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Farm Degrees

This is one of the latest features of the Mineral Town GBA series. You can find
it in your Memo screen. By participating in certain events and finishing
certain tasks, you can get some game points. Each category has a maximum of
1000 points, which equal to 10,000 game points in all. You already start off
with a few points as you begin the game.

Shipping  - 1st shipment of an item (5pts/item)
          - Shipping 1 of everything (10pts)
          - For every 100 shipment of any item (1pt/item)

Fishing   - 1st catch of a fish; includes junk, pirate treasure,
            fish fossil, message in a bottle & recipe (5pts/item)
          - Catch King Fishes (10pts per King Fish; 60pts total)
          - Catch all 51 fishes (15pts)
          - For ever 100 fish/items caught (1pt per item)
          - 1pt for every 10cm more of maximum fish size
            (e.g. if you caught 60cm sunfish but later, caught 70cm, you get
            2pts. if you only got 65cm, you don't get points)

Animal    - Win a chicken, cow or sheep festival (10pts/festival)
          - Win Beach day and Horse race festivals. For every heart your horse
            or dog has, you earn 2.5pts, which totals a maximum of 25pts for
            each animal if they have 10 hearts.
          - Everytime you raise an animal's affection by 1 heart (2.5pts/heart)

People    - Giving gifts to the townspeople gives you a random amount of points
          - Get Blue Berry from Kappa (27pts)
          - Train Harvest Sprites to master a category (watering, harvesting &
            animal husbandry).
            (25pts/category mastered; 75pts/sprite; 525pts total)

Cooking   - 1st time making a recipe (5pts/recipe; 540pts total)
          - For every recipe given by people after you continuously give them
            gifts (10pts/recipe)
          - Win the Cooking Festival (10pts/win)

Building  - Buy from TV Shopping Network (30pts/item; excluding power berry)
          - Hire Gotz for house and farm upgrades. Includes 1st and 2nd house
            extensions, bathroom, barn and chicken coop upgrades. Does not
            include remodeling (windows, doghouse, mailbox). (50pts/upgrade)
          - Have Saibara build you cheese, mayonnaise and yarn makers.
            (40pts/maker; 120pts total)
          - Buy Won's Flower vase; available after 1st house extension (50pts)
          - Have Ellen knit you a sock; be good friends with her and give her
            yarn (any kind) in Winter, before 25th (50pts)
          - Buy recorder from Van. Only accessible by connectiong to Gamecube
            or using cheats. Does not include record plaques (20pts)
          - Acquire all three extra houses (Town Cottage, Seaside Cottage,
            Mountain Cottage) (20pts/house)

Equipment - Increase Tool Upgrade meter; use constantly (1pt/10% increase)
          - Get Fishing Rod from Zack; See CHARACTER EVENTS (2pts)
          - Buy new rucksack (20pts; 40pts total)
          - Get Bachelor's gifts after Blue Heart Event (1pt/gift)

Letters   - For every new letter received in the mail; does not include the
            2nd letter (e.g if Ann sent you a B-day card the 1st year and the
            next, you get another from Ann and Mary, only Mary's card counts
            since it's new) (11pts/letter)

Events    - Trigger random events; See CHARACTER EVENTS (most worth 1pt each)
          - Trigger Girl's *heart* Events; See GIRL EVENTS (5pts/girl)
          - Have 10,000 steps in Pedometer; H.Goddess greets you (1pt)
          - 1st time you descend into a new lower level in a mine (1pt/level)
          - 1st time you give a cucumber to the Kappa (1pt)
          - Trigger a Rival Heart event (5pts/event)
          - Trigger one of the two Girl Events; See GIRL EVENTS (5pts)
          - Trigger Heart events of new colors; Once only per color
            (eg if you trigger Cliff's Blue heart event and later, Gray's Blue
            Heart event, only Cliff's will be counted. The new set of points
            appear after the 1st yellow heart event you see) (50pts/color)
          - Trigger wedding, pregnancy, birth etc events (50pts/event)
          - Attend a rival wedding (10pts/wedding)

Heroine   - Acquire power berries (10pts/P.berry; 100pts total)
          - Acquire Blue berry from Kappa (50pts)
          - Finish a year in the game (1pt/year)
          - Play Whack-a-mole 100 times; See CHARACTER EVENTS (1pt)
          - For every 100 steps earned in pedometer
           (1pt; 100pts total = 10,000 steps)
          - Receive each of the 7 rings (30pts/ring)