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Can have a kid and raise a family

Game ends when married:

As with most Harvest Moon games, there are specific requirements if you wish to marry. All goals in Harvest Moon are connected. You will not be able to marry until you have found 60 Sprites and restored the Harvest Goddess to life as well as having expanded your house twice, having purchased the Big Bed and the Blue Feather and having experienced all 4 Heart Events of the girl of your dreams. Marriage should not be undertaken too quickly, however. It is best if you can experience as many events as possible and Heart Events for the other eligible girls cannot be experienced once you marry. You can experience all four Heart Events for a girl without being required to propose to her. The best strategy to employ in this game is to experience as many Heart Events as possible for every eligible girl before you propose to any one. Although you cannot see your Farming Degree points in this game, unlike MFoMT, you do obtain points for every event you experience. Incidentally, for those players who are unfamiliar with Harvest Moon and do not know how to contact the Harvest Goddess once she has been rescued, this is done by making her an offering at the Goddess Pool north of the Sprite Company Tree. Her Most Favourite offering is a strawberry, so if you would like to raise her heart level quickly, throw a strawberry into the pool each day. There are a number of rewards that you can obtain by making regular offerings to the Harvest Goddess. As in FoMT and MFoMT, there are 4 Rival Heart Events for each of the ordinary eligible girls who live in Forget-Me-Not Valley. These are events that occur between the girl and your rival and which advance HIS courtship success rather than yours. Fortunately, you are given more than enough time in the game to raise the girl's heart level to prevent the 4th and final Rival Heart Event from occurring. The 2nd Rival Heart Event cannot occur before the 2nd year. The 3rd Rival Heart event cannot occur before the 3rd year and the 4th and final Rival Heart Event cannot occur before the 4th year. When the 4th Rival Heart Event occurs, the girl and your rival WILL marry. There is nothing that you can do to prevent that. It therefore is best to experience all four Heart Events for each girl, decide which you wish to marry and then and only then allow the 4th Rival Heart Event to occur for each. This will allow other marriages to occur in Forget-Me-Not Valley. Any one familiar with FoMT or MFoMT will be familiar with the rules of courtship and marriage in Harvest Moon DS. As a matter of fact, if you have a copy of FoMT or MFoMT, simply by inserting it in your DS system, you will unlock characters from Mineral Town, including the five ordinary eligible girls from FoMT. You can court and marry them as well, although your game effectively will end if you do, as your wife will insist that you move to Mineral Town to live with her! I have written a guide that deals specifically with courtship and marriage in the DS Harvest Moon game. There is a heading for each of the eligible girls with her birthday, her likes and dislikes and all Heart and Rival Heart Events, It can be found at: Harvest Moon DS Courtship and Marriage Guide Please remember that you must experience all four Heart Events for any girl before she will accept your proposal, even if her affection is at the maximum of 65535 AP. Heart Events must be experienced in order and you must be aware of the difference between Heart Events, Rival Heart Events and regular events in the game. Each has its own distinct melody that accompanies the event. Apart from this, the text of every heart event for every girl is included in my Harvest Moon DS Courtship and Marriage Guide. Tip: If you raise a girl's heart to purple before you experience the 1st Rival Heart Event you will not be able to experience it until you lower her heart to Black again. It will become progressively more difficult and time-consuming to lower her heart level as you raise it to Blue and then Yellow in order to experience all 4 Heart Events. Even if you do not intend to marry the girl yourself, it is best to experience as many events as possible. My suggestion therefore is that all players try to experience all the 1st Rival Heart Events as soon as possible after the beginning of the game. If you raise a girl's heart level to Purple without experiencing her 1st Rival Heart Event, it is better to lower it to Black at this point rather than waiting until her heart level increases even further. My Heart and Rival Heart Events Guides gives items that each girl detests as well as those she loves. By giving a girl a few items that she detests, you will be able to lower her heart level from Purple back to Black. Once you have experienced her 1st Rival Heart Event, you can raise her heart level again to Purple and then to Blue. Incidentally, there is a way to keep a girl's friendship even while you lower her AP in order to allow Rival heart events to occur. Do this by giving an item that she hates first, in order to lower her AP, then restore lost FP by giving items that she loves subsequently on the same day. AP will not increase with each subsequent gift, but FP will. Remember that although all four Heart Events can be experienced as early as the first year of the game, provided you raise affection levels to the required degree, only the 1st Rival Heart Event can occur in the first year. The second Rival Heart Event cannot occur before the 2nd year. The third Rival Heart Event cannot occur before the third year and the fourth and final Rival Heart Event cannot occur before the fourth year. If you raise the heart levels of each girl at least to yellow in order to experience all four of her heart events, you therefore have three more years in which to work with the heart levels of the girls you do not wish to marry. After experiencing the fourth Heart Event at yellow heart level, you need to bring her heart level back down to purple, then up again to blue in the third year and finally to green in the fourth year in order to allow her to marry your rival.