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Here are the people of Mineral Town, arranged in alphabetical order. The BOYS
are listed in the AMOURE section. (NOTE: <> means she's a rival)

*General Likes of Women: Jewelry, Perfume, Dresses, Sun Block, Lotion,
    (excpt.H.Goddess)    Face Mask, Diamond, Pink Diamond

Name: <>
B-Day: Summer, 17
Info: Doug's daughter. Tomboyish. Helps around the inn.
Where: Doug's inn, H. Goddess Spring(Mornings)
Likes: Cake, Cheese Fondue, Pancakes, Truffle Rice, Spa-Boiled Egg,
       Apple, Chocolate, Wild Grapes, Animals, Curry Rice, Sandwich,
       Strawberry Milk, Rice Cake, Stir Fry, Omelet Rice, Savory Pancake,
       Tempura Noodles, Cheese Cake, Apple Pie, Pumpkin Pudding,
       Ice Cream, Stew, Sushi, Amethyst, Ruby, Topaz, Emerald

Name: Anna
B-Day: Fall, 23
Info: Mary's mother and Basil's wife
Where: At their home, Rose Square and Mother's Hill(Mon. Mornings)
Likes: Honey, Wine, Apple, Strawberry, Sweet Potato, Egg, Flour, Oil

Name: Barley
B-Day: Spring, 17
Info: Owns Yodel Farm. Takes care of granddaughter, May.
Where: At his house and hot spring(Mon. afternoons)
Likes: Elli Leaves, Bamboo shoots, Honey, Milk, Noodles, Buckwheat Flour,
       Spa Boiled Egg , Rice Balls, Rice Cake, Scrambled Eggs, Miso Soup

Name: Basil
B-Day: Summer, 11
Info: Anna's husband and Mary's father. Author of books in the library.
      A botanist.
Where: His house, Mother's Hill(Mon. Mornings), Inn(at night)
Likes: Flowers, Medicinal Herbs(grasses), Elli Leaves, Wine, Mushroom,
       Poison Mushroom, Tomato Juice, Wild Grape Juice, Wild Grape

Name: Carter
B-Day: Fall, 20
Info: Pastor at the church
Where: Church, outside church(early mornings and afternoon church days)
Likes: Wine, Branches, Honey, Fishes, Food, Buckwheat Flour, Flour, Egg,
       Curry, Turnip, Milk, Oil

Name: Doug
B-Day: Winter, 11
Info: Owns the Inn. Ann's father.
Where: Inn
Likes: Cheese Fondue, Buckwheat Flour, Apple, Honey, Fish, Milk,
       Vegetable crops, Wine, Wild Grape Juice

Name: Duke
B-Day: Winter, 15
Info: Owns the winery. Manna's husband.
Where: Winery, Wine Cellar, Vineyard, Inn(at night)
Likes: Wine, Wild Grape Juice, Honey, Food, Buckwheat Flour, Bread, Egg,
       Cheese, Sashimi, Eggplant, Cucumber

Name: Ellen
B-Day: Winter, 13
Info: Elli and Stu's grandmother
Where: In her house
Likes: Flowers, Honey, Mushrooms, Elli Leaves, Yarn, Carrot, Flour, Milk,
       Pumpkin, Spa-Boiled Egg, Rice Cake, Apple pie, Diamonds

Name: <>
B-Day: Spring, 16
Info: Ellen's granddaughter and Stu's sister. Clinic nurse
Where: Clinic, Ellen's house, Supermarket
Likes: Elli Leaves, Red Magic Grass, Moon Dumplings, Hot Milk, Milk,
       Strawberry Milk, Chocolate, Fish, Grape Juice, Muffin Mix,
       Relaxation tea, Relaxation tea leaves, Apple pie,
       Medicinal Herbs (grasses), Strawberries, Chocolate cake,
       Toy Flowers, Pink Cat Flowers, Magic Flowers, Animals, Ruby,
       Topaz, Emerald, Amethyst

Name: Gotz
B-Day: Fall, 2
Info: Builds stuff for you if you have enough money and lumber. Kinda grumpy.
Where: Mountain area, his shop, outside of his shop, supermarket
Likes: Honey, Wine, Ketchup, Butter, Buckwheat Flour, Wool, Apple,
       Cheese, Wild Grape Juice, Egg, Flour, Oil, Potato, Onion

Name: Harris
B-Day: Summer, 4

Info: The town constable with the most boring job ever(very peaceful town...)
Where: Traveling through town, Gotz's, Mayor's house, Inn,
       Yodel Farm(Sun. morning)
Likes: Wine, Wild Grape Juice, Flowers, Honey, Jewelries, Spa-Boiled Egg,
       Fish(s), Bodigizer, Turbojolt, Girl Gifts

Name: Harvest Goddess
B-Day: Spring, 8
Info: Gives Power Berry, tea lives, white grass; Helps with lovelife
Where: Harvest Goddess Spring
Likes: Pineapple, Flowers, Eggs, Crops, Queen of the Night

Name: Harvest Sprites
Info: Plays minigames and helps you out at your farm. Invites you to a tea
      party where you can get Relaxation Tea Leaves
Where: At the hut behind the church.
Likes: Flour, Bread, Herbs with corresponding colors (best if gift-wrapped)
B-days: Bold(Purple) Spring 4; Staid(Blue) Spring 15; Aqua(marine) Spring 26;
        Timid(Green) Summer16; Hoggy(Yellow) Fall 10; Chef(Red) Fall 14;
        Nappy(Orange) Winter 22

Name: Jeff
B-Day: Winter, 25
Info: Owns Grocery Store. Sasha's husband and Karen's father.
Where: Supermarket, Clinic, Church
Likes: Elli Leaves, Honey, Fruit Juice, Blue Grass, Blue Magic Grass,
       Corn Flakes, Bodigizer, Turbojolt

Name: <>
B-Day: Fall, 15
Info: Jeff & Sasha's daughter. Good singer. Loves to drink.
Where: Inside & outside of Supermarket, Doug's inn, Beach
Likes: French Fries, Pizza, Popcorn, Wild Grape Juice, Wine, Bamboo Shoots,
       Wild Grapes, Truffle, Cheese, Moondrop Flowers, Pink Cat Flowers,
       Animals, Ruby, Topaz, Emerald, Amethyst

Name: Lillia
B-Day: Spring, 19
Info: Owns Poultry Farm. Popuri and Rick's mother.
Where: Her shop/house, Clinic(Sundays)
Likes: Flowers, Honey, Eggs, Wine, Wild Grape Juice, Milk, Apple, Carrot,
       Tomato, Strawberry

Name: Manna
B-Day: Fall, 11
Info: Dukes wife and cashier at the Winery
Where: Rose Square, her house/winery, supermarket
Likes: Flowers (except Fall flowers), Honey, Milk, Spinach, Bamboo Shoots,
       Fish, Mushroom

Name: <>
B-day: Winter, 20
Info: Basil & Anna's daughter. Town Librarian.
Where: Library, Supermarket(Mon.afternoons), Mother's Hill (Mon.mornings)
Likes: Vege. Juice, Vege. Latte, Relaxation Tea, Elli Leaves, Apple,
       Chocolate, Wild Grapes, Bamboo shoots, Medicinal herbs (grasses),
       Animals, Amethyst, Ruby, Topaz, Emerald

Name: May
B-day: Winter, 26
Info: Barley's granddaughter and Stu's (girl)friend
Where: Yodel Farm, outside the church on Church days, Hotspring(Mon.afternoons)
Likes: Flowers, Honey, Apple, Pineapple, Fruit Juice, Chocolate, Boots,
       Hot Milk, Strawberry Milk, Cookies, Ice Cream

Name: <>
B-day: Summer, 3
Info: Lillia's daughter & Rick's sister. Childish. Loves sweets & eggs.
Where: Poultry Farm, H.Goddess Spring(mornings), Church, Square, Beach(Summer)
Likes: Omelet, Omelet Rice, Scrambled Eggs, Chocolate, Eggs, Honey,
       Strawberry recipes, Cake, Chocolate Cake, Ice Cream, Boiled Egg,
       Apple Souffle, Spa-boiled eggs, Pink Cat Flowers, Amethyst, Ruby, Topaz,

Name: Saibara
B-Day: Spring, 11
Info:  Gray's grandfather. Owns blacksmith shop. Really grumpy.
Where: His shop, supermarket(on Thu. afternoons), Inn(at nights)
Likes: Elli Leaves, Branches, Ores, minerals, Honey, Wine, Wild Grape Juice
       Buckwheat Flour, Turnip, Bamboo Shoots, Fish(L), Miso Soup

Name: Sasha
B-Day: Spring, 30
Info:  Jeff's wife and Karen's mother. Also Lillia's best friend.
Where: Supermarket, Poultry Farm House(Tuesdays), Rose Square(Afternoons)
Likes: Wine, Wild Grape Juice, Moondrop Flowers, Pink Cat Flowers, Chocolate,
       Cookies, Honey

Name: Stu
B-Day: Fall, 5
Info: Elli's brother and May's (boy)friend.
Where: Ellen's house, by the Church(afternoon church days)
Likes: Strawberry Milk, Honey, Chocolate, Hot Milk, Cookies, Ice Cream,
       Sandwich, Yarn, Wild Grape

Name: Thomas
B-Day: Summer, 25
Info: Mayor of Mineral Town
Where: Supermarket(Saturday mornings), his house, Rose Square(afternoons),
       Inn(Weekend afternoons)
Likes: Elli Leaves, Bamboo shoots, Grapes, Honey, Wine, Wild Grape Juice,
       Buckwheat Flour, Jam Bun, Jewelries, Diamonds

Name: Zack
B-Day: Summer, 29
Info: The shipper. Gives good advice. Lives at Mineral Beach.
Where: Supermarket(mornings), his house, your farm, Saibara's(some nights)
Likes: Wild Grape, Flowers, Crops, Wine, Wild Grape Juice, Apple, Cheese