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Most of the other villagers have something to offer you in
exchange for their friendship, so giving gifts is a big part
of the game.  You will know when a character is your friend
simply by walking past them.  Friends will turn their heads 
to follow your movement.  Here is an easy tip--collect lots
of flowers.  They are a favorite gift of most villagers, which
makes things so much easier than in earlier versions of
Harvest Moon.  The characters that give you records are
listed here but please note that the I've given credit
to the readers who've sent me this information in the
following section of the guide.

Below is a list of villagers per the game booklet.  I've added 
a description of their whereabouts, likes and potential rewards 
to you upon reaching friendship:

Carter -- Go help him dig at his archeological site up near
the waterfall (on the right hand side past Vesta's farm).
Every year you will find a special tablet that he will take
from you.  Apparently after you've found all of them you
may receive a Chihuahua.  Just by going to his site and
helping him dig you should be his friend by Year Two.  If
you mine a lot I wouldn't worry about giving him gifts.
Please note below in the section about your house that you
can also get a record called "Summer Memories" from him.
Also note that you cannot go mining on the days that
Van is in town.  Carter doesn't work those days.

Chris -- Married to Wally.  Loves flowers.  Apparently
you can get the "Bride" record from her when she's your
friend but I haven't been able to prompt this exchange
just yet though I keep dropping by her house.  So far
she's just giving me the recipe for ice cream.

Cody -- This artist lives in the trailer near the beach.
In Chapter Four he will give you a piece of art if he's
your friend.  He likes flowers, but will not accept gifts
if he's standing with his arms crossed.  Try to catch
him as he's walking.  You can often find him near Turtle

Daryl -- Crazy scientist!  He loves fish, but doesn't seem
to accept gifts if he's working in his house.  Give him
gifts if you see him wandering around outside.  He is often
up near the Goddess Spring in the late night hours.  If
you manage to make friends with him he'll give you the
seed maker.

Dr. Hardy -- He gets a house in Chapter Two.  You can find
him walking up to Romana's house most of the time.  He likes
flowers.  You can get the weird sickle from him if you enter
his house while he's there (Chapter Two and after).  You must
be friends with him, of course.

Flora -- Works with Carter.  She likes fish.  Apparently you
also need to be friends with her in order to get the Chihuahua.

Galen -- Old man.  His house will move across the path from
Vesta's farm in Chapter Two, after a sad event.  He is supposed
to give you the fishing pole during this time if you are friends
and enter his house in the very early morning hours, but because
of this sad event there is a time in Chapter Two when he refuses
to accept gifts.  So work on him early in Year One.  He likes
fish and mugwort.

Grant -- Moves in with his family in Chapter Two.  He's Kate's
father.  He likes eggs and milk.  You can get an alarm clock
from him if you enter his house in the early morning hours
after being his friend.

Griffin -- Owner of Blue Bar.  He won't accept gifts while he's
working.  Give him fish and coins.  He'll give you the "Marine
Jazz" record when you're his friend if you enter his room 
between 2-3 p.m. (per Hood).

Gustafa -- Hippie guitar player who lives in a yurt near the
beach.  He likes flowers.  Per Silver Nightingale, if you
befriend him and catch him while he's coming home around 9 p.m.
you can get an item called a "TumTum."  Van will buy this item
for 1000G or you can drive the price up to 1200G and finally
1400G if you refuse his asking price twice.  It is unknown at
this time if there is a further use for this item in the game.

Hugh -- Wally and Chris's son.  He loves coins.  You'll likely
see him running around the village because all he does is
exercise, like his father.  He wears blue in Year One and changes
to a red shirt in Year Two.  He also has a band aid across one

Kassey -- Makes fireworks displays with his twin Patrick.  Loves
flowers.  If he isn't down near the pyrotechnics area next to
Cody's trailer, he may be on the beach.

Kate -- Grant and Samantha's daughter.  You won't see her
until Chapter Two.  She has a major attitude...you'd think
she's related to Nami!  Perhaps a future bride for your
son??  She likes flowers and coins.

Marlin -- Rude and grumpy brother to Vesta.  Only likes "S"
produce and energy potions.  Picky, huh?

MukuMuku -- Strange yeti-like creature that Daryl wants to
capture.  You can give this guy at least three gifts a day;
he likes fish and flowers.  When he's your friend you can
get a "Lullaby of the Fall" record from him.  Talk to him
every day to get multiple copies to sell to Van.  He is only
around during the winter and you'll find him at the Goddess
Spring area.

Murray -- Homeless man who wanders around town mooching from
people...including you if you happen to leave items in the
food storage area.  If your dog is sufficiently trained he
will chase Murray off.  I don't see much point in giving
Murray anything unless you're a stickler and want to be 
friends with *everyone* in town.

Nina -- Galen's wife.  Nice elderly woman...you don't have much
time to make friends with her but she likes flowers.

Patrick -- Kassey's twin brother.  He also likes flowers.

Rock -- Tim and Ruby's son.  Party boy who also seems to be a 
bit of a hippie.  He likes flowers.

Romana -- Lives up in the big villa at the top of the hill
on the other side of you farm from the waterfall.  Lumina lives
with her.  She will not accept gifts if she is sitting in
her rocker in the house.  She must be walking around or
standing.  You can get the special watering can from her, and
in the fall of Chapter Three she will give you a cat.  Just
leave your house around 9 a.m. to prompt the scene.

Ruby -- Inner Inn owner with husband Tim.  Her kitchen has
recipes all over the place, so search every nook and cranny.
She gives you the Ruby spice if you are her friend, and lucky
for us she likes flowers!  If you are her friend go into her
kitchen around 9 a.m.  If she's there you should prompt the
scene in which you get the spice.  The Ruby spice does not
run out when you cook with it, but it's the only one in the
game so NEVER SELL IT.

Samantha -- Grant's wife; moves to town in Chapter Two.
She likes flowers.

Sebastian -- Romana's butler.  His room is on the right
hand side of the first floor of the villa.  Make friends with
him to obtain the "Town Mysteries" record.  He likes eggs
and milk.

Takakura -- Your father's friend and fellow farm-mate.  He'll
bring your produce and dairy in to town to sell every morning
around five thirty and return back with your money by noon.
He'll also bring back any orders you make, and work on
farm expansions.  He loves home cooking and trying anything
that you've produced right there on the farm.

Tim -- Owner of the Inner Inn.  GC game guides note that you
can get the "strange hoe" from him but I haven't been able to.
He likes eggs.

Van -- You'll only see him on the third and eighth day of the
season.  You can get many special items from him--though you
have to buy them!  By buying and selling with Van you are
assured to be his friend by Chapter Two.  I've never given
him a gift yet have achieved this result.

Vesta -- Runs farm on the other side of the creek.  She
also loves flowers.  I haven't been able to get the "weird hoe"
that's been talked about in GC game guides because I had
to start all over with her friendship when I married Celia.

Wally -- Hugh's father and fellow jogger.  He'll give you
wool clippers when he's your friend.  He likes eggs and milk.