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*************************** Won

Of the three extra bachelors, he's the best looking of the bunch, though,
he still can't get to the level of the other 5's *hotness*. Won's a
Chinese merchant who wandered off to Mineral Town to sell his merchandise.
He also buys stuff and is fond of the rare ones. He'll do anything to
make a quick buck, sometimes, tricking people or forcing them to buy his
wares...most likely the reason not too many people like him.
Note: He won't give you any discounts or free stuff even if you marry him.


Address:    Zack's House
Birthday:   Winter 19th (Winter 21st)
Likes:      Apples, Golden Egg, Gold Ore, all jewelries, Pirate Treasure,
            Fish Fossil, All minerals (excpt. Amethyst, Agate, and Flourite),
            Mythic stone
Rival:      None
Arrival:    6PM
Tip:        He's a hard guy to win over since he has highly expensive
            tastes! Just continue your friendship with him and witness
            all of his *heart events* and you'll be set. Just give him
            Gold Ore or Golden Egg all the time and he'll come around.


Zack's house; Everyday; 6AM-7AM/11AM-5PM


To marry him, you'll need:

1.) To buy his vase for 5000G
2.) To witness all of his *heart events*


Won Heart Events

**These are not exactly Heart events. These events will be triggered as
  you increase your friendship with Won but since they are also needed
  for you to marry him, we'll just consider them as such.
**All events may happen at any given time.

(Black Heart) Event #1: The Flower Vase
- Once you have accumulated 5000G and have your first house extension,
  Won will appear at your doorstep and offer to sell it for that amount.
  You can't marry Won if you don't buy the vase. Don't worry 'coz if you
  turned him down the first time, he'll come back a season later to sell
  it again. The vase can help you rejuvenate if you put flowers in it.

(Purple Heart Event) Event #2: Apple Mayhem
- Walk in Zack's House and you'll see Won musing over a lot of the
  "special" apples (SUGDW, HMSGB, AEPFE). It had been knocked to the floor
  somehow...only...Won can't tell which is which! He decides to pick 'em
  up before someone finds out that he can't tell the difference (too late
  chump! Zack's with you!) but then, he is shocked to find you standing
  at the door. Realizing you saw the whole thing, he picks up an apple
  and gives it to you, hoping to bribe you into shutting up. Then, you
  are kicked out the door.

(Blue Heart) Event #3: The Selling Feature
- Once you've increased your friendship to Won at a certain level, walk
  inside Zack's house and he'll tell you that you can now bring stuff to
  him so he may buy it. This is probably his most important and useful
  event, as you can increase your fortune quickly. See GOLD-DIGGER part
  of this guide (scroll above).

(Yellow Heart) Event #4: Apple Shuffle
- Go inside Zack's House and you'll find Won, standing with three of
  the "special" apples in front of him. Won will name each (SUGDW, HMSGB,
  AEPFE) and shuffle them. You'll then be asked to guess which apple
  is the one he calls for. If you guess right, you'll play again. Guess
  wrong the first time and you don't win anything. The first game is for
  free but next time, you have to pay him 100G per game. The prize you get
  from this game is a 'Mysterious Ticket', which allows you to play
  another game which is something similar to a slot machine. Also, if you
  play the "Apple Shuffle" game and win 10 times in a row, won will say
  that you're no ordinary farmer and instead of giving you the mystery
  tickets, he'll give you 1 Mystery flower, which is worth a lot. This
  flower will be worth even more if you give 10 of it to the Harvest
  Goddess, who'll exchange it for a gift, worth 1 MILLION G if you sell
  it to Won.