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*************************** Gray

Gray, a city boy, was called upon by his grandfather, Saibara, to become
his successor in the art of Blacksmith...er...ing. Hehehe. Gray eagerly
went to Mineral Town but was aghast to find his grandpa to be a mean
old fart who always scolds him, makes everything difficult and never
praises him for his accomplishments. No wonder Gray's so moody!
That was before he met Mary. After meeting her, he learns to smile again
and after that, he constantly goes to the library. It's up to you to
steal this hunk away! (I change my mind. Next to Cliff, Gray's my fave)


Address: Doug's Inn
Birthday: Winter 6th (Winter 23rd)
Loves: Baked Corn
Likes: All ores and minerals (excpt. Junk and mythic), Apple Pie,
Branches, Wild Grape Juice, Wine, Bodigizer, Turbojolt,
All jewelries, Eggs, Cake recipes, Chocolate recipes,
Ice Cream, Candied Potato, Curry Bread, Curry Rice, Perfume,
Savory Pancake, Omelet Rice
Rival: Mary
Arrival: 3PM
Tip: Gray's perhaps one of the easiest guy for beginners since you
can find branches and ores all year round. Having jewelries made
also boosts his heart levels.


Friday to Sunday

6AM-7AM 2nd Floor of Inn
7AM-8:30AM Walking to Blacksmith Shop
8:30AM-1PM Blacksmith Shop
1:PM-1:30PM Walking to Library
1:30PM-4PM Library
4PM-5PM Walking to Inn
5PM-10PM 2nd Floor of Inn
10PM-6AM Locked in Inn


6AM-7AM 2nd Floor of Inn
7AM-7:30AM Walking to Mother's Hill
7:30AM-10AM Peak of Mother's Hill
10AM-11AM Walking to Blacksmith Shop
11AM-1PM Blacksmith Shop
1PM-1:30PM Walking to Library
1:30PM-4PM Library
4PM-5PM Walking to Inn
5PM-10PM 2nd Floor of Inn
10PM-6AM Locked in the Inn


6AM-7AM 2nd Floor of Inn
7AM-7:30AM Walking to Rose Square
7:30AM-8AM Rose Square
8AM-8:30AM Walking to Blacksmith Shop
8:30AM-1PM Blacksmith Shop
1PM-2PM Walking to Inn
2PM-10PM 2nd Floor of Inn
10PM-6AM Locked in the Inn

Gray Heart Events

- Sun/Tue/Fri/Sat; 10:10AM-1PM; Blacksmith shop
- Walk inside and you see Gray and Saibara in a heated argument. Gray asks
  why his work is never good enough and when he sees you, he angrily asks
  you to leave if you don't have any business. Saibara blows his top and
  scolds Gray for his rudeness. Gray gives off a brisk apology and asks
  how you are. He then hints that he might just quit because he'll never
  be any better. Tell him "It's called TRAINING!". He'll be a bit
  surprised but will agree with you and continue with his craft.

- Sun/Tue/Thu/Fri; 5PM-8PM; 2nd floor of Doug's Inn
- Gray asks if he could talk to you. He'll apologize for being so rude the
  last time. Gray says that he's not really much of a social person, but
  seems to be comfortable around you. He then recalls that you mine for ores
  and stuff in the caves and says he likes those things since it's part of
  his job. He'll say he still has a lot to learn. Tell him he's great at it
  and he'll be thankful, saying he'll use his new skills to make something
  for you.

- Mon/Thu; 6AM-12PM; Walk out of your house
- You must have an empty slot in your rucksack. Just walk out of your house.
  Gray says that he's getting better and better as a blacksmith, though
  Saibara really isn't making things easier. He then says that he's never
  seen you wear any jewelry and asks if you like them. Say a little bit and
  he'll be quite relieved. He'll then give you a broach which he secretly made
  away from the critical eyes of his grandfather. He says he's not as good as
  Saibara, but he hopes you like it. Was this his promised "something" from
  the last event? Very likely. Gray then leaves, blushing all the way.

- Mon/Thu; 10AM-1PM; Blacksmith shop
- Walk inside the shop and Saibara greets you in. He says he's happy you and
  Gray are so friendly together. Saibara then calls out to Gray, telling him
  to stop working, which is a shock, most esp. to Gray. What's more shocking
  is when Saibara says that he knows the reason Gray's heart is off elsewhere
  is because of you. Saibara then asks you to spend the day with Gray. You'll
  agree and later, find yourself at the 2nd floor of the Inn with Gray. He'll
  apologize for Saibara's weird behavior and asks if you'll be staying in town
  forever. Say yes and he'll be very happy, saying that he'd miss you if you
  moved away. He says he doesn't have too many friends and he likes you...
  "As a friend," he adds quickly (too quickly). Awww....^_^