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*************************** Kapp


Oh man! It would've been better if there was a "Harvest God"...but no...
they had to make the Kappa the counterpart for FoMT's H.Goddess!
Seriously. Is it really worth all the trouble to go for this green
thing? But if you like him, go knock yourself out. All I can
say is that he likes cucumbers and instead of thanking you for giving
him a lot of it, he'll think you're annoying. Yeesh.


Address:    Mother's Hill Lake
Birthday:   Spring 8th (Spring 9th)
Loves:      Cucumbers
Rival:      None (H.Goddess? I doubt it)
Arrival:    None (He doesn't live with you)
Tip:        Seriously. Don't go for him. He won't be around your
            house and will only come by during family events.


Mother's Hill Lake; All Seasons except Winter; Throw in a cucumber

+Requirements+ (like I said. Knock yourself out silly)

1.) Catch one of every species of fish
2.) Ship one of everything
3.) Have all 9 Kappa Gems
4.) Have big bed
5.) Dig up every kind of item from Spring Mine
6.) Dig up every kind of item from Winter/Lake Mine
7.) Be in fifth year or later
8.) Confess to Carter that you want to marry the Kappa