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Fishing is one of the many ways you can earn money in this game. To fish,
you'll of course, need a fishing rod. Just go to Zack's house. You'll see an
event wherein he gives you the fishing rod for free (see CHARACTER EVENTS).
You can then start fishing. Of course, you'll have to upgrade your rod to
catch the bigger fishes.

The fishing rod is considered as one of the hardest things to upgrade (see
TOOLS GRAPH in your EARNINGS MENU) since it can take a while. The best you
can do is stand by the Hot Springs and press B over and over again. Once
you turn blue, jump in the hotsprings to recuperate. I once sacrificed a day's
worth just to have my fishing rod jump upgrade to mystrile.
**For more info on the Fishing rod, see TOOLS (scroll up).
**Note that for rod levels, you need at least that to catch the specified fish.

Once you catch the fish, you don't have to store it in your fridge. You now
have a fish pond (formerly a watering hole in the boy version) and it holds
100 of each fish (small, medium or large). Just approach the north side,
press A and choose a fish.

+River Fishes+

These are fishes you can find, where else, in the river! There are two parts:
Upstream, which is the river connected to Mother's Hill Lake, and Downstream,
which are the rivers found in the town (Poultry, Yodel and your Farm).

*Downstream - Down
*Upstream   - Up

Fish Species:   Rod Level:   Where:    Season:

Bighead         Mystrile     Down      All
Bitterling      Normal       Down      All
Black Bass      Gold         Up/Down   Spring, Summer, Fall
Bluegill        Normal       Up/Down   Spring, Summer, Fall
Brown Hakeling  Normal       Down      Spring, Summer, Winter
Cherry Salmon   Normal       Up        Spring, Fall
Eel             Mystrile     Down      Summer, Fall
Fat Minnow      Normal       Up        All
Golden Carp     Normal       Down      Spring, Summer, Fall
Large Salmon    Copper       Up        Spring, Fall
Lake Smelt      Normal       Down      Winter
Mountain Trout  Gold         Up        Spring, Summer, Fall
Rainbow Trout   Mystrile     Up        All
Roach           Normal       Down      Spring, Fall
Salmon          Gold         Down      Summer, Fall
Silver Carp     Copper       Down      Spring, Summer
Snakehead       Mystrile     Down      Summer, Fall
Whitefish       Copper       Down      All

+Lake Fishes+

That's right. These are the fishes found in Mother's Hill Lake (also where
the Kappa resides). Oh, you know where that is. All except the Crucian Carp
can be fished off the rivers.

Fish Species:   Rod Level:   Season:

Black Bass      Gold         Spring, Summer, Fall
Bluegill        Normal       Spring, Summer, Fall
Cherry Salmon   Normal       Spring, Fall
Crucian Carp    Gold         All
Fat Minnow      Normal       All
Rainbow Trout   Mystrile     All

+Sea Fishes+

It's off to the beach time! The sea holds the most bountiful fish(and junk)
and it's also where you can make the most profit(since you can fish treasures!)

Fish Species:   Rod Level:   Season:

Blowfish        Gold         Winter
Bonito          Mystrile     Summer, Fall
Cod             Gold         Winter
Dorado          Mystrile     Spring, Summer, Fall
Filefish        Copper       Winter
Flounder        Mystrile     All
Fluke           Gold         Fall, Winter
Greenling       Silver       Spring
Herring         Normal       Spring, Summer, Winter
Kelp Bass       Gold         Fall, Winter
Lionfish        Copper       All
Mackerel        Gold         Fall, Winter
Needlefish      Silver       Spring
Ocean Sunfish   Mystrile     Spring, Summer, Fall
Pigfish         Silver       Spring, Summer
Red Snapper     Mystrile     Spring, Summer, Fall
Rockfish        Copper       Spring, Fall
Rock Trout      Silver       Spring, Winter
Sandfish        Normal       Winter
Sardines        Normal       All
Saury Pike      Silver       Fall
Scad            Silver       Spring, Summer, Fall
SP.Mackerel     Mystrile     Spring, Winter
Tuna            Mystrile     All
Yellowtail      Mystrile     Summer, Winter

+Harvest Goddess Pond Fishes+

Yup! The site of the beautiful Harvest Goddess Falls and the "shrine" to the
Harvest Goddess. Other than offering stuff, you can fish here as well. Just
remember not to throw in your junk and discarded fishes in here, as the
goddess will think it's an offering (and hate you for it). Fishes here can
also be fished off the lake and rivers (except Silver Carp).

Fish Species:   Rod Level:   Season:

Black Bass      Gold         Spring, Summer, Fall
Bluegill        Normal       Spring, Summer, Fall
Crucian Carp    Gold         All
Golden Carp     Normal       Spring, Summer, Fall
Lake Smelt      Normal       Winter
Silver Carp     Copper       Spring, Summer, Fall
Snakehead       Mystrile     Summer, Fall
Whitefish       Copper       All

+King Fishes+

These are the special fishes which are extremely difficult to find and are
only caught by fishing rods which are cursed, blessed, or mythic. It's also
a requirement if you wanna marry the Kappa.

Fish Species: Where:            Season:         Requirements:

Catfish       Hotspring         Winter          NA
Carp          Lake              All ex.Winter   Ship 200 fishes
Coelecanth    Lv.9 Winter Mine  All             Catch 5 other King Fishes
JP.Huchen     Downstream River  All             Make Sushi,Sashimi,Grilled Fish
Monkfish      Sea               Spring/Winter   Fish at 10PM-8AM
Squid         Sea               All ex.Winter   Throw small fish to sea first