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*************************** Kai

Kai has something about him that charms women. Is it the dark skin? The
rebellious city ways? That mysterious hair behind that bandana? Or is
it his liking for purple? Whatever it is, it seems to be charming girls
esp. Popuri. Kai doesn't really like his parents much, which is mostly
why he tries to get away from them during summers. He has his own
restaurant at the beach, where he serves some great meals. He is often
at odds with Rick, Popuri's over-protective brother.


Address: Doug's Inn (Summer Only); In the City
Birthday: Summer 22nd (Summer 17th)
Loves: Pineapples
Likes: All summer crops, Fish(L), Flour, Wine, Wild Grape Juice, Oil,
Bread, Toast, Pineapple Juice, Eggs, Omelet recipes,
Curry recipes, Pumpkin recipes, French Toast, Pink Diamond
Rival: Popuri
Arrival: 12PM/8:30PM (Only if you allowed him to open the Beach House)
Tip: Kai's one of the hardest guys to get because you can only
find him in summer and you have Popuri to contend with. The
best way to go would be to plant as many Pineapples as you
can and give it to him. While waiting for them to grow,
stock up on Fish(L) and Flour. He likes those. You can also
frequently buy food from his Beach House. For a sure fire
way to get Kai, avoid the beach during Summer until year 4
so as not to trigger any heart event between him and Popuri.
You will be sure to get him from year 5 onwards.


Monday to Saturday

6AM-8AM 2nd Floor of Inn
8AM-8:30AM Walking to Mineral Beach
8:30AM-11AM Mineral Beach (bench near Kai's Beach House)
11AM-1PM Kai's Beach House
1PM-5PM Mineral Beach (bench near Kai's Beach House)
5PM-7PM Kai's Beach House
7PM-8PM Walking to Inn
8PM-10PM 2nd Floor of Inn
10PM-6AM Locked in the Inn

Sunday (Sunny)

6AM-1PM 2nd Floor of Inn
1PM-1:30PM Walking to Mineral Beach
1:30PM-4PM Mineral Beach
4PM-5PM Walking to Inn
5PM-10PM 2nd Floor of Inn
10PM-6AM Locked in the Inn

Sunday (Rainy)

6AM-10PM 2nd Floor of Inn
10PM-6AM Locked in the Inn

Kai Heart Events
*All events take place in Summer

- Mon/Wed/Fri; 11AM-1PM/5PM-7PM; Mineral Beach
- Walk from Rose Square to the beach and you'll walk over to Kai. He'll
  greet you and ask what you think about a guy who doesn't like to live
  with his family. Say "Who cares!" and he'll reveal that he actually
  doesn't get along with his family, which is mainly why he spends his
  summers in Mineral Town. He'll then ask you to come see him if you
  have time.

- Mon/Wed/Fri; 11AM-1PM/5PM-7PM; Kai's Beach House
- Go inside the Beach house and you'll walk over to Kai, who asks you how
  things are in the farm. He'll say it inspires him to see you work so
  hard but adds quickly that he's just kidding. He'll then ask what you're
  growing in your farm right now. Tell him "Lots of Pineapples" and he'll
  say he LOVES pineapples more than anything and asks you to bring some
  to him. You agree and he comments laughingly on how funny it is for a
  guy to say he loves pineapples. In return, he says to come to him if you
  need any help.

- Fri; 1PM-5PM; Mineral Beach; have empty slot in rucksack; -50% stamina
- By less 50%, I mean when you start to wipe your face with a cloth. Do what
  you were doing one more time and walk to the beach. Kai will greet you
  and suddenly, you pass out! Kai gets all responsible like and takes you to
  Doctor, who says it's heat exhaustion. Doctor advises you to eat more and
  rest a bit. Kai asks if you're feeling better but nonetheless, says that you
  need more rest. Say "I guess so" and Kai will be relieved. He then remembers
  a lucky charm he has and gives it to you.

- Mon/Wed/Thu/Sat; 9AM-11AM; Mineral Beach
- You walk to the beach to find that Kai isn't in his usual place on the bench.
  You see him at the dock and rush towards him. He asks about your farm and he
  tells you his store isn't doing so well. He then says that the guys in town
  think he's a jerk because of the way he is. He says he just wants to be
  himself and doesn't care what others think of him but evidently, he cares
  about your opinion of him. He asks if he should change his attitude. Tell him
  to forget it and he'll feel much better.