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Game Info
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Harvest Moon: A Wonderful Life Special Edition for Playstation 2 was
released on October 28, 2005, and is basically a reissue of the game
released for GameCube in 2004.  What I would have liked to see was a
merging of "A Wonderful Life" and "Another Wonderful Life," so that 
when you start up the game, you can choose whether you want to be a 
guy or a girl farmer.  Unfortunately this is not the case.  In this 
PS2 game, you are a male farmer, you must marry one of four women 
by the end of the first year, and you have a male child.  Yes, I said 
FOUR women.  That's one of those differences I told you about!  
Otherwise, this version is basically the same as all the other Harvest 
Moon games.  You must build a small farm into a successful business 
by planting crops, caring for animals, and processing food.  In this 
version, just about every year serves as a "chapter" in your life.  
At the end of the year, you will see a cutscene in which several years 
pass, you and your family grow a bit older, and your house gets a free 
expansion.  By the end of the game, you'll be an old man, your son will
be fully grown, and hopefully you'll have an extremely successful farm.  
But it really isn't hard to do well in this game.

Update: According to several readers, you can have a daughter.  If you 
go to the Sprites house and speak to Mr. Pots 100 times, you can then
go speak to the sprites and they will have you wish for a son or a 
daughter.  So it sounds to me like it is true that you will 
have a son *unless* you go and perform this cheat.  So my original 
comment was partially correct.  :)  Thanks to reader Sephiroth 
Avalionis for the tip!