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I'll list all glitches I found, or by other people who found them.


01. Laggy Crowded Places                         [Harmless, but Annoying]
If you happen to pass by Blue Sky Ranch when there're few people, mostly
three people, and all Blue's animals outside. It'll get little laggy. Such as
slow frame rate speed, but it'll be over if you put more distance from the
Blue Sky Ranch.


02. Egg That Will Never Hatch                    [Harmless]
If you put an egg in the box, waiting for it to hatch... But later, you have
a change of mind, and went to buy all chickens from Blue Sky Ranch. When you
do that, all slots in the Chicken Coop will be full. The egg in the box will
never hatch, so it's just a decoration. If you want that egg to hatch, just
sell one of your chickens, and it'll hatch. No problem at all.


03. All Alone in the Dark                        [Somewhat Harmful]
It was brought to my attention by Kayla, and Marthxzx that there are some
cases of black drowning in Magical Melody...

  Email by Kayla
"For the glitch section, thought you might want to know of an interesting 
glitch that happened to my brother. He went to ride his horse, which was 
outside and standing in the well he had. He started riding it and he sunk 
down until you could only see grass, then he was off his horse in the black. 
He has to sleep, he couldn't get out. But his horse was fine."

  Post by Marthxzx
"I was using the bell inside of the barn (I was exactly in front of the door) 
and I was pushed by my cow and I was like pushed out of the screen. and 
everything was dark and I couldnt do anything. so I use the best thing 
other then the reset button...... the sleep button"

As well several other simliar posts in the gamefaqs board. It'll be most
likely happen if you stand near the doorway, and do something that's somehow
cause your animals to push you (or something simliar). You'll fall into 
the dark void. 


04. Where Art Thou, Pig?                         [Bad]
It's rare glitch but it seems to be happening to quite few people around.
They purchased the barn, and went inside of the barn. But there was no pig
inside. (It may not be a glitch and those people may haven't met Gourmet
properly in order for the pig to appear in the barn, like meeting Gourmet
at the festival.) But some people said they met Gourmet already so...


05. Harvest Moon Is Trying To Scare You          [Harmful]
This is harmful since it requires you to reset. Several people reported this
glitch in the boards. Sometimes if you enter the barn, clinic or other places
that causes the change of scenery, it'll be blacken, and weird loud sounds 
will begin. Some people said it's unbearable so they had to reset it. I think
the cause might be your gamecube, not the game itself since I had been playing
for long time on it and never experienced this one.


06. Corrupted Save Files                         [Very Harmful]
Many people reported this in the gamefaq boards. It seems that if you're using
the third-party memory cards, it may cause the data corruption. It happened
to me as well. I was playing the game as usual, then one day, it said my data
is corrupted. I brought better memory card and have no problem with it so far.