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This is a new aspect to the PS2 Harvest Moon series.  You can combine
your basic crops to make new fruits and vegetables, even making second
and third generation combinations for some very interesting results.
Obviously part of the fun is figuring out what combinations make which
new crops, but I can share the combos that I've discovered through my
own trial and error.  You'll find that list beneath the following tips
concerning the hybridization process.

-- As I noted under the section about Takakura's house, Tartan will
show up there in Year 2.  At first he just offers to "analyze" your
crops and seeds.  That's pretty much useless since he only tells you
what you can find out by examining the items in your rucksack yourself.
At times you'll have to go through several conversations with him before
he even offers to hybridize something for you.  

-- Make sure you save before you try any new combos.  Making new
hybrids is mostly guesswork, and I've also discovered that Tartan will
go through certain "moods" where nothing you try will work properly.
When this occurs, simply restart the game and try them again.  A
combination that didn't work the first time may work the second time.
All of the combos listed below have been tested by me and work.

-- The order in which you enter your choices is very important.  For
example, a tomato and a carrot will create a Tomaca, but a carrot
and a tomato doesn't do anything.

-- The names of the crops can help you determine what new product will
be made.  The order in which you combine the crops together makes all 
the difference.  For example, when you combine a strawberry with
anything, the "berry" part carries over to the new crop.  And for a
tomato, it's the "toma" part of the name that carries over.  So a
strawberry combined with a tomato will become a "berrytoma."  So if
I tell you that one of the hybrids is called a "potamelo," break down
that name to figure out which crops go together to make that one.
Yep, it's a potato and a melon.  The names don't always carry over
exactly like this, it's just a pattern I  noticed when I was
experimenting with hybrids.

-- There are several "rare" crops that you will be able to create.
These third generation crops are generally the combination of two
second generation crops.  You will be allowed to name these rare
crops, although you only get four digits/letters per name.  Pay
attention when Tartan tells you things like, "If you combined a 
Trady and a Berrylon I bet something interesting would happen."
These are recipes for rare crops.  First you have to figure out how
to make a Trady and a Berrylon, and then you can finally go about
creating the rare crop.  I have not yet created many of these, so I
don't know if you are able to combine the rare crops to make yet
another generation.

-- You can also combine certain flowers with seeds to achieve more
powerful results.  The best of these is the upseed flower.  Combine
an Upflower with any seed to instantly turn it into an "S" grade seed.
This works great with tree seeds, because then you get much better
quality fruit from that tree.  Also, any crop you grow from  an "S"
seed can be placed in the seed maker to make even more "S" seeds.
The Gemsoil will allow you to plant your seed in any quality of soil,
and the Happy Lamp combined with any seed will let that crop grow during
any season.  You will find two upseeds every other day during Winter,
one near Cody's funky trailer (past Turtle Swamp), and the other on
the left hand side of the path as you are walking up towards the
waterfall and Carter's dig site.  You will find Happy Lamps every five
days during Summer as you walk down towards the doctor's house.  They
are red flowers.  You can harvest them twice per Summer if you get them
right away on the first day, for a total of twenty Happy Lamps per year.

-- I'm in Year 4 of the game, and am just starting to grow second 
generation trees.  I'll add more information about the hybrids I've 
discovered through my own experimenting at a later date.  I'm keeping 
them all tallied in a notebook.

Now in alphabetical order are all of the hybrid crops that I've
discovered through my own experimentation.  Note that this is not
a complete list.  The rare crops are listed at the bottom.

Bashber  ...............  Potato + Watermelon
Berryber  ..............  Strawberry + Watermelon
Berrylon  ..............  Strawberry + Melon
Berrytoma  ...........  Strawberry + Tomato
Cabber  ...............  Watermelon + Carrot
Caberry  ..............  Carrot + Strawberry
Cady  ..................  Carrot + Turnip
Camelo  ...............  Carrot + Melon
Dhibe  ..................  Turnip + Strawberry
Gehju  .................  Grape + Banana
Gretoma  .............  Watermelon + Tomato
Jurum  .................  Grape + Peach
Kandy  ................  Turnip + Yam
Kanro  ................  Yam + Carrot
Kashry  ...............  Yam + Watermelon
Lanmuge  ............  Orange + Peach
Magenge  ............  Banana + Orange
Magerum  ............  Banana + Peach
Melotoma  ..........  Melon + Tomato
Orahge  ..............  Grape + Orange
Oraphu  ..............  Orange + Apple
Phuju  .................  Apple + Grape
Phurum  ..............  Apple + Peach
Potamelo  ...........  Potato + Melon
Radita  ...............  Turnip + Potato
Raury  ................  Turnip + Watermelon
Tobatama  ..........  Potato + Tomato
Tataro  ...............  Potato + Carrot
Trady  ................  Turnip + Tomato
Yamato  .............  Yam + Tomato
Rare Crop  .........  Trady + Berrylon
Rare Crop  .........  Tataro + Cady
Rare Crop  .........  Kanro + Radita
Rare Crop  .........  Cabber + Kanro