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Here are some festivals you can attend or participate in. Zack won't pick up
your shipment on the day of the festival but he will pick it up the next day
and you will get your money then.

Name:                Schedule:           Description:          Venue:

New Year's           Spring 1;6PM-12AM   Free rice cakes       R.Square
Spring Thanksgiving  Spring 14           Boys give girls choco Your farm
Spring Horse Race    Spring 18;10AM-6PM  Horse races/gambling  R.Square
Cooking Festival     Spring 22;10AM-6PM  Cooking contest       R.Square

Beach Day            Summer 1;10AM-6PM   Dog Frisbee contest   M.Beach
Chicken Festival     Summer 7;10AM-6PM   Chicken fighting      R.Square
Cow Festival         Summer 20;10AM-6PM  Cow judging           R.Square
Fireworks Festival   Summer 24;6PM-9PM   Watch fireworks       M.Beach

Music Festival       Fall 3;6PM-12AM     Sing and play music   Church
Harvest Festival     Fall 9;10AM-6PM     Bring food for pot    R.Square
Moon Festival        Fall 13;6PM-12AM    Watch moon w/Boy      Peak of M.Hill
Fall Horse Race      Fall 18;10AM-6PM    Horse races/gambling  R.Square
Sheep Festival       Fall 21;10AM-6PM    Sheep judging         R.Square
Pumpkin Festival     Fall 30             Give treats to kids   Your farm
                     Fall 30;12PM-12AM   Celebrate w/ husband  Your farm

Winter Thanksgiving  Winter 14           Girls give boys choco NA
Starry Night         Winter 24;6PM-9PM   Celebrate w/ a boy    Depends
                     Winter 24;12PM-12AM Celebrate w/ husband  Your farm
Stocking Festival    Winter 25           Get presents          Your farm
New Year's Eve       Winter 30;6PM-12AM  Free Noodles          R.Square
                     Winter 30;12AM      Watch 1st Sunrise     Peak of M.Hill

**Harvest Festival - If you put chocolate, poisonous mushroom, or red grass
                     in, you'll faint and everyone else will feel kinda sick.
                     You'll also end up with less stamina for the day.
**Moon Festival    - You don't invite your loved one up there. The boy who
                     loves you the most will be waiting at the peak from
                     6PM-12 Midnight
**Stocking Festival- Sleep only between 9PM-12AM (if you have a sock)