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Connection FAQ
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This section appears courtesy of Sam Halsall.  Thanks, Sam!

One of the biggest differences in the PS2 version.  The 
Gamecube version could be connected to a Gameboy Advance 
running Friends of Mineral Town for some extra recipes and 
music.  Since you obviously can't connect a GBA to a PS2, 
and neither of the upcoming PSP Harvest Moon games seem to 
support this feature, it seems the Special Edition can't 
be connected to anything.  The road leading out of town, 
which performed this function in the Gamecube version, 
serves no purpose on the PS2.

By way of compensation, the recipes that you'd gain from 
connecting the two games are available from the beginning 
in the PS2 version.  I suspect the records you get from 
other townfolk are the compensation for the GBA music.

Update: As has been pointed out by several readers, if
you attempt to leave Forget Me Not Valley via the
road leading out of town, the sprites will approach you
and ask if you're giving up.  You have to answer several
questions before you finally get a "game over" and
restart.  So obviously the only reason to try this is
simply if you want to see the cutscene and not if you
need to restart the game...hitting the restart button
is much faster!