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Any one familiar with Harvest Moon games will know that success depends not only on making money but on the way in which you make it as well. Even more important than material success, however, is friendship. If you do not raise the heart levels of every one in your village, you will not experience events that in many cases unlock new sources of income or enjoyment. Some events are predicated on other events. Most events in this version of Harvest Moon are predicated upon the friendship levels of the individuals involved. In order to experience all events, you need first to raise the heart levels of all villager at least to 100 FP and ultimately to 255 FP. Most events in the game require that the individuals involve have an FP rating either above 100 FP or 200 FP. Moreover, you actually need to experience the Heart Events of girls that you do not intend to marry if you are interested in rescuing all 101 Sprites fairly early in the game. For example, it is only when you experience Flora's 3rd Heart Event that you will unlock the first Hot Spring or when you have a child. If you do not raise Daryl's Friendship Level to 100 FP, you never will meet the Mermaid Leia who lives in a bathtub in his Basement. You really do need to make friends with every one if you wish to obtain the maximum advantages that this game has to offer. Moreover, as in other Harvest Moon games, it is not only through farming and raising animals that you will attain success, but through fishing, mining and gathering wild items as well. There are 101 Harvest Sprites in this game and they need to be rescued by you. Some Sprites will be rescued simply when you investigate a specific object or explore the village but rescue for the majority requires that you perform a specific act a certain number of times and these acts are connected to farming, ranching, mining, fishing and gathering wild items. In order to marry, you must rescue the Harvest Goddess by rescuing 60 Sprites. As is the case in most Harvest Moon games, all actions and events are related in some fashion. Ignore any activity or individual at your peril! In order to experience the most events and have the greatest mesasure of success, you need patience and determination to continue your life from year to year in the Valley. Many events cannot occur in the first years of the game. The circus will not arrive if you do not have a child. Do not be too hasty in making decisions and remember that most mistakes can be forgotten or corrected in time. There is one important consideration in playing this game, however, and that is the choice to play in one or both slots. The DS tends to freeze often. It actually can freeze at the point of loading a file. If this occurs, there is no remedy unless you have the same game saved on the other slot. In that case, you will be able to overwrite the frozen file with the file that has not been affected. Another reason to play the game in both files is for greater success in mining. As in all Harvest Moon games, the appearance of any special item in the Mines always is random. By playing in both files as described in the mining sections, you can guarantee that a visit to the mines will be successful.