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+Starting the Game+

Click start. Enter your name. Enter your Birthday. Enter you farm's name.
Enter your dog's name and you're all set!


You start as a young woman (maybe 18-20 yrs old). You live in the city and
dream of getting away from all the hustle and bustles of your boring life.
You decide to read the morning paper and lo and behold! There's an ad of a
supposedly wonderful farm up for sale and at a pretty low price! You start
imagining what a great life you'd have there: riding a horse, playing with
your dog, relaxing in the mountains...EUREKA! You'll buy it! You then call
the realtor and close the deal.

However, when you arrive, you find nothing but a beat down old farm in need
of a major overhaul: definitely nothing like the one described in the ad.
A man comes by and asks if you're a tourist. You explain that you're the one
who bought the farm after seeing the ad and he starts laughing at you. He is
Mayor Thomas. He says that you're not the first one who got tricked into
buying the farm. He continues to laugh at your expense and you get so angry,
you hit him with a hammer! WHAM! He yelps and apologizes, asking you to stop
hitting him. You have the option to continue hitting or not, though I don't
really know how this affects the game.

After you calm down, the mayor apologizes again. He then learns that you've
quit your job and left your apartment just to buy the farm. He sympathizes
and tells you that you can stay and he'll do his best to help you. If you
don't want to, credits will roll and the game ends. If you choose to stay,
your new Harvest Moon adventure begins!