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+Shops/Stores/Places in Town+

These are some particular places in town that you may wanna know about.
Note that all shops and houses are closed/locked during festivals.

1.) Blacksmith Shop
    - Run by Saibara. Grandson Gray helps out. Sells and upgrades farm tools.
      Also makes jewelries and Maker machines
    - Store Hours: 9AM-4PM
    - Closed: Thursday
    - Location: Southern Mineral Town

2.) Poultry Farm
    - Run by Lillia. Daughter Popuri and son Rick help out. Sells chickens,
      chicken feed and animal medicine.
    - Store Hours: 11AM-4PM
    - Closed: Sundays
    - Location: Southern Mineral Town

3.) Yodel Farm
    - Run by Barley. Granddaughter May lives with him. Sells cows, sheep,
      miracle potion, animal medicine and animal fodder.
    - Store Hours: 10AM-3PM
    - Closed: Mondays
    - Location: Southern Mineral Town

4.) Rose Square
    - Local Town Square. Where most festivals are held. Also has path to
      Mineral Beach.
    - Store Hours: none
    - Closed: Hours before a festival is held at this venue
    - Location: Northeast Mineral Town

5.) Aja Winery
    - Run by the Duke and wife, Manna. Friend Cliff helps out (if you got him
      the job). Sells wine and grape juice.
    - Store Hours: 10AM-12PM
    - Closed: Saturdays
    - Location: Northern Mineral Town

6.) Doug's Inn
    - Run by Doug. Daughter Ann helps out. Sells food (to recover stamina and
      fatigue). Also has rooms in the second floor where you can find Cliff,
      Gray and Kai.
    - Store Hours: 8AM-9PM
    - Closed: Only on Festivals
    - Location: Northern Mineral Town

7.) Library
    - Run by Mary, daughter of the book author, Basil, and wife Anna.
      Offers great books with tips on everything about farming life and more.
    - Store Hours: 10AM-4PM
    - Closed: Mondays
    - Location: Northern Mineral Town

8.) Supermarket
    - Run by Jeff and wife, Sasha. Daughter Karen helps out. Sells seeds,
      ingredients for cooking, food items, baskets and rucksacks.
      You can also have presents wrapped here.
    - Store Hours: 9AM-5PM
    - Closed: Tuesdays and Sundays
    - Location: Northern Mineral Town

9.) Clinic/Hospital
    - Run by the doctor. Nurse Elli helps out. Sells medicine and offers
      check-ups. If you pass out, you end up here.
    - Store Hours: 9AM-4PM
    - Closed: Wednesdays
    - Location: Northern Mineral Town

10.) Church
    - Run by Pastor Carter. Lifts curses from Cursed Tools, offers confessions
      and sermons. If you're good enough friends with Carter, you can access
      the locked door where you can gather truffles and mushrooms in Fall and

      white grass in Winter
    - Store Hours: 8AM-8PM
    - Closed: Only on Festivals
    - Location: Northern Mineral Town

11.) Harvest Sprites Hut
    - Where Harvest Sprites live. Plays minigames and offers help with the farm
      (if you have 3 hearts of friendship. Give the sprites flour to boost
      their heart levels. If you're good enough friends with them, they invite
      you to a tea party in Spring where you can get a free Relaxation
      Tea leaves.
    - Store Hours: 9AM-6PM
    - Closed: Only on Festivals or when you have all of them work for you
    - Location: Northern Mineral Town, path behind church

11.) Mineral Beach
    - Where you can fish, gather herbs and play frisbee with your dog.
      Investigate the sign between Kai's Beach House and Won's shop to play
      with your dog. Make sure you have your dog and frisbee with you.
    - Store Hours: none; For frisbee game: 6AM-5PM
    - Closed: Never; For frisbee game: Only in Winter
    - Location: East Path in Rose Square

12.) Kai's Summer Beach House
    - Run by Kai. Open only in summer. Sells food (to recover stamina and
    - Store Hours: 11AM-1PM and 5PM-7PM
    - Closed: Sundays and all seasons except summer
    - Location: Mineral Beach

13.)  Won's Shop/Zack's House
    - Run by Won. Shares house with Zack, the shipper. Sells seeds, truth gem
      and dog toys.
    - Store Hours: 6AM-7AM and 11AM-5PM
    - Closed: Only on Festivals
    - Location: Mineral Beach

14.) Woodcutter's/Gotz's House
    - Run by Gotz. Sells lumber and offers house and farm expansions/upgrades.
      You can forage at the area around his house, gather flowers, chop wood,
      chop/gather branches.
    - Store Hours: 11AM-4PM
    - Closed: Saturdays
    - Location: Forest at south entrance/exit of your farm

15.) Hot Spring
    - Local town hot spring. Where you can recover stamina and fatigue by
      taking a few hours(game time) dipping in the water. Throw eggs to get
      Spa-boiled eggs.
    - Store Hours: none
    - Closed: Never
    - Location: First path at the southern part of the Forest

16.) Harvest Goddess Spring
    - Where the Harvest Goddess lives. Make an offering of egg for several days
      straight to get a Power Berry from the H.Goddess. Offer flowers to have
      the H.Goddess help you with your love life and she also gives you white
      grass if you make constant offerings.
    - Store Hours: none
    - Closed: Never
    - Location: First path at the southern part of the Forest

17.) Spring Mine
    - The cave beside the H. Goddess spring. Gather Ores, black grass, and gold
      coins here. You can also find a Power Berry at the 100th level, H.Goddess
      gems and Mythic stones (discussed later)
    - Store Hours: none
    - Closed: Never
    - Location: First path at the southern part of the Forest

18.) Mother's Hill
    - Where you can gather herbs, branches, food items and flowers.
      You can also chop wood.
    - Store Hours: none
    - Closed: Never
    - Location: Second path at the southern part of the Forest

19.) Mother's Hill Lake
    - Where you can fish and throw cucumbers for 10 days straight for the
      Kappa to give you a Blue Power Berry
    - Store Hours: none
    - Closed: Never
    - Location: Second path at the southern part of the Forest

20.) Winter Mine/Lake Mine
    - Where you can gather valuable minerals/gems. Also find Cursed Tools and
      Kappa gems.
    - Store Hours: none
    - Closed: Only available in Winter (hence the name)
    - Location: Second path at the southern part of the Forest

21.) Mother's Hill Summit
    - Where you can get a great view of the town. Some events take place here.
    - Store Hours: none
    - Closed: Never
    - Location: Second path at the southern part of the Forest

+For Sale+

Here are some things that the townsfolk of Mineral Town sells and their costs.

1.) Blacksmith Shop


    Name:        Price:

    Brush        800G
    Milker       2000G
    Shears       1800G


    Name:        Price:

    Copper       1000G
    Silver       2000G
    Gold         3000G
    Mystrile     4000G
    Mythic       50,000G (discussed later)


    Name:        Price:

    Necklace     1000G + Orichalc
    Earrings     1000G + Orichalc
    Bracelet     1000G + Orichalc
    Broach       1000G + Orichalc

    **Orichalc can be found in Level 10 and lower in Spring Mine


    Name:              Price:

    Cheese Maker       20,000G + Adamantite
    Yarn Maker         20,000G + Adamantite
    Mayonaisse Maker   20,000G + Adamantite

    **Adamantite can be found in Level 10 and lower in Spring Mine
    **You can only get makers with a fully upgraded barn house and chicken coop

2.) Poultry Farm

    Name:            Price:

    Chicken Feed     10G
    Animal Medicine  1000G
    Chicken          1500G

3.) Yodel Farm

    Name:               Price:

    Animal Fodder       20G
    Cow                 5000G
    Sheep               4000G
    Cow Miracle         3000G
    Sheep Miracle       3000G
    Animal Medicine     1000G
    Bell                500G

4.) Aja Winery

    Name:               Price:

    Wine                300G
    Grape Juice         200G

5.) Doug's Inn


    Name:          Price:

    Water          0G
    Cookies        200G
    Cheese Cake    250G
    Salad          300G
    Apple Pie      300G
    Box Lunch      500G


    Name:            Price:

    Wine             500G
    Milk             200G
    Pineapple Juice  300G

6.) Supermarket


    Name:                Price:

    Dumpling Powder      100G
    Chocolates           100G
    Oil                  50G
    Flour                50G
    Curry Powder         100G
    Rice Balls           100G
    Bread                100G
    Gift Wrap            100G
    Basket               5000G (Prioritize this)
    Medium Rucksack      3000G (Also a priority)
    Large Rucksack       5000G (Avail. one week after M.Rucksack is bought)
    Blue Feather         1000G (Avail. only if a boy has an orange heart)


    Name: 		   Season:       Price:

    Turnip           Spring        120G
    Potato           Spring        150G
    Cucumber         Spring        200G
    Strawberry       Spring        150G (limited item)
    Tomato           Summer        200G
    Corn    	   Summer        300G
    Onion            Summer        150G
    Pumpkin 	   Summer        500G (limited item)
    Eggplant         Fall          120G
    Sweet Potato     Fall          300G
    Carrot           Fall          300G
    Spinach          Fall          200G (limited item)
    Grass         All but Winter   500G

    **Limited items appear at a random time, after a specific number of items
      are shipped. Just check your mailbox constantly for announcements from
      the supermarket.

      Strawberry Seeds: Ship 100 turnips, potatoes & cucumbers
      Pumpkin Seeds   : Ship 100 corn, tomatoes & onions
      Spinach Seeds   : Ship 100 sweet potatoes, eggplants & carrots

7.) Clinic

    Name:               Price:

    Check-up            10G
    Bodigizer           500G
    Turbojolt           1000G
    BodigizerXL         1000G
    TurbojoltXL         2000G

8.) Church

    Name:               Price:

    Remove Cursed Tool  1000G

8.) Kai's Beach House

    Name:        Price:

    Water        0G
    Baked Corn   250G
    Spaghetti    300G
    Pizza        200G
    Snow Cone    300G

9.) Won's Shop
    Note: After a certain event with Won, You'll be able to sell your products
    directly to him, mostly, at a higher price. Just be careful not to get
    tricked in to selling for a lower price.


    Name:        Price:

    Truth Gem    50,000G
    Ball         100G
    Frisbee      5000G


    Name:            Season:       Price:

    Cabbage 	   Spring        500G
    Pineapple        Summer        1000G
    Green Pepper     Fall          150G
    Moondrop         Spring        500G
    Toy Flower       Spring        400G
    Pink Cat         Summer        300G
    Magic Flower     Fall          600G

10.) Woodcutter's/Gotz's Shop


    Name:           Price:

    Lumber          50G
    Golden Lumber   100,000G**

    **Only avail. once you have 999 lumber. Though it lasts forever,
      don't even bother buying if you don't want everyone in town to
      hate you. It's a waste of money. The mayor gives it to you for
      free though, if you do him a favor. Just keep it in your shelf
      or sell this to Won for 48,000G-57,000G.


    Name:             Lumber:   Price:

    Chicken Coop      420 pcs   5000G
    Barn              500 pcs   6800G
    House ext#1       200 pcs   3000G
    House ext#2       700 pcs   10,000G
    Bath              580 pcs   30,000G
    New Windows       300 pcs   25,000G
    New Dog House     500 pcs   20,000G
    New Mailbox       200 pcs   10,000G


    Name:             Lumber:      Price:

    Vacation House    999 pcs      100,000,000G
    Seaside Cottage    42 Connectivity Starts**
    Mountain Cottage  Stay married for 50 years

    **If you don't have Harvest Moon: Another Wonderful Life for GAMECUBE,
      you CAN'T get it without a code breaker code. To connect, make an
      offering to the Harvest Goddess.