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+Big Bed+ This is one of the most important furnitures of the game. It's where you sleep. You can buy a bigger bed from the T.V. Shopping Network. Buy it if you want to get married. +Bookshelf+ It's where your books and letters are stored. Books can be acquired once you've purchased something new. The books are actually very useful tutorials. Think of it as a mini-library. The letters, on the other hand, are mail that you get from your mailbox. Once you investigate your mailbox, all your letters will immediately be put here so you can read them again. +Mirror+ Unlike in the boy version, wherein the mirror only tells you about the day and your current physical condition, this time, the mirror allows you to change the color of your overalls! Choose from the default blue or the other options: blue, pink, red, green, white and orange. I personally prefer pink. Makes my character more feminine. Frequently changing your clothes will impress the boys. By changing clothes, I mean talk to him in one outfit, change, then talk to him again. +Clock+ Indicates the exact hours and minutes of the day. +Calendar+ Indicates dates, seasons and festivals, as well as the schedules for these. +Record Player+ Plays different music/bgms from record plaques. Connect to HM: Another Wonderful Life on Gamecube and buy it from Lou/Ban. +Television+ Who can live without it? You can't 'coz you'll need it for a lot of things. To turn on the TV, walk up to it, press B and surf the channels using the directional buttons. Some channels are only available for a specific period of time. +Main Stay Channels+ 1.)Weather Channel - forecasts tomorrow's weather. Announces rains, storms and blizzards. - press UP 2.)Announcements - Announces festivals of the season - press RIGHT 3.)Tutorial Channel- Where there are tutorials for beginners and advanced users - press DOWN +Extra Channels+ I won't put up those unimportant channels like Mechabot Ultror and Aaron changes...stuff like that 'coz it's a waste of space. T.V. Shopping Network (press LEFT) - This channel is available in your farm house every Saturday until you have bought every item they sell. Then, they don't air and will be replaced by St. Emerald's Academy. If you haven't bought everything they sold, they will air again the next year. To buy item/s, go to Doug's Inn and use the phone on the counter. Here are the products and their prices: Name: Price: Mirror 1000G Clock 2000G Refrigerator 2500G Shelves 2500G Kitchen 4000G Pot 1000G Mixer 1200G Whisk 500G Rolling Pin 750G Oven 2500G Seasoning Set 2500G Knife 1500G Frying Pan 1200G Large Bed 10,000G Carpet 5000G Power Berry 10,000G (you can only buy this if you bought everything else) H.Goddess New Year's Game Show (press LEFT) - Available in the first five days of Spring. This is where you guess if the number is higher or lower. The more the wins, the better the prize. Here's a list: Wins: Prize: 1 nothing 2 a type of grass/herb 3-9 rice cake or buckwheat flour 10+ Relaxation Tea Leaves 15+ Sun Block 20+ Skin Lotion 25+ Facial pack 30+ Perfume 40+ Dress 50+ Golden Lumber 60+ Fish Fossil 70+ Pirate Treasure 80+ Ketchup Recipe 90+ French Fries 100 High/Low 100 wins (Band-aid) Mineral Town Friends (press LEFT; only in Vacation House) - Every Wednesday. This is where you learn all about the residents of Mineral Town, their personalities, families and birthdays. Rock-Paper-Scissors Gameshow (press LEFT; only in Vacation House) - Every Saturday. This is where you play the rock-paper-scissors game with the H.Goddess. She gives out some great prizes too. Here's a list: Wins: Prize: 1 nothing 2 a type of grass/herb 3-9 rice cake or buckwheat flour 10+ Elli Leaves (recovers stamina & fatigue) 20+ Alexandrite 30+ Pink Diamond 40+ Mythic Stone 50+ Unused Item 60+ Unused Item 70+ Unused Item 80+ Unused Item 90+ Unused Item 100 R-P-S Certificate **The unused items are record plaques for your record player but they don't play anything at all. But unlike in the boy version, you can sell these to Won for a TON of money!!! Prices for unused items don't go lower than 500,000G and the R-P-S Certificate itself is worth 1 million G! +Refrigerator+ This is where you can store food items. It has 32 slots all in all and in each slot, you can store up to 99 of one item. +Shelf+ This is where you can store non-food items likes ores, branches, flowers, accessories and such. Like the fridge, it has 32 slots all in all and in each slot, you can store up to 99 of one item. +Makers+ Makers are machines that instantly convert one product to another, more expensive product. There are three makers in this game: Cheese Maker = turns milk into cheese Yarn Maker = turns wool into yarn Mayonnaise Maker = turns eggs into mayonnaise To get a maker, go to Saibara, the blacksmith and have him make one for you. The requirements are as follows: - fully expanded chicken coop and/or barn - one adamantite per maker - 20,000G per maker It's expensive, I know. But well worth it once you have the gold eggs, gold wool and gold milk 'coz it sells for more and it lasts a lifetime. +The Bath+ Once you have fully expanded your farm, you can ask Gotz to make you a bath. This is where you can rejuvenate a bit of stamina and fatigue though it takes 30 minutes of your (game)time. +Vase+ Put flowers in to rejuvenate stamina. Buy from Won. I highly recommend the Red Magic Grass which grows in fall, since it rejuvenates +10 stamina. +Kitchen+ Cook Food here. Buy the complete set from the TV Shopping Network.