have purchased the Red Cloak. When worn, any item can be thrown and it automatically will be placed directly into your shipping bin. Use of the Miracle Glove will result in +1 Fatigue and when you reach +100, you will pass out, so take care! Godhand This accessory will become available at the Casino Window for 100,000,000 Medals when you have purchased the Red Cloak. When worn, you will be able to harvest a crop or item from any location. When tapped with the stylus, the crop or item will be harvested directly into your hands. As with the Miracle Glove, the 'cost' of using this special accessory is +1 Fatigue, so use it judiciously. Harvest Goddess Earrings The small version of the Harvest Goddess Earrings is sold at Jet's shop in the Sprite Company Tree. When worn, it will increase your Stamina over the course of time. Remember that time does not pass when you are inside any building. You therefore must be outside if you want this Accessory to have any effect at all. Cursed Harvest Goddess Earrings can be found in the Third Mine on specific floors. When blessed, the Cursed Harvest Goddess Earrings become the Large Harvest Goddess Earrings. When you have found the Cursed Harvest Goddess earrings, the Medium Harvest Goddess Earrings will be offered for purchase at Jet's shop. Kappa Earrings All magical Earrings operate to increase energy levels, and this pair of earrings operates to reduce your Fatigue over the course of time. The small version is sold at Jet's Shop. Cursed Kappa Earrings can be found in the Third Mine. When you find a pair of Cursed Kappa Earrings, the Medium Kappa Earrings will become available at the shop in the Sprite Company Tree. When you have the Cursed Kappa Earrings blessed, they will become the Large Kappa Earrings. Witch Princess Earrings This pair of magical earrings cannot be purchased anywhere, nor are there different levels or sizes to this Accessory. The Cursed Witch Princess Earrings are found in the Third Mine on specific floors. When Blessed, they become the Witch Princess Earrings. This is the most useful pair of earrings in Harvest Moon as they operate both to increase SR and reduce FR. When you have obtained these, you no longer will have any use for the Harvest Goddess Earrings or Kappa Earrings. Harvest Goddess Hat The small variety of Harvest Goddess Hat is sold by Van. When equipped, it decreases the amount of SR lost with each use of any tool. The Cursed Harvest Goddess Hat is found in the Third Mine. When you have found it, the Medium Harvest Goddess Hat will become available at Van's Stall. When the Cursed Harvest Goddess Hat has been blessed by the Church, it will become the Large Harvest Goddess Hat. The Large Harvest Goddess Hat cuts the amount of Stamina lost with the use of any tool in half. Kappa Hat The small Kappa Hat is sold by Van from the start of the game. When equipped, it will decrease the amount of Fatigue that you gain with each use of a tool. The Cursed Kappa Hat is found in the Third Mine on specific floors. When you have found it, the Medium Kappa Hat will become available at Van's Stall. When the Cursed Kappa Hat is blessed by the Church, it will become the large Kappa Hat. The Large Kappa Hat, when equipped, will prevent the gain of ANY Fatigue when using any tool. Harvest Goddess Pendant The small Harvest Goddess Pendant is sold by Jet. When equipped, it acts on your SR in a proactive rather than reactive fashion. In other words, it temporarily increases your Stamina Resistance. The Cursed Harvest Goddess Pendant is found in the Third Mine. When found, the Medium Harvest Goddess Pendant will become available for purchase. When Blessed by the Church, the Cursed Harvest Goddess Pendant will become the Large Harvest Goddess Pendant. Kappa Pendant Like the Harvest Goddess Pendant, the Kappa Pendant is proactive rather than reactive. In other words, it temporarily will increase your power to resist Fatigue when equipped. The small Kappa Pendant is sold at Van's stall. A Cursed Kappa Pendant can be found in the Third Mine. When found, the Medium Kappa Pendant will become available for purchase. When blessed, the Cursed Kappa Pendant will become the Large Kappa Pendant. Fast Shoes The Fast Shoes cannot be purchased anywhere. You must find the Slow Shoes in the Third Mine and have them blessed by the Church in order to obtain the Fast Shoes. The Fast Shoes look like the Boot, a piece of rubbish sometimes caught when fishing. When equipped as an Accessory (yes, you only can wear one!), they will increase your running speed. If you have a Horse and a Teleport Stone, the Fast Shoes may be of limited use to you but you should have one if you wish to obtain every possible Accessory. Time Ring The Time Ring is another Accessory that cannot be purchased. You will find it in the Third Mine in its Cursed form. When equipped as a Cursed Accessory, it will cause Time to pass faster. When blessed and then equipped, it will cause Time to slow down. Tip: You can equip the Cursed Time Ring if you want to move ahead quickly in time to experience a particular event. Remember always, however, that once a Cursed Accessory is equipped, you will not be able to change to a different accessory until you either have the Tool itself removed by telephoning the Church and paying for the service or, by telephoning the Church and asking the Tool to be blessed. Your Beauty Box The Beauty Box is a piece of furniture that is sold exclusively by the Shopping Network. It stores all your Accessories. There is no prize for obtaining every Accessory in the game, but if you are the sort of player who wants to complete every collection, you can store all your Accessories in the Beauty Box. It is useful even for players who do not wish to obtain every Accessory, as Accessories that are used very seldom can be stored in it as well. Whenever you purchase an Accessory at the Casino or from Van, it will be sent automatically to your Beauty Box. You need to go home to fetch it if you wish to use it immediately. Completing your Accessory Collection If you wish to obtain every possible Accessory in this game, you must be aware of a couple of factors. When there is more than one variety of a particular Accessory, the more powerful variety often will supercede the less powerful. In other words, when you find the Cursed Harvest Goddess Hat in the Third Mine, the Medium Harvest Goddess Hat may become available for purchase from Van. When this occurs, the small Harvest Goddess Hat no longer will be available. If, therefore, you wish to collect all Accessories, you must purchase the small version of each BEFORE you find the Cursed version. Availability of Necklaces is different as each version of the Necklace becomes available only if and when you have all 6 of your tools at a specific level. In other words, the Copper Necklace will become available for purchase at Jet's shop when ALL your tools are upgraded to Copper. If you skip a level in upgrading your tools, the Necklace for the level you skip never will become available. Once a Necklace becomes available at Jet's shop, it will remain there until purchased. If you do not purchase the Silver Necklace, it will remain in stock at the shop until you do, even when your tools are upgraded to Mythic level. If, therefore, you wish to complete a collection of Necklaces, you cannot skip ANY level of tool upgrade. As far as the other Accessories are concerned, you may find that you have completed your collection of Blessed Accessories without finding some of the Medium level available either at Van's shop or at the Sprite Company Tree shop. Appearance of these Accessories apparently is time-related. For example, although I had every Blessed Accessory before the end of the first year, which means that I had a full set of Large Accessories, some of the Medium level Accessories only became available in the second year. This is a minor point, and a player who has a full set of Large Accessories obviously will not need any Medium Accessories. It is important only for the player who wishes to fill his/her Beauty Box with complete sets of each and every Accessory. Remember that a complete set includes the Cursed variety of the Accessory.