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New Page 1

 Basic Info

 Birthday : Winter 14
 Home : Inn
 Workplace : Upper Garmon Mine
 Day Off : None

 Plot Info

 Family : None
 Arrival : After finding the Yellow Bell and talking with the Goddess
 Meet : Automatically when you begin to charge up the Yellow Bell.
 Function : Plays a role in the main plotline; marriage candidate

 Item Preferences

 Loves : Raspberry Cocktail (see Aging Pot recipe)
 : Blackberry Cocktail (see Aging Pot recipe)
 : Cranberry Cocktail (see Aging Pot recipe)
 : Remedy (180G from Lv.2 Choral Clinic)
 : Blueberry Cocktail (see Aging Pot recipe)
 Likes : Herbal Tea (see Pot recipe)
 : Sea Urchin (foraged Year-Round on any beach)
 : Fried Egg (see Frying Pan recipe)
 : Boiled Egg (see Pot recipe)
 : Raspberry Cocktail (see Aging Pot recipe)

 Dating Info

 2-Heart Gift : Topaz
 4-Heart Gift : Diamond
 Date Location : at the Bar, late in the afternoon (before 6PM)

 Rival Dating Info

 Rival : Phoebe
 First Event Location : Once you have Calvin raised to 4 hearts, the event
 : will trigger when you enter Garmon Mine, if you are
 : a guy. If you are a girl, it will trigger when you
 : have 4 hearts with Phoebe.
 Second Event Location : Once you have Calvin raised to 7 hearts and have
 : seen the 4-heart event, the event will trigger when
 : you enter the General Store, if you are a guy. If
 : you are a girl, it will trigger when you have 7
 : hearts with Phoebe.
 Wedding : After witnessing the 7-heart event, you will
 : receive a wedding invitation in your mailbox. Go to
 : the church on the date on the invitation before
 : noon to witness the wedding.
 Rival Kid : Heath
 Birth Event : Visit the couple's post-marriage home (the General
 : Store) a month after the wedding. Then, visit again
 : a month later to meet the grown-up child (Heath).