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> 1.) Red Heart 2.) Must witness all Heart Events 3.) Big House 4.) Big Bed (Hehe...what else for?) 5.) Blue Feather (used for proposing) +The Bachelors+ 1.) Cliff 2.) Doctor 3.) Gourmet Judge 4.) Gray 5.) Kai 6.) Kappa 7.) Rick 8.) Won +Take Your Pick+ First of all, you have to choose a boy. If you can't decide, you can try giving them all gifts everyday and pick the one whose heart level goes up earlier(that is if you want to get married earlier). If not, you just gotta be patient and know your boy well. Talk to him as often as you can, know his schedules and his tastes. If you're a beginner, try going for Gray or Doctor. +Tips for an early marriage+ These allowed me to get married as early as the 1st year. 1.) Talk to your boy EVERYDAY perhaps twice a day 2.) If possible, GIFT-WRAP your gifts before giving it to a boy 3.) Give gifts to your boy EVERYDAY perhaps twice a day (you can have simple gifts then) 4.) Give your boy *SPECIAL GIFTS at least ONCE A WEEK 5.) If you have the money, you can try giving your boy *SPECIAL GIFTS EVERYDAY 6.) Frequently changing your clothes will impress the boys *Special gifts are things he LOVES. *By changing clothes, I mean talk to him in one outfit, change, then talk to him again. +Heart Levels+ When you meet the eligible bachelors, you recognize them immediately since there's a small beating heart on their chest. You start off with black but it will eventually change color as the boy likes you more and more. The heart gets bigger too. Here are the different levels: Color: What it means: Black He doesn't like you. Purple He likes you. Blue He likes you and considers you a friend. Green He considers you a really good friend. Yellow He has a bit of a crush on you. Orange He has a HUGE crush on you. (Blue Feather available) Red He loves you enough to marry you. *These bachelors have invisible hearts: Gourmet Judge, Kappa & Won

It's weird, I think, that the girl is the one to present the blue feather.
It would've been nice if it were the guys, but, oh well...

To propose to a boy, you must get a Blue Feather. You'll get a letter in the
mail if it's available or not so check your mailbox but you don't have to.
Just check the supermarket from time to time or when you see a boy with an
Orange heart. You can only get the Blue Feather once a boy's heart level
is Orange.

How does the supermarket know when to put that in stock? Everyone in Mineral
Town knows everyone else esp. about romances (what do you think the wives who
come to Rose Square are talking about?).

Buy the Blue Feather. It's only 1000G. If you propose without meeting the
main requirements (MARRIAGE SECTION), he will think it's a joke or say that
he can't marry you or thinks of you only as a friend.

If and when he says yes, you'll get married a week later.

+Becoming Parents+ Once you get married, you'll notice that only your husband will have a beating heart on his chest. The rest of the boys will, of course, be unavailable now. That means you'll still have to maintain your husband's heart level so that you will eventually get pregnant. To do this, just give him gifts and talk to him everyday. If you can maintain ten hearts, you'll get pregnant one season after your marriage. You'll then give birth two seasons later to a baby girl. The baby girl will eventually grow up too and you'll see her heart level on the EARNINGS/MAIN MENU. To boost her heart level, give her gifts (particularly honey, chocolate, apple, milk and strawberry milk) and talk to her everyday. Eventually, she'll be big. Facts about your baby: You can't pick her up. EVER. Sucks, doesn't it? You can only give her gifts and talk to her once she's able to crawl, which is about 60 days from the time of birth. She'll walk one day, too. But once she does, she stays a toddler all her life. She doesn't grow up or help you with the farm. Sucks more, doesn't it? Unlike the Harvest Moon game in SNES and GB/color however, this time, you only get one kid. I would've wanted to have two, a boy and a girl but guess it ain't possible. A boy and girl child is only possible in HM3 (GBColor). In HM in SNES, you get three sons. Last time, I got my second son one season after my first son was born (really quick, huh?) and I got a third son too! I got three kids!

+Staying Married+ Unlike in HM: Back to Nature (PS Game basis for Mineral Town), this time, there's no divorce in MFoMT. But still you wouldn't want your husband to hate you now, would you? Well, first thing, never neglect or cheat on your husband. Continue to give him gifts and monitor the number of hearts he has on the MAIN MENU. Maintain 10 hearts if possible. If he goes down to a blue heart, he'll start to hate you. And don't neglect your child either. Don't forget birthdays and anniversaries. If you stay married for 50 years, your hubby will have a Mountain Cottage built for you. What a perk!