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Important Dates

These are non festival events that happen on certain days.


Every Character has a Birthday. Find them on their special day and give them a gift. You can wrap a gift at the supermarket for 100G. Here is the birthdays and where to find them.

Day Name Location
Spring 2 Louis Gotz House
Spring 4 Bold Harvest Sprite House
Spring 11 Sabiara Blacksmith
Spring 15 Staid Harvest Sprite House
Spring 16 Elli Clinic/Elli House
Spring 17 Barley Yodel Farm
Spring 19 Lillia Poultry Farm
Spring 20 Elli Only if yours is Sp16
Spring 26 Aqua Harvest Sprite House
Spring 29 Greg Beach
Spring 30 Sasha Supermarket
Summer 3 Popuri Poultry Farm
Summer 4 Harris Inn/Gotz House
Summer 6 Cliff Winery(yr2), Ch(yr1)
Summer 10 Popuri If you bday is Su 3
Summer 11 Basil His House
Summer 16 Timid Harvest Sprite House
Summer 17 Ann Inn/Spring
Summer 22 Kai Beach/Inn
Summer 22 Ann If your bday is Su17
Summer 25 Mayor His House
Summer 29 Zack When he comes
Fall 2 Gotz Gotz House
Fall 5 Stu Church or House
Fall 10 Hoggy Harvest Sprite House
Fall 11 Manna Winery
Fall 14 Chef Harvest Sprtie House
Fall 15 Karen Supermarket
Fall 17 Doctor Clinic/mountain
Fall 20 Carter Chruch
Fall 23 Anna Her House
Fall 23 Karen If your bday is Fl 15
Fall 27 Rick Poultry Farm
Winter 2 Kano Mayor House
Winter 6 Gray Blacksmith
Winter 11 Doug Inn
Winter 13 Ellen Her House
Winter 15 Duke Winery
Winter 19 Won Inn
Winter 20 Mary Library
Winter 22 Nappy Harvest Sprite House
Winter 25 Mary If your bday is wi 20
Winter 26 May Yodel Farm
Winter 29 Jeff Supermarket

Ann's Mother Memorial- Every Fall 5th you will get a note in the mail about 3 days before saying the Inn will close at 5pm that day. If you go to the inn you will see Ann and she will say how she is overwhelmed with work because her father isn't there. Go to the mountain and listen to his sorrow before 5pm