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You have four girls to choose from.  Generally, the easiest way to 
build their heart levels is to give them flowers.  There are tons 
of them growing during the the first three seasons of the year, and 
only Nami doesn't like them as a gift.  You can see your heart level 
by finding each girl's diary and reading it.  In early summer of
your first year, the sprites will give you a Blue Feather.  When 
the girl you want to marry has four hearts for you, offer her the 
Blue Feather and she'll accept your proposal.  You won't get married 
right away, so don't worry about rushing to get her to like you right 
away.  I was engaged in the summer and had to wait two full seasons 
to get married.  There is no wedding scene; you're just automatically
married when the second year starts.  If you haven't proposed to anyone 
by the end of year one, the girl who likes you the most will find you.  
If you don't agree to marry her, the game is over.  If you want to be 
mean, you can offer the Blue Feather to a girl and then say "No" when 
she asks if it's for her.  But that only makes her really mad at you, 
and there is enough going on in this game to make you feel bad about 

Each of the girls has several cutscenes that show you the progression
of their affection for you.  I haven't seen all of the scenes for
the girls because I tend to just give presents every day to one girl
and that really speeds up the whole process.  If you want you can take
your time through that first year and try getting scenes for each of
the girls.  You will most likely see Muffy's early scene in which she
is "attacked" by your dog on your farm.  Just be nice and sympathetic
to her whenever you're asked to answer a question.  Celia has several
scenes that are prompted when you try to enter the house at Vesta's
farm.  I tended to get these in the morning hours.  I only got one of
Nami's scenes.  She was at my farm after I left my house around noon
one day.  If you choose "do whatever you want" as opposed to "are you
just going to stand there?" then she will stick around a bit and visit
the farm.  Each of the girls apparently has a "date" scene in which
you and she go out alone together.  I was able to see Celia and Muffy's
"date" scenes.  These occur when your affection rate is pretty high.
You do NOT have to see all or any of the scenes in order to get

1. Lumina

In my opinion this is the biggest difference in the Special Edition 
version of the game.  While Lumina was a child in the GC version, 
and one of two girls that your son would one day fall in love with, 
in the PS2 game Lumina is 18 years old and one of your potential brides.  
Lumina lives with Romana in the Villa.  Like all of the girls except 
for Nami (who prefers your archeological discoveries), she loves flowers.
So if you are interested in Lumina give her a flower every single day 
for a cheap way to build up her heart levels.  Lumina can be difficult
to track down, as she likes to take walks and tends to wander around.
And when she is in the Villa practicing the piano, she'll only complain 
that you're making her miss the notes if you try talking to her or 
giving her a present while she's playing.  Normally I tended to find 
her walking along the road to the Villa, or down by the fireworks 
display.  She likes nature a lot, and will talk about how great it is 
to see the animals, etc.

As I played the game again I thought about pursuing Lumina but even
though she is meant to be a potential bride in this version she still
looks like a little kid to me so I couldn't go through with it.  So
as of yet I have not wed Lumina.

2. Muffy

At 30 years of age, Muffy is the oldest of the women you can choose to
court.  She is also the easiest because you can almost always find her 
in the Blue Bar and she loves flowers.  While many of the GC game guides 
say that she yells at you if you try to give her a present while she's 
working behind the bar, that never happened to me.  I don't know if 
that's a change between the two versions of the game or not, but I almost
always found her working behind the bar, and she always accepted the 
presents I offered, whether Griffin was there working with her or not.
She also loves the old coins you dig up at Carter's archeological dig.
Because the basic coins are only worth $10 anyway, I gave her those and 
flowers every day.  I had her accept my marriage proposal in the summer 
of the first year.  Muffy's diary can be found in the pretty glass lamp 
against the back wall of the Blue Bar.  I never managed to get upstairs 
to see her room, it only ever said "Girls Only" whenever I tried climbing 
the ladder, even after we were married.

Muffy's son is athletic and very eager to learn new things about the
world.  Even as a teenager, he is usually busy wandering around the
farm or heading up to the spring area.  He is not as mopey as Nami's
son, or as lazy as Celia's.

3. Celia

As I noted in previous versions of my guide, I had read in the guides for
the GC version of the game that marrying Celia causes a rift between you
and the people at Vesta's farm.  Now that I've gone ahead and married
Celia in my third run through the game, I can confirm that this is true
for the most part in the PS2 version as well.  After you marry Celia, you
definitely lose friendship points with Vesta and Marlin.  Before I'd
proposed, I was friends with Vesta and was trying to get her to give me 
the weird hoe (per info from several GC game guides for this game).  But
after the proposal she was no longer my friend (you can tell when a
character is your friend because their heads turn to look at you as
you walk past them).  As for Marlin, when I meet him outside of Vesta's 
farm he refuses to talk to me.  When I talk to him while he's working
he sputters something about whether I'm having fun at home.  You can
still buy seeds from both of them after choosing Celia, however
you definitely suffer a setback with Vesta and Marlin.  I believe
Vesta's friendship can be regained, but as Marlin only likes very
specific items I haven't given him many gifts yet.  Vesta is charmed
merely by flowers, so she's easy.

If you want to marry Celia, she is very easy to woo.  She loves all
flowers, so give her one every day and by the summer of Year One she'll
be at four hearts.  Confirm her heart level by reading her diary, which
is under her bed in the loft area of the house at Vesta's farm (not the 
storeroom).  Just walk toward the bed and you'll be prompted to "check"
it.  If she isn't working at Vesta's farm you might find her taking a
walk along the bridge and then either toward the Blue Bar or the
Goddess Spring.

Celia's son has light brown hair and is dressed in red as a toddler,
then in green as a child.  He's actually a pretty smart kid and very
affectionate.  I tend to focus on animal care on my farm so he took
an early interest and skill with animals.  He is definitely lazy when
compared to Muffy's athletic son, but he isn't a bad kid overall.
Celia's daughter has brown hair and as a young child wears a 
reddish-orange dress with a red bow in her hair.  

4. Nami

While this is the girl that most people seem to want to marry, she will
probably frustrate you to no end in the attempt to court her.  I went
after her and Celia at the same time in my third run through the game,
and while Celia was up to four hearts by early summer of Year One, Nami
was nowhere near to accepting my proposal by that point.  The good news
is that you have an entire year to turn her head.  The bad news is that
it's very tough getting into her room to check her diary.

Nami does not keep a standard time schedule.  While some of the GC game
guides note that she gets up around six a.m. and goes to bed around ten
p.m., she will not stick to this schedule every day!  Some nights she
doesn't come home at all.  To get into her room you must catch her
immediately upon returning to her room, which is on the left side of
the hallway on the second floor of the Inner Inn.  She goes to sleep
within fifteen minutes (game time, not real time) and then you're out
of luck.

If you like to go mining, you won't run short of gifts for her.  She
likes fossils and statues.  The only flower she likes are the Trick
Blues that grow in the fall.  She also likes watermelons.  You will
most likely find Nami wandering around the Goddess Spring.  If it's
raining she may be hanging out inside the Inner Inn.  If you do not 
marry her, you'll see her leave Forget Me Not Valley at the end of 
Chapter 1.  However, she does show up again at some point in Chapter 2 
(I started seeing her again in the fall of Year Two), so she isn't gone 
forever if you don't choose her.

Nami's son has her red hair and mopey attitude.  He's very intelligent,
but not all that much fun to be around!

Update: Per Jasmine, you can also catch Nami as she gets up at 9:00 AM.
Just show up at her door (second floor of the Inner Inn) right around 
9:01 AM or so.  Thanks, Jasmine!