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Gourmet Judge
Gourmet Judge


Gourmet Judge
Oh, good Lord!!! Do you really want to marry this guy?! What else can
I say about him? He's fat, he looks nothing like a human being.....
But if you wanna go for him, go ahead. He's the judge at the cooking
festivals and well...he loves food. He can be quite greedy and is
very strict when it comes to food tastes.


Address:    In the City
Birthday:   Summer 21st (Summer 20th)
Loves:      Elli Leaves
Likes:      Delicious Food
Rival:      FOOD!!!
Arrival:    ??
Tip:        If you don't want to spend every waking moment of your life
            beside a blowfish, don't go for him. Period. After a cooking
            festival, go to him and give him a delicious dish
            (Elli leaves, if possible) to boost his invisible heart.


Spring 22nd; After Cooking Festival; Rose Square
(Note that you can't give him gifts while the festival is on)


To marry him, you'll need:

1.) Complete Recipe Book (all 108)
2.) Win 5 Cooking contests