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Character Events
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Just as there are Heart events with the bachelors(later part of the guide),
you also have character events. I don't have the exact schedules of all of
them since I'm still trying to make good friends with the people. If you can't
see the event, it's either the weather is wrong or you haven't made good enough
friends with the people around you. Also, I don't know how many events each
character has so don't ask me. If you have additions/corrections, e-mail me and
I'll credit you. WARNINGS: Spoilers ahead!
*** All events are arranged randomly

How to know if you're good friends:

1.) Change in the way he/she talks to you(for most characters)
2.) Allows you in the house/shop as early as 6AM(for some characters only)
3.) Allows you in rooms previously locked before
4.) Gives you a birthday card during your birthday(mailbox; for some characters)
5.) Gives you recipes (for most characters)

- Anytime; Have tillable soil
  If you have soil to till, prepare a hoe and a hammer (preferably, have only
  those two tools in your rucksack). Till the soil. Once you see a mole,
  quickly switch to the hammer (L+B) and whack it. A tally will appear in your
  Memo screen, along with the records for Harvest Sprite and Dog Disk scores.

Free Horse
- Spring; 1st yr; Your farm
  You have to talk to Barley first when you explore the town. The next day
  or so, he comes to your farm and offers you a horse. Take care of it well
  or else he takes it back.

Goodbye Horse(?)
- A year after you're given the horse; Neglect the horse
  If your horse has 6 or lower hearts, Barley will take it away from you
  and won't return it until the next year. Let that be a lesson to you.

Magnificent Stallion
- A year after you're given the horse; Take good care of your horse
  If you've taken really good care of your horse (if possible 8+ hearts),
  Barley will come over to look at him. He'll be impressed at how healthy
  the stallion is and seeing as how it seems to be so fond of you, decides
  to have it live with you forever.

Animal Death
- Anytime; Neglect your farm animals; Death by natural causes
  If you neglect your animals (aka not feed them), they will eventually
  get sick and die. You'll see a scene wherein Carter holds a funeral service
  for your animal, with either or both Rick and Barley bawling you out for
  your negligence. But if the animals die by natural causes (age), Rick and
  Barley will sympathize.

Sick Little Doggy
- Anytime; Have 0 hearts for your dog
  If your dog has absolutely no love for you, he'll get sick. You take him
  to Doctor, who'll do the best he can though he's not a vet. You're dog
  won't die, but the doc will tell you to take better care of it.

The Fishing Rod
- Spring; 1st yr; 11AM-4PM; Zack's House
  Have an empty tool slot. Just go in. Zack will tell you some stuff and
  he'll give you the fishing rod for free.

Catch the Kappa
- Anytime; Mother's Hill Lake
  Fish on the left side of the lake and you'll probably catch this creature.
  You may also see him by putting in some cucumbers. Once you fish him, he
  will do a spinny dance and disappear.

4:44AM TV
- This is hard to trigger without a clock. Turn on your TV at exactly
  4:44AM and you're game will freeze for a while as the channels zoom past
  your screen until you reach a blank fuzzy screen. Weird. This can be
  triggered several times. In the farm house only.

Won's Arrival
- Spring 3; 1st yr; the minute you step out of your house
  A strange salesman will be at your doorstep. He'll introduce himself as
  Won and explain a bit about himself, his job and where you can find him.
  He will come by once every season to sell you his wares(Vase, Special apples)

Popuri's Mail Order
 - Spring 10-17; Zack's House
   Popuri will walk in and ask Zack if her package has arrived. She'll tell
   you it's a surprise gift for her mom, whose birthday is coming soon
  (Spring 19). Popuri will ask you to keep it a secret. Promise you won't tell
   and she'll be happy. This also raises your friendship with Popuri and Zack.

Carter's Answered Prayer
- Church; Any time
  Go in the church. Carter will tell you that while he was in the confessional,
  he heard a voice say that the thing he wanted will come soon. Later, Zack
  enters the church and confirms this. What is it? It's a secret. Hehe...

Unappreciated Gotz
 - 11AM-4PM; Gotz's House; Don't be friends w/ Gotz
   Triggered only if you're not good friends with Gotz. Visit him and he says
   he doesn't want to work for your farm anymore because he feels unappriciated.
   You'll just have to give him honey everyday to get him to like you.

Harvest Sprites Tea Party
- Spring; 10AM-5PM; Be good friends with H.Sprites; Have invitation
  If you're good friends with the sprites (at least 3 hearts each), you'll get
  an invitation in the mail for a tea party. Bring the invitation to their hut.
  Only works in Spring, 10AM-5PM and if none of them are working for you.

Won's Golden Service
- Probably Spring of 1st yr; 11AM-4PM; Zack's House
  Zack and Won will greet you in. Karen suddenly comes in and Won gets a bit
  of crush on her. He announces that it's "Golden Service Time", where you can
  get anything for free. Karen takes something and leaves but when you try to
  get in the "Golden Service", Won says it's over. What a prick...

Mistaken Bloodtype
- Tuesday; 1:20PM-4PM; Clinic
  Jeff is shocked to learn that his bloodtype was different from what he
  originally thought. Doctor explains that it may have been a clerical error
  and apologizes.

Jeff and Sasha's Childhood Romance
- Tuesday; 11AM-1PM; Poultry Farm House
  Lillia and Sasha talk about Jeff. You learn a little more of Sasha and
  Jeff's childhood...er...romance here.

Stu's Fever
- Wednesday; 10AM-1PM; Ellen's house
  Elli and Ellen are worried over Stu since he has a fever. They'll ask you to
  take him to the doctor. Once in the clinic, you'll find out Stu only has a
  cold. Then, you go back home.

Love Letter
- Wednesday; 9:30AM-1PM; Ellen's House
  Ellen, Elli and Stu welcome you in. Elli starts looking for a book and finds
  an old letter in the pages. It's from her grandfather to her grandmother.
  Ellen reads it. It's a sweet letter and she reminisces.

Stu's Hyperactivity
- Wednesday; 10AM-5PM; Ellen's House; Good friends w/ Stu
  Enter Ellen's house. Stu will ask his grandma to read him a story but when he
  sees you, he's all excited. He looks up to you like a big sister and asks you
  to play with him. If you agree, you'll get out by 7PM with little energy so
  you better do everything you need to do before triggering this event.

Gotz's Painful Memories
 - 11AM-1PM; Gotz's House
   Harris and Gotz will be talking. You'll learn that Gotz once had a wife and
   daughter who died in the mountains *sniff*. No wonder he's moody.

Doctor's Childhood
- Sunny Wednesday; 8AM-10AM; Mother's Hill
  The doctor will be thinking about something. You come up to him and he tells
  you a bit about himself, how he once rebelled against his parents(his father,
  a doctor and his mom, a nurse) because they didn't give him enough time.
  Now that he was a doctor, he understood them and wished he hadn't rebelled
  as much.

Worried Mother
- Any Sunny Day expt. Saturday; Before Fall Winery Harvest; 1PM-4PM; Rose Square
  Walk to Rose Square from the south (eg from Yodel Farm) Manna, Anna and Sasha
  are talking. Manna says she is worried about her daughter, Aja, and wishes
  that she would come home. Anna and Sasha assure her that they'll help her and
  Manna will become happy again.

Harris and Barley's Conversation
- Sunday morning; Yodel Farm House
  Harris talks with Barley about the town and his job.

Doug vs. Duke
- Saturday; 1PM-4PM; Doug's Inn; Rainy(?)
  Duke and Doug are having a fight. Ann tries to stop them but they won't
  listen. Ann asks you to intervene. Break up the fight to gain the respect
  of other people who are also at the inn. When you stop them, Duke & Doug
  can't even remember what they were fighting about! Jeez! Old age...

Advice for Basil
- Any day expt. Monday; Before 9AM; 2nd floor of Basil's House
  You must be good friends with Basil. Go to the second floor and Basil will
  be worried about a person, getting sick because he misunderstood one of
  Basil's books. Tell him that it wasn't his fault and he'll be happy.

Cooking with Anna
 - Sunny Saturday; 10:20AM; Basil's House; Good friends w/ Anna
   Manna will visit Anna. Enter the house and they will greet you in. Manna
   says that Anna's the best cook when it comes to deserts. Anna will ask you
   if you'd like a free lesson. If you say yes, you and Manna will have a
   cooking class every Saturday around the same time, where you can get five
   dessert recipes. (Cake, Cookies, Pudding, Apple pie, Ice Cream)

Barley's Phone Call
- Friday(?); 4PM-6PM(?); Doug's Inn
  Barley calls long distance to his daughter, Joanna, and gets angry. Doug and
  Barley then talk about her.

Barley and May's Phone Call
- Wednesday; Before 5PM; Doug's Inn; Good friends with May
  Become good friends with May to trigger this. May and Barley will call long
  distance to Joanna. May will talk on her mom on the phone and say that new
  farmer is very nice and that she should come home and see for herself. After
  that, May and Barley talk to Doug and leave.

Drinking Contest
- Sunday; 7PM-10PM; Doug's Inn; Good friends with Karen
  Karen is in a heated argument with Duke. Duke had run a tab at the
  supermarket and refused to pay. Karen challenges him to a drinking match.
  If he lost, he'd have to pay. Duke agrees and Karen asks you to be the judge.
  Say yes to strengthen your friendship with her. Later, Karen wins and she
  goes home on her own, drunk. You'll have to take Duke home yourself since
  he's wasted. Once in the winery, Manna will scold Duke and you sneak out of
  the house.

Jeff's Paintings
- Saturday(?); 8AM-7PM; Supermarket; Good friends w/ Jeff
  Enter the Supermarket and you'll immediately find yourself at the back room.
  Jeff and Sasha greet you in. Suddenly, someone asks for them. Sasha lets him
  in. It's Won. He says he wants to buy Jeff's paintings for 10,000G each!
  But Jeff refuses since he puts his heart in his paintings. Sasha loves him
  for it.

Letter from Rod
- 11AM-1PM(?);Poultry Farm House
  Lillia, Popuri and Rick are all talking. They've just received a letter from
  Rod, Lillia's husband, saying that he's okay. Lillia is extremely happy.

Kai's Arrival (v.1)
- Spring 30; 1st yr; 9AM-7PM; Exit farm to town
  You'll see May and Popuri talking to Kai. He sees you and introduces himself.
  Then, he'll go to his Beach House to clean up all day.

Kai's Arrival (v.2)
- Summer 2; 1st yr; 6AM-12PM; The minute you step out the door
  If you missed the previous event, this will happen instead. Kai will come
  to your house and introduce himself to you before leaving to the beach house.

Rick vs. Kai
- Summer; 1PM-5PM; Mineral Beach
  Rick and Kai will be at each other. Rick warns Kai to stay away from Popuri.
  Kai says that he feels sorry for Popuri for having an over-protective
  brother. Rick angrily exits.

Beach House Fiasco
- Summer; Saturday; 5PM-7PM; Kai's Beach House
  Kai greets you. You ask about other customers. Kai says there aren't many
  and can't understand it when his food is really good. Then, Popuri enters.
  She's brought a lot of customers. Kai asks you to help out. This is a pretty
  fun event 'coz you can see a lot of characters.
  WARNING! Do everything you have to do before triggering this event 'coz
  later, you'll be too tired handling all the customers to do anything else
  but sleep.

Gray's Opinion
- Summer; Saturday; 11AM-1PM; Kai's Beach House
  Gray visits Kai in his beach house. Kai asks Gray's opinion on his food.
  Kai explains to you that since Gray is from the city, he values his opinion.
  Gray thinks the food is great and later bids goodbye to you and Kai.

Concerned Children
- Summer; Sunday; 11AM-1PM;
  Lillia greets you in. She isn't feeling very good and tells you that Rick
  and Popuri are out. Rick comes back first. He has brought medicine but so
  has Popuri! Lillia is happy to have such concerned children.

Doug's Grief
- 1st year & later; Fall 5; Anytime before 5PM; Doug's Inn; M.Hill Summit
  Go to the inn. Ann will tell you that today's her mother's death anniversary
  and Doug is off sulking. Go to the summit and you'll see him there. Talk to
  him and you'll learn more about his late wife.

Carter's Secret Doorway
- Autumn; Church; Must be good friends with Carter
  Just go inside the church. You'll find that Carter isn't there. You walk to
  the locked door and are surprised that it's open. You go out and Carter is
  mumbling on what a great secret place he has. He is shocked to see you but
  does not get mad. He explains that this is his favorite spot for mushroom
  hunting and asks you to keep it a secret. You are given two choices.
  Either way, he'll keep the door open for you at all times.

Fall Winery Harvest
- Fall 14&15; 1st yr; Your farm; Aja Winery
  Duke stops by your farm on the 14th and asks you to help him harvest grapes.
  Agree and he tells you to bring someone else to help. Bring Cliff along to
  prevent him from leaving town. Anyway, he's the only person who'll agree.
  The next day, 15th, at 10AM, go to the winery. Manna will ask you to help
  for a few hours and after harvesting, Duke offers Cliff a permanent job at
  the Winery.

Duke vs. Manna
- Saturday; 8PM-10PM; Aja Winery; Give Cliff the Winery job
  You must've asked Cliff to help you during the Fall Harvest event.
  Go to the winery and you'll find Manna and Duke arguing. Manna accuses
  Duke of drinking their wine. She even has evidence: bottles of it under
  the bed. They get on arguing but later, after a sorta tender moment
  (as much as any moment can be tender for these two X_X), Manna
  forgives Duke.

Cliff Leaves
- Fall 30; Beach (the Dock); Don't give Cliff the Winery job
  If you didn't give Cliff the Fall Winery Harvest job, he'll eventually run
  out of money and you'll see a scene of him at the dock, saying goodbye.
  He may catch a boat or something. (me: NOOOOOO!!!!!)

Manna's Shopping Spree
- Thu/Fri; 2PM-4PM; Supermarket; Don't give Cliff the Winery job
  If you didn't give Cliff the Fall Winery Harvest job, you'll see this
  scenario instead. Manna will be in the Supermarket, talking a streak
  with Sasha. She'll then ask Jeff for some curry and rice balls and lavish
  him with so many compliments, Jeff gives her a discount! Sneaky...

Cliff's Past (Part 1)
- Winter; 1st yr; Snowy Saturday; Rose Square
  Cliff collapses in Rose Square, saying he always remembers the day he
  left his hometown on a snowy day. You rush to him and you find a photo.
  You then go to the inn to ask for help about Cliff. You, Ann, Doug and
  Carter rush him to the clinic. Ann tearfully thanks you for finding Cliff.
  Keep the photo to witness the second event.

Cliff's Past (Part 2)
- Winter; 1st yr; Day after Part 1 event; Clinic
  Go to the clinic. You'll see Cliff sleeping on the bed. Give him the photo
  and he'll explain a bit about his past.

Cliff's Poor Condition
- Winter; 1st yr; Clinic; Cliff must still be in the Clinic; Pass out
  If you pass out while Cliff is still in the Clinic, you'll see this very
  weird event. Since there's only one hospital bed, Cliff is forced to stand
  in the lobby while Doctor tends to you. The Doctor will "inject" something
  to Cliff's back and he'll pass out himself. Elli will come drag him, perhaps,
  to the sofa. Poor Cliff!

Free Golden Lumber
- Winter; Your farm house
  The minute you step out of your farm house, the mayor is there, asking for
  a favor. He'll ask you to bring him something and if you agree, he'll come
  back by 7PM to get it. If you succeed in the task, you increase your
  friendship with him and you get a free Golden Lumber, which you can sell to
  Won for 48,000G-57,000G.

Forgetful Doug
- Winter 11; Good friends w/ Doug; Back of Doug's Inn; Ann NOT yet married
  Go to the back of Doug's Inn. Ann will be giving her father, Doug, a present.
  He thanks her, but doesn't know why she's giving him a gift. Ann angrily
  reminds him that it's his birthday that day.

Ellen's Sock-knitting
- Winter; Frequently bring Ellen some yarn; Ellen's House; Good friends w/ Ellen
  After always bringing Ellen some yarn, she will one day offer to knit a
  sock for you. She'll then have Stu hang it up your wall for the Winter sock
  festival. The kind of yarn you give her doesn't affect the size of the sock.

Helping Basil
- 11AM-6PM; Sunny day; Married; Good friends w/ Mary; Forest near Gotz's house
  You must be married to trigger this event. Exit your farm to the south and
  into the forest. Mary will be wandering about, looking for herbs. When you
  approach her, she'll ask you how your married life is. She'll then tell you
  that she's trying to help her dad with research. Tell her it's nice of her
  to do so and she'll be happy.

Advice for Harris (Part 1)
- 7PM-9PM; Your farm; You must be married; Good friends with Harris
  Harris will come to your house and ask for some advice on his love life.
  Give him good advice and you'll be better friends with him.

Advice for Harris (Part 2)
- 7PM-9PM; Your farm; You must be married; Good friends with Harris
  You must have triggered well the previous event to trigger this 'sequel'.
  After you gave some good advice to Harris about his love life, he will come
  to tell you about the response from the letter he sent. He's a bit sad but
  thanks you nonetheless for your advice.

Saibara's Visit (#1)
 - Year 2 or later; Rainy Friday; 9AM; Ellen's House
   Saibara visits Ellen. Ellen thanks him for it even though it was raining.
   Saibara sort of...err...has this heart thing (crush on Ellen perhaps?).
   He then notices you and asks how long you've been there. Stu points out
   that you've been there all the time. Saibara, leaves, embarrassed.

Black Out {info from herliawans@hotmail.com}
- 2nd Year(?); Summer; Go to bed
  This event only happens in summer. Try going to bed and the power will
  suddenly go out. After a moment, the power returns and you can
  finally go to sleep. Seems those upcoming thunderstorms are really
  affecting the area... (Seem familiar? This event also happened in
  Harvest Moon: Boy Meets Girl for GBColor. This happens if you chose
  to be a boy and it's one of the *heart* events back then).

Zack visits Lillia
- Year 3 or later; 11AM-1PM; Poultry Farm House
  Zack will come in and check up on Lillia. They'll just talk a bit and stuff.

Saibara's Visit (#2)
- Year 4 or later(?); Sunny Monday; 9AM-4PM; Ellen's House
  Saibara will visit Ellen again. They talk a bit and like before, Saibara
  leaves embarrassed after seeing you there.

Elli's Medical Practice
- Year 4 or later(?); Sunday; 9AM-4PM; Clinic; Doctor & Elli married(?)
  The Doctor and Elli will be going over some medical stuff. Elli explains that
  she is trying to learn as much as she can to help her grandma. You will later
  be given two choices: send her grandma to a hospital or just encourage her.
  If you want to continue being friends with her and the doctor, encourage her.

Ann and Cliff's Quarrel
- Year 4 or later; 6AM-8AM; Rainy; Doug's Inn; Cliff and Ann married
  Walk into Doug's Inn and you'll see Cliff and Ann having a spat. Cliff is
  upset that Ann doesn't act like the other girls. Ann is even more upset
  when Cliff mentions his sister acts more feminine than she does but Ann
  believes she doesn't have to act like anyone but herself. Cliff realizes
  that he should accept Ann for who she is and apologizes.

The Necklace
- Year 4 or later; 5PM-7PM; Kai's Beach House; Kai and Popuri married
  Go to the Beach House. Popuri will run past you and rush to Kai. Kai says
  he's busy but asks what she wants anyway. Popuri puts on her sweety-pie face
  and tells Kai that she needs something but doesn't say what it was. Kai asks
  her again and Popuri tells him of a lovely necklace up for sale and asks if
  he wants to see it (way to go being subtle). Kai asks if it's expensive and
  when Popuri says yes, he says he won't buy it. Popuri goes all sad, making
  Kai guilty enough to buy the necklace for her.

Mary's Bestseller
- Year 4 or later; Thursday; 1PM-4PM; Gray&Mary married; Summit of M.Hill
  Gray and Mary will be talking. You'll learn that Mary's novel is selling like
  hotcakes but Gray is worried since she's been working too much on the novel.
  Mary promises to watch her health and Gray promises to help in any way
  he can.

Great Wife
- Year 4 or later; 4PM-7PM; Poultry Farm House
  To trigger this, Popuri must be married to Kai and Rick must be married
  to Karen. Rick and Karen will be talking. Rick will be mumbling about how he
  misses Popuri and how it was different without her. Karen will console him
  and say she'll work even better than Popuri. Rick thanks her and says that
  he's happy he married her. Karen gets embarrassed.

The Mystery Flower
- Year 5(?) or later; Summer; Thursday; 1PM-4PM; Ellen's house
  You must be good friends with Ellen. Enter Ellen's house She'll say that
  Basil should be coming too. Basil enters and both of you listen to Ellen's
  story about a rare White Flower that blooms on summer nights. She asks you
  and Basil to search for it. This is actually called the "Queen of the Night".
  After this event, you can find the flower at 9PM, on the peak of
  Mother's Hill.

Basil's Award
- Year 5(?) or later; Thursday; 5PM-7PM; Basil's House; Mary & Gray married
  You must be good friends with Basil. Go into his house. Anna, Mary & Gray
  will congratulate him. You'll learn that one of Basil's books has won an
  award and they're all happy for him.

Wishing on Falling Stars
- Year 5 and later; Fall 10; Sunny; After 6PM; Summit of Mother's Hill
  Go to Mother's Hill summit and you'll see shooting stars. You'll then be
  given a choice as to what wish you should make (Any sick animal you have
  will become healthy again; Become better friends with all of the Mineral
  Town villagers; Anything you ship the following day will net you double
  the profit) and it will come true. This goes on every year.