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Sam Halsall has some info to add about fishing, too:

"The Gamecube version had two classes for each fish: 
Regular and Big.  The PS2 version adds two new ones: Tiny 
and Huge.  The places where you catch the different 
species of fish appear unchanged.  Here are the prices Van 
will pay for them, followed in brackets by the price you 
can get by haggling if possible."

Above paragraph appears per Sam's info.  I would like to add
some tips about fishing, because it can be frustrating.
While it is easy because you don't even have to keep your
hand on the controller to do it, there is still some tricky
bits to deal with.

With your fishing pole, approach the edge of the water
(or swamp).  When you can use the pole, the red question
mark over the "X" in the upper right portion of your screen
will turn into the word "Fishing."  Hit X to cast your reel.
I usually open a book or a magazine at this point and just 
read while I wait.  Although if you don't have the vibration
setting turn on (via the bookshelf in your house), it won't
work so great, heh.  

The fish will first nibble at your line.  Your controller
will vibrate briefly when this happens.  The fish can nibble
anywhere from one to five or six times before it bites.  When
the fish bites, you'll see a splash and hear another rumble
from your controller.  Now, this is where you have to be
careful.  Don't jump the gun here and hit X.  Hit it too soon,
and you'll reel in an empty line.  Same thing goes if you
reel in too late.  Wait for the splash and the rumble to
finish, then hit X.  You'll get the timing down when you do
it enough.

Now on to Sam's pricing guide.  The second number is the 
higher price you can negotiate from Van.  Additional fish 
prices per Faith June.  Thanks for filling in the blanks, 

Arna: 400(480)G

Tiny Nyamane: 50G
Nyamane: 60G
Big Nyamane: 130(156)G
Huge Nyamane: 200(240)G

Tiny Huchep: 60G
Huchep: 90G
Big Huchep: 170(204)G
Huge Huchep: 250(300)G

Tiny Snelt: 20G
Snelt: 30G
Big Snelt: 60G
Huge Snelt: 100G

Tiny Colombo: 10G
Colombo: 20G
Big Colombo: 40G
Huge Colombo: 100G

Tiny Rainbob: 70G
Rainbob: 80G
Big Rainbob: 150(180)G
Huge Rainbob: 500(600)G

Tiny Sharshark: 500(600)G
Sharshark: 600(720)G
Big Sharshark: 1200(1440)G
Huge Sharshark: 2500(3000)G

Tiny Yamane: 300(360)G
Yamane: 500(600)G
Big Yamane: 1000(1200)G
Huge Yamane: 2000(2400)G

To date I've been able to catch Sharshark, Rainbob,
Huchep, and Nyamane--along with the very common
Colombo and Snelt.  Still waiting to get my hands
on a Yamane.  Hucheps and Nyamanes tend to be
near the waterfall, while the Sharsharks and
Rainbobs have been south of the bridge toward the
ocean.  There are also supposed to be rare fish in
Turtle Swamp and the Goddess Spring, but most of the
time you're just going to get the worthless Colombo
or Snelt.  Don't forget to try bartering with Van to
increase the price for any fish that will get you
extra money.