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+Preparing the Land+

The farm has really been neglected for a long long time. That means a ton of
work for you. Here are some things you may have to do.

1.) Break boulders (upgrade your hammer 'til Mystrile or Gold)
2.) Break/remove rocks (your current hammer can break small rocks)
3.) Chop large tree trunks (upgrade your axe 'til Mystrile or Gold)
4.) Chop/remove branches (your current axe can break small rocks)
5.) Remove weeds (cutting with a sickle is good, but it takes stamina)

Yes, you may have to do a lot of upgrades before you can get your farm ready.
I suggest you finish upgrading your tools and preparing at least 1/4 or 1/6
of your land area before you start planting. Me, I finished all the
preparations in 8 days by working non-stop. Just take a dip in the hot springs
to rejuvenate. Don't have money for upgrading your tools? Check out the
MAKING MONEY section in the lower part of the guide.

+Planting Crops+

Once you have prepared the land, it's time to plant your crops. Buy seeds from
the Supermarket on the northern part of town or from Won (Zack's House).
Till your land with your HOE (if you're playing the first time, you'll very
likely find a POWER BERRY).
 _ _ _

Yup, a 3x3 square since that's the maximum perimeter per bag of seeds.
Refer to this as one patch. You'll also have to make sure that your other
patches aren't as close. That way, you can still water and harvest your crops.
For a more organized farm, this is my suggestion:

- = Crop
V = Grass

---VVVVVVVVV---VVVVVVVVV  As you can see, I have the crops and grass in
---VVVVVVVVV---VVVVVVVVV  alternate portions so that I can easily harvest and
---VVVVVVVVV---VVVVVVVVV  water my crops. It may not be as good as others, but
VVV---VVVVVVVVV---VVVVVV  it looks prettier.

Here's some alternative planting formation as sent by
Ryan Ryttie 
"For rapidly raising cash (at the beginning) there is no
beating the first two layouts, except of course for using
a full 9 crop, which 'wastes' half your farm land, but at
the begining you just don't have the stamina anyways..."
X - crop/seed
  - empty land/undug land




+Fencing it Up+

Just like the first Harvest Moon game, you can put up fences to protect your
farm against wild dogs. I don't really bother with these though. Not only is
it  a waste of time and lumber, you have to maintain it: taking it down when
it rots and replacing it. Sure, your animals will be safe, but who says you
have to let your animals out all the time? I myself keep my animals only in
my barn and I still end up with ten hearts (though it does take longer to get
this). But if you want your sheep and cows outside all the time to get more
wool and milk, build the fence. You can also just let your dog out. Try
letting it out once a wild dog is out. It's fun to watch!

To make a fence, simply take some lumber from your woodbin and put it on your
land. NOT THE GRASSY PART! The land you have to till. You can return the
lumber if you like by picking it up and returning it to the woodbin.

An advantage of getting your animals out is that you don't need to feed
them (if you have mature grass in the fenced area). Another, is that their
affection for you will rise quicker. Also, if they spend 600+ game hours
(or a little over 25 days, as added by JTR1029. Thanks!) outside, they'll
eventually produce (P)products and on occassion,(X)products, which both sell
for a lot of money. Just get your animals in during bad weather, as they won't
produce anything and they'll hate you.

And don't believe the myth that a rotten fence works as well as the good
fence. Once your fence rots, a wild dog CAN ENTER the area and scare your
animals. I saw this myself and had to whack it with a hammer. Always replace
rotting fences to prevent this. And don't be tempted to use the Golden Lumber!

There is however, one sure fire way to prevent wild dogs from entering your
fenced area and keep your animals safe: the stones. By using the stones as
your fences, the wild dogs will forever be kept at bay, especially since the
stones, of course, don't rot. But there are only a few in your farm. You'll
get more stones from hurricanes. This was suggested to me by Nate Bodine a
while back but I didn't want to put it in the guide without actually testing
it for myself and so I did and voila! The wild dog can't enter! You, your
horse, and your dog are the only ones (aside from the Harvest Sprites) who can
go in and out of the stone-fenced area. Thanks Nate!

This one was sent in by many gamers (far too many to mention and filled up
half my mailbox). You can actually use branches as alternatives for the
stones! They keep the dogs away and they don't rot too! I tried it out myself.
I use it to fence my chickens. Thanks to all those who sent in this useful
tip. You helped me there too :)

Of course, not everything in the game is perfect. Every 3 days or so, an animal
or a few more can get out of the stone fence but don't worry. This only happens
during mornings, a long long time before a wild dog gets to them. Just see to
your farm in the farm map every morning to find out how many got out. Then,
bring a bell and get 'em back in the fence.

Here are some information on the crops you can plant on your field. These info
may also be found in Mineral Town Library. Remember to always water your plants
so that their growth won't be stunted.

1.) Turnip
    - Season: Spring
    - Days to ripe: 4
    - Can only harvest once
    - Cost per Seedbag: 120G
    - Selling price per crop: 60G
    - Profit per crop: 45G
    - Where to buy seeds: Supermarket

2.) Potato
    - Season: Spring
    - Days to ripe: 7
    - Can only harvest once
    - Cost per seedbag: 150G
    - Selling price per crop: 80G
    - Profit per Crop: 61.25G
    - Where to buy seeds: Supermarket

3.) Cucumber
    - Season: Spring
    - Days to ripe: 7
    - Can harvest again every 5 days
    - Cost per seedbag: 200G
    - Selling price per crop: 60G
    - Profit per crop: 35G
    - Where to buy seeds: Supermarket

4.) Strawberry (limited item)
    - Season: Spring
    - Days to ripe: 8
    - Can harvest again every 2 days
    - Selling price per crop: 30G
    - Cost per Seedbag: 150G
    - Profit per crop: 11.25G
    - Where to buy seeds: Supermarket

5.) Cabbage
    - Season: Spring
    - Days to ripe: 14
    - Can only harvest once
    - Selling price per crop: 250G
    - Cost per Seedbag: 500G
    - Profit per Crop: 187.5G
    - Where to buy seeds: Won's Shop/Zack's House

6.) Tomato
    - Season: Summer
    - Days to ripe: 9
    - Can harvest again every 3 days
    - Selling price per crop: 60G
    - Cost per Seedbag: 200 G
    - Profit per Crop: 35G
    - Where to buy seeds: Supermarket

7.) Corn
    - Season: Summer
    - Days to ripe: 14
    - Can harvest again every 3 days
    - Selling price per crop: 100G
    - Cost per Seedbag: 300G
    - Profit per Crop: 62.5G
    - Where to buy seeds: Supermarket

8.) Pineapple
    - Season: Summer
    - Days to ripe: 20
    - Can harvest again every 5 days
    - Selling price per crop: 500G
    - Cost per Seedbag: 1000G
    - Profit per Crop: 375G
    - Where to buy seeds: Won's Shop/Zack's House

9.) Onion
    - Season: Summer
    - Days to ripe: 7
    - Can only harvest once
    - Selling price per crop: 80G
    - Cost per Seedbag: 150G
    - Profit per Crop: 61.25G
    - Where to buy seeds: Supermarket

10.) Pumpkin (limited item)
    - Season: Summer
    - Days to ripe: 14
    - Can only harvest once
    - Selling price per crop: 250G
    - Cost per Seedbag: 500G
    - Profit per Crop: 187.5G
    - Where to buy seeds: Supermarket

11.) Egg Plant
    - Season: Fall
    - Days to ripe: 9
    - Can harvest again every 3 days
    - Selling price per crop: 80G
    - Cost per Seedbag: 120G
    - Profit per Crop: 65G
    - Where to buy seeds: Supermarket

12.) Sweet Potato
    - Season: Fall
    - Days to ripe: 5
    - Can harvest again every 2 days
    - Selling price per crop: 120G
    - Cost per Seedbag: 300G
    - Profit per Crop: 82.5G
    - Where to buy seeds: Supermarket

13.) Green Pepper
    - Season: Fall
    - Days to ripe: 7
    - Can harvest again every 2 days
    - Selling price per crop: 40G
    - Cost per Seedbag: 150G
    - Profit per Crop: 21.25G
    - Where to buy seeds: Won's Shop/Zack's House

14.) Carrot
    - Season: Fall
    - Days to ripe: 7
    - Can only harvest once
    - Selling price per crop: 60G
    - Cost per Seedbag: 300G
    - Profit per Crop: 22.5G
    - Where to buy seeds: Supermarket

15.) Spinach (limited item)
    - Season: Fall
    - Days to ripe: 5
    - Can only harvest once
    - Selling price per crop: 80G
    - Cost per Seedbag: 200G
    - Profit per Crop: 55G
    - Where to buy seeds: Supermarket


These are some plants which you can...er...plant in your farm! Most of these
are flowers to...beautify your farm and all. Also, some can be shipped!
This is for farm beautification or if you want the flowers to be closer so you
can quickly give 'em to the townspeople. Also, unlike the boy version, these
flowers can be sold directly to Won. Oh, and some flowers rejuvenate your
stamina. I plant a lot of flowers and found that it takes longer for me to pass
out. That's just me so I dunno about you. The flower that rejuvenates the most
is the Autumn Red Magic Grass (not blue!). I recommend buying these if you're
enough. The only important thing to buy here is GRASS for your animals. You'll
need to water your flowers so their growth won't be stunted.

1.) Pink Cat
    - Season: Summer
    - Days to bloom: 6
    - Cost per Seedbag: 300G
    - Where to buy: Won's Shop/Zack's House

2.) Moon Drop Grass
    - Season: Spring
    - Days to bloom: 6
    - Cost per Seedbag: 500G
    - Where to buy: Won's Shop/Zack's House

3.) Toy Flower
    - Season: Spring
    - Days to bloom: 12
    - Cost per Seedbag: 400G
    - Where to buy: Won's Shop/Zack's House

4.) Magic Grass
    - Season: Fall
    - Days to bloom: 9
    - Selling price per plant: 200G (for RED flowers ONLY!)
    - Cost per Seedbag: 600 G
    - Profit per Crop: ???
    - Note: Red Magic Flowers grow at random so you have to plant A LOT
      of these Blue flowers to eventually have a red one.
    - Where to buy: Won's Shop/Zack's House

5.) Farm Grass
    - Season: All but Winter
    - Days to grow: 11
    - Can cut again every 4 days
    - Cut with sickle to turn into fodder for cows and sheep
    - Cost per Seedbag: 500G
    - Where to buy: Supermarket