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These are events which are triggered as you expand your farm and strengthen
your friendship with your fellow girls.

Slumber Party
- This event happens once you buy the big bed. Just before you dive
  under the covers, you hear an unexpected knock on the door. All the
  rival girls barge in the house. They've heard about your big bed and
  came to see it. They then decide to have a slumber party and you
  agree but the bed doesn't hold all 5 of them so they decide to leave.
  After that, you can finally go to sleep.

Cooking for Friends
- This event happens once you expand your house and buy the kitchen.
  Go to your complete kitchen and try to cook after 8AM. There'll be a
  knock on the door and the rival girls will enter the house. They wanna
  see your cooking skills first hand and so they each take a seat and wait
  for you to whip up something. Each girl will ask for a different dish so
  talk to them to find out what it is. If you're able to cook the dish and
  give it to the girl, you'll increase your friendship with her. This event
  may be triggered more than once.

Here's a list of their requested food:

Ann    - Cheese Fondue, Hotcake, or Mushroom Rice
Elli   - Hot Milk, Sandwich, or Strawberry Milk
Karen  - Fried Potato, Popcorn, or Tempura
Mary   - Chocolate Cake, Relaxation Tea, or Veggie Juice
Popuri - Fried Rice, Omlette, or Scrambled Eggs
+Friendship Girl Events+

If these events seem familiar to you, that's 'coz these are the Black Heart
events for the boy version.

Name:    Schedule/Events:

Ann     - Any day bet. 10:40AM-1PM; Doug's Inn
          Walk into the inn. Ann will welcome you and have her dad give
          you a free meal. Agree to have the meal and she and Doug will be
          delighted. Of course, Doug says it's only free the first time.

Elli - Any day; Any time; Clinic Stu is in the clinic with Elli. Stu shows her a bug and Elli freaks out. She scolds Stu. Stu says that you understand him because you're still young at heart. Say 'not really'. Oh, he cries but Elli is happier that someone else reprimanded her bratty brother.

Karen - Wed/Fri; 10AM-1PM; Supermarket Karen will welcome you to her store. She says how hard it must be for you in the farm and asks if you could use some help. Say yes and she goes to her dad and asks him to give you a bag of grass seeds free. Jeff starts to protest but Karen tells him they should share. You then receive the grass seeds free of charge.

Mary - Any day except Monday; 10AM-1PM; Library
Mary is thinking so hard about something, she didn't see you and
almost bumped into you. She apologizes, saying that she had a lot
on her mind. Ask her if you could help and she'll talk about it and
stuff like that.

Popuri - Wed/Fri; 10AM-6PM; Poultry Farm; As you exit from the Blacksmith shop You must not have anything in your hands. A chicken will run at you and you will catch it. Popuri will thank you and ask if you like chickens. Say yes and she'll be happy.

Here are the schedules of your rivals' heart events. WARNING! Events will not
be triggered if the boy likes you better than your rival (e.g. if boy has
green heart for you and only blue for the rival).


*Cliff will eventually leave the game if you don't get him the job at the
winery. The last two events will only be available if he gets the job.

+Black     Spring; 7PM-9PM; 2nd floor of Doug's Inn
+Blue      All seasons except Fall; not Sat; 11AM-4PM; Church
+Green     2nd yr; Sat; 10AM-1PM; 2nd floor of Doug's Inn
+Orange    4th yr; not Sat; 10AM-1PM; Wine Cellar of Aja Winery


+Black      Not Tue & Wed; 9AM-7PM; Clinic
+Blue       Monday; 9AM-7PM; Ellen's House
+Green      2nd yr; Not Tue & Wed; 9AM-7PM; Clinic
+Orange     4th yr; Wed; 7PM-10PM; Mineral Beach


+Black      Wed-Sat; 11AM-6PM; Hot Spring
+Blue       Not Spring; Mon & Sun; 11AM-6PM; Walk out from Gotz's House
           (will not trigger if Gotz is working for you)
+Green      2nd yr; Sunny Wed & Fri; 11AM-6PM; Hot Spring
+Orange     4th yr; Sunny Tue,Thu,Sat; 1PM-4PM; Poultry Farm
           (Popuri MUST be married to Kai)


+Black      Any day except Thursday; 10AM-1PM; Blacksmith shop
+Blue       Any day except Monday; 1PM-4PM; Library
+Green      2nd yr; Sunny Tue, Fri, Sat; 7AM-10AM; Summit of M.Hill
+Orange     4th yr; Fri & Sat; 1PM-4Pm; Library


*All events take place in Summer

+Black      Sunny Sunday; 1PM-4PM; Mineral Beach
+Blue       Sunny Tue/Thu/Sat; 9AM-7PM; Mineral Beach
+Green      2nd yr; Sunny Sunday; 1PM-4PM; Mineral Beach
+Orange     4th yr;Sunny Tue/Thu/Sat; 9AM-7PM; Poultry Farmhouse

+Rival Weddings+

Seven days after the rival's Orange Heart event is triggered, your rival will
get married to the respective boy. You can be invited to the wedding or not
at all. Note that the wedding invitation DOESN'T APPEAR ON YOUR MAIL unlike
in real life. On the day of the wedding, the rival will come to your doorstep
and invite you. You won't be able to do any activities on that specific day
(and you don't have a choice on whether you attend or not either. Sorry)

*How to get invited:

1.) Become good friends with your rival
2.) You must sleep the night before the wedding. Don't work non-stop.
3.) Be at your farm house and never at the other 3 houses

If you don't get invited, you can "gate crash" by going to the church from
6AM-10PM on the wedding day. Carter will invite you to celebrate.
If you accept, you won't be able to do any activities and only wake up the
next day. If you decline, you'll be able to talk to everyone in the church,
even the bride and groom. Your rival will give you some crap of a reason as to
why she didn't invite you...hehehe....