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I figured I should add a few points here about your family, because
there are some differences between the GC and PS2 versions.  The
biggest difference was news to me after writing the first draft of
this guide.  Apparently you are able to have a daughter in the
Special Edition version of the game.  You need to perform a cheat,
however.  Read about that in the following topic.

1. Your Child

Just like with the GC version of the game, your child's personality
is shaped by which of the women you've married.  If you have a lot
of different animals and are very "hands on" with them by brushing
and cuddling every day, your child will take an immediate interest
in animals.  Both Muffy's son and Celia's daughter has said the same
comments about the farm because I tend to focus on animals.

Okay, to get a daughter.  According to a message from reader Sephiroth
Avalionis, you need to go to the Sprites house and talk to Mr. Pots,
the weird thing in the right hand corner of the house.  Talk to him
100 times, then go and talk to the sprites.  I've now restarted the
game and done this myself.  When you "talk" to Mr. Pots, you first
get a message that "Something is in there."  As you continue to
hit the X button the message will eventually change a few times
as Mr. Pots apparently gets irritated that you are bothering him.
Finally, he starts saying "Fine, you win."  After you talk to him
100 times, which you can do under a minute (real time, not game time),
go talk to the sprites and you will be told that Mr. Pots will
now grant your wish.  You can choose a son or a daughter.  I just
went and did this right away on the first day of the game since
I didn't have that much work to do yet.

In an earlier version of my guide I noted the comments of Debbie
from NJ who thought that her child had been born a boy and then
changed into a girl in the third year, when the kid turns from a
toddler to a young child.  However, I think I now understand where
the confusion comes from.  When my child was born I noticed that
everyone who talked about the kid was very careful to use no
gender pronouns whatsoever.  Usually s/he is referred to simply
as "your child," and not "he" or "she."  Celia's child as a toddler
wears a red outfit with a little red hat and seems to be a boy,
although no one referred to her as a boy.  In the third year when
she becomes a young child, she is wearing a red dress and has a red
bow in her hair.  Clearly, a girl.  Yet it is still the same situation
when anyone refers to my child...no one says "he" or "she."  I think
that similar to Takakura, who always refers to your animals as "it"
rather than saying the gender, the game programmers simply used
gender neutral terms to refer to your kid no matter whether it's
a boy or a girl.  When I had my kid I wasn't sure if it was a boy
or a girl, so I just used a gender neutral name so it would fit
no matter what sex the kid turned out to be.  But yes, the cheat
works and I now have a young girl in my third play through the

Otherwise, I do not know how the game accomodates the sex change.  
In the second year of the game there is a family who will move into 
the village with a daughter named Kate who I assume could potentially 
be your son's bride.  Perhaps if you have a daughter she 
will marry Hugh?  I've only gotten to Year Four of the game and had 
teenagers so I don't know what happens with your child after that.

Your child's daily schedule may vary depending on his mother.  For
example, Muffy's son likes to race around and can often be seen 
jogging around the village, like Hugh.  He also likes animals so 
he will take a turn through the farm, visiting the chickens and 
the cows.  He doesn't leave the house until 9 AM, and he goes to 
bed around 9:30 PM.  When your son has his own room in Year 3, 
he will have a bookshelf with books that feature subjects he's 
interested in.  The last book listed is his diary.  Choose to 
read this to see what he's thinking.  The message doesn't change
all too often--maybe once a year or so.

2. Your wife

No matter who you marry, the routine is pretty much the same.
She'll wake up any time between six and nine (Celia gets up early,
Muffy sleeps in late).  When your child is young she may stay
in the house for most of the day, but often will wander through
the barn at some point.  You can also see her in the kitchen
feeding your child in the early evening.  You do not have to
provide food in the fridge for this to occur.  In fact, you
don't really have to feed your family at all!  You can still
give gifts to improve her heart level based on the items she
liked while you were courting her.  But she doesn't help
around the farm at all.  Muffy tends to ask questions that
prompt you to choose an answer, but Celia doesn't really do
that.  Just be a nice guy and choose the kindest response
and you'll make her happy.