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I dunno if this was the source of Mineral Town's name, but it's in the mines
where you can find minerals and ores which are very important in the game.
There are two mines: Spring Mine and the Winter/Lake Mine.
Here's a list of the mines and what can be found in them. You'll need your
hoe to dig up the ground and your hammer to break the rocks. You may also want
to get some stamina recovering items like black grass (which you can dig up in
mines, eat immediately)or if you want to go deep down, you can buy BODIGIZERXL
and TURBOJOLTXL from the Clinic. Use these wisely. The best item to use
however, is the Elli Leaves.


Name:			Level:

Copper		All
Silver		All
Gold			3 & lower
Mystrile		7 & lower
Orichalc		10 & lower
Adamantite		10 & lower
Mythic Stones	60 only
Power Berry		100 (dig w/ hoe)
Teleport Stone	255 (found only in the 3rd year and after. Found in rocks)

*Gem of Goddess - Collect 9 of these white orbs and it will restore some
                  stamina over a period of time. You can find them in rocks.
		    - Levels: 60,102,123,152,155,171,190,202,222



Name:			Level:

Agate			All except 50,100,150,200
Alexandrite		50,100,150,200,251 & lower
Amethyst		All except 50,100,150,200
Diamond		Floors that end in 0
Emerald		Floors that end in 5
Moon Stone		Floors that end in 8
Peridot		All except 50,100,150,200
Pink Diamond      30,70,90,110,130,170,190,& 255
Ruby			All except 50,100,150,200
Sand Rose		Floors that end in 9
Topaz			All except 50,100,150,200

+Cursed Tools+
(dig w/ hoe)
Name:			Level:

C.Fishing Rod	29
C.Hoe			39
C.Axe			49
C.Hammer		59
C.Watering Can	69
C.Sickle		79

*Gem of Kappa - Collect 9 of these green orbs and you'll be rejuvenated from
                your fatigue as time passes.
		  - Levels: 0,40,60,80,120,140,160,180,255

NOTE: These can be found at random so don't blame me if you can't find it.
	Careful not to go up the stairs immediately 'coz you'll go back to the


Just to save you a bit of energy, there are places in the mine wherein you
can NEVER find the stairs going down: it's the perimeter around the stairs
going up. Here's what I mean:

X = Stairs going up/Where you came from
o = No stairs here EVER

oXo   I think this was fixed during the game programming, so you can
ooo   still manage to walk some spaces.