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You can to the various shops, and they'll award you with the basic notebooks.
You can also head to the library, and read the books there. During the spring
and summer, the one set of books are available. 

But at the autumn and winter, second set of books are available, and you
can't get to the first set until next spring.

"A tool for tilling the earth. You can use it to dig in caves, too.
 Experience points required to upgrade. They are sold at the Junk Shop.
 Upgrade it at the Blacksmith. Copper Hoe: 1 copper ore + A fee
 Silver Hoe: 1 silver ore + A fee Gold Hoe: 1 gold ore + A fee
 Takes a few days to upgrade."

"Chops branches and stumps. You can use it to cut down trees, too.
 Experience points required to upgrade. They are sold at the Junk Shop.
 Upgrade it at the Blacksmith. Copper Axe: 1 Copper Ore + A fee
 Silver Axe: 1 Silver Ore + A fee Gold Axe: 1 Gold Ore + A fee
 Takes a few days to upgrade."

"Crushes stones. Use it to clear land and demolish fences.
 Experience points required to upgrade. They are sold at the Junk Shop.
 Upgrade it at the Blacksmith. Copper Hmr.: 1 Copper Ore + A fee
 Silver Hmr: 1 Silver Ore + A fee Gold Hmr: 1 Gold Ore + A fee
 Takes a few days to upgrade."

"A tool for cutting grass. Be careful to not cut crops.
 Experience points required to upgrade. They are sold at the Junk Shop.
 Upgrade it at the Blacksmith. Copper Sckl.: 1 Copper Ore + A fee
 Silver Sckl.: 1 Silver Ore + A fee Gold Sckl.: 1 Gold Ore + A fee
 Takes a few days to upgrade."

"A watering tool. Fill it with well water. Puts out bonfires, too.
 Experience points required to upgrade. They are sold at the Junk Shop.
 Upgrade it at the Blacksmith. Copper W.C.: 1 Copper Ore + A fee
 Silver W.C.: 1 Silver Ore + A fee Gold W.C.: 1 Gold Ore + A fee
 Takes a few days to upgrade."

"Cast in rivers, lakes or the sea, and press the X button to hook.
 Experience points required to upgrade. They are sold at the Junk Shop.
 Upgrade it at the Blacksmith. Copper F.R.: 1 Copper Ore + A fee
 Silver F.R.: 1 Silver Ore + A fee Gold F.R.: 1 Gold Ore + A fee
 Takes a few days to upgrade."

"Chop, grill and stew ingredients to make nutritious meals
 that taste good. Eating cooked food restores more
 strength and increase food value when shipping!
 Sold at the Junk Shop. You have to have a kitchen first.
 Check out the book after cooking."

"Put ingredients in for processing. Cheese Maker: Turns milk into cheese
 Butter Maker: Turns milk into butter Mayo. Maker: Turns eggs into mayo
 Yarn Maker: Turns wool into yarn. Try cooking with processed food.
 They also fetch a higher price when shipping."

"Vegetable seeds are seasonal. Before sowing seeds, till the soil.
 Some crops can be harvested multiple times, though for other crops,
 only one harvest is possible. Also, nearly all crops die off when
 the season changes, so watch out."

"Grass seeds can be sown from spring to fall and grown without watering.
 Before sowing seeds, till the soil. One bag of seeds is for 3x3 squares.
 When grass is tall, cut with a sickle. Cut grass is automatically stored
 in the silo and can be taken out of the fodder hole of the barn."

"Flowers make gardens beautiful. They can be used in fragrance balm.
 They don't fetch a high price, but the smell will make you feel happy.
 Flowesr are also great for presents."

"Herbs grow in the wild, but you can also grow them from seeds.
 There are many varieties of herbs and many have uses and medical benefits.
 Since herbs can be used for cooking, medicine and other things, they're an
 important type of crop."

"Seedlings require 3x3 squares. Fruit will drop when ripe, so
 you can pick up the fruit and ship it. It takes about 6 to 20 days for a
 tree to grow depending on the type. Before planting, carefully
 consider the location so the tree won't get in the way of buildings."

"You can use fertilizer to enrich soil poor in nutrients.
 When you have rich soil, you can harvest better vegetables that
 earn a higher shipping value. Really good fertilizer
 can be made from limestone, so it's a good idea to find limestone
 in the cave and ship it."

"After putting harvested crops into a shipping bin, you will get the money
 for them the next morning. If you drop a crop, you can pick it up,
 but it tires you out, so be careful. By shipping a variety of items,
 the village thrives with more activity."

"Press the Z button to check the map. Blue is your property,
 green is the public property, and yellow and red are someone else's.
 You cannot grow crops on yellow or red property.
 If you want more property, go to the Workshop."

"In the barn, be sure to put Fodder and Bird Feed in the feed box.
 Animals grazes outside. Note that grass will die off in winter.
 If you don't feed the animals, you won't be able to get milk or eggs.
 If a cow won't give milk, try feeding it directly from your hand.
 Weeds are also good for chickens."

"To take the animals out of the barn, call them with a bell or lead them with
 their reins. Animals love to be at pasture.
 Letting them graze also means they will feed themselves.
 Don't let livestock out on rainy days or they might get sick."

"A tool for calling animals. Calls in cows, sheeps, and horses
 that are grazing. Also, ring it outside to call animals
 in the barn to out into the pasture. It's great to use it in
 combination with the reins."

"Leads cows, sheep and horses. When put on an animal, that animal
 will follow you. Press the B button to get the animals
 go in and out of the barn. This might take a while to get used to,
 but you just need some practice."

"Use clippers to shear wool from full-grown sheep.
 After shearing, the wool takes time to grow back. Note that shorn sheep
 can't be sold. Wool can be shipped as 
 is or made into yarn with a Yarn Maker."

"Use this to milk mature cows. Happy cows give good milk.
 Milk can be shipped, used in cooking, fed to dogs,
 or processed with a Cheese Maker or Butter Maker."

"Use potions on adult cows, sheep and horses.
 In 14 to 16, offspring are born. Cows do not give milk while pregnant.
 Horses cannot race while pregnant. Pregnant animals cannot be sold."

"Animals can catch cold if exposed to the rain or snow.
 You can cure sick animals with a dose of Animal Medicine.
 Make sure you cure them quickly because sick animals die
 if they are will too long."

 15 to 36 cm. long
 Caught from early spring to fall. A river fish seen only around Flower
 Bud Village. It got its nickname of 'lonely doctor maker' because people
 eat it as medicine. It goes bad quickly, so it's better to
 not eat it raw."

 24 to 26 cm. long
 A pink blowfish caught only in Flower Bud Village. Its poison is so powerful
 would increase your marksmanship if you put it on your arrows. Its flesh
 tastes good, but the poison is all over its body, so be really careful when

"Shinapper, Snadore
 Sparidae family, Perciforms order, 30 to 68 cm. long Both are native to
 Flower Bud Village. The shinapper is a bluish progy appearing only in
 winter. The snadore has a flesh-colored body with white stripes and
 can be caught year-round."

"Squid Prince
 80 to 120 cm. long
 A large squid whose existance has been verified only near Flower Bud
 Village. Spotted particularly after typhoons and rainstorms. One theory
 says that it's the baby form of the giant squid, probably pulled from the
 deep sea during inclemenet weather..."

"Maple Flounder
 Bothidae family, Pleuronectifores order, 32 to 55 cm. long. A native
 to Flower Bud Village, it is a treasured feature of fall. It has
 a maple-leaf pattern on its body and is loved for the flavor of its meat."

 Luminous Squidous family, 12 to 25 cm. long Nativeto Flower Bud Village.
 Can be caught in coastal waters from midsummer to wintertime. It has an
 internel organ that gives off light. People used to use it as a lamp, thus
 the squid's name."

 10 to 15 cm. long
 A very beautiful, very delicious crustaceean seen only in Flower Bud
 Village. Can be caught year-round, but there aren't a lot, so they are

 According to local tradition, "If you walk across Sunny Lake, fighting and
 pulling as long asyou can, you will catch this ten-legged monster.
 No information on the scientific name or length is available."

"Grasses whose names are unknown but grow at the side of the road.
 Scorned as weeds, still they have true names, and produce strong roots
 wherever they grow. If you're not really careful when pulling it up, they
 will grow back in an unsightly manner making it hard to walk. Chickens and
 wild animals love to eat weeds."

"Grass is cultivated as fodder for herbivorous animals.
 From spring to fall, its deep green leaves grow abundantly.
 There are many types, and many ways to grow it.
 The type grown in Flower Bud area grows easily and is from the
 Gramineae family."

"Let's spread our green areas! Grapevines and orange trees for bearing 
 delicious fruit at the height of the season. I can taste the joy of the 
 harvest! Beautiful flowers blossoming in spring and the autumn colors on 
 the mora trees to delight the eyes. It's really nice that plants grow faster 
 these thanks to plant strain improvements."

"A yellow flower often seen on Mt. Moon, This name comes from
 when it blooms during a full moon. It's pretty to look at, so people have
 taken a liking to it and grow it. It's relatively easy to grow as it's a
 hardy plant. It should bloom in three to five days."

"It has a pink-bell shaped flower that blooms in summer.
 The name is said to come from cats that come up to it because of the
 smell of the flower, but these days, people say that's just an 
 old wives' tale."

"A really beautiful flower with large petals seen high on mountains and
 other cool places. Because it's really delicate, it's
 difficult to grow. You don't see many of them anymore
 because there aren't many of them around."

"A fragrant plant with heart-shaped can be seen on Mt. Moon, in fields,
 and other places. Its flowers have a variety of uses depending on their
 color. The main use is as medicine, but it's also used in cooking, as
 a dye and for perfumes. It can also be eaten raw, though
 it's bitter and doesn't taste good."

"A very rare plant that is valuable because it has a nutritional
 enchancement ingredient in it. Its roots have nutrition in winter, so
 it's buried deep in the earth. Use a hoe to dig it up.
 It's great to use in medicine, but is really bitter if eaten raw."

"A mammal of the dog family.
 Length: 70 cm. Nocturnal. Omnivorous, it eats mice and rabbits as well as 
 fruits and berries. Often seen in themountain from spring till fall."

"A mammal of the Lagomorpha
 (rabbit order). Long ears, with short legs. Moves quickly and is
 herbivorous. front legs and long back Caught as food and desired for its
 coast. Seen in mountains and fields from spring until fall."

"A rodent of the squirrel family.
 Length: around 20cm.
 Long, bushy hair. Seen on plains and in the mountains
 from spring until fall. Diurnal, eating seeds aand f ruit. Also like grass."

"Dinosaurs ruled the earth tens of thousands year ago, long before humans 
 appeared. But why did dinosaurs suddenly go extinct?"

"Animals other than humans in the Primate order. Little hair on the face
 or bottom, with developed, dexterous fingers. Also very intelligent.
 Active year-round, also appearing where there are humans.
 Omnivorous, eating fruit and grain."

"A mammal of the mustelid or weasel family. Omnivorous, eating fruit,
 vegetables, mice and other foods. About 15 cm. long, its fur is
 generally brown in summer and gray in winter. Species seen in Flower Bud
 Village are active only in winter, and the rare type with light-brown fur."

"A member of the Suidae (pig) family of the Artiodactyl (hooved) order.
 Omnivorous, clean and neat. With a powerful snout, it digs up food.
 There are a varity of species, some of which can sniff out truffles, a
 valuable type of fungi."

"The reason why dinosaurs become extinct remains a mystery.
 One popular theory is that a great meteor hit the earth, changing the

"Limestone is a whitish mineral that comes from rockss.
 It is used as fertilizer. Fertilizer, which helps crops grow,
 supplements the nutrients required for crops in teh soil.
 If you find limestone, ship it."

"A stone that gives off light in the dark. It contains a great deal of
 phosphorous, so it appears as a light due to interference with ions in the air.
 It is said that it was used as light a long time ago."

"This has copper, silver, gold and other ores. Melt down to help improve
 your tools, make accessories, or create a whole bunch of other things."

"A very rare, precious stone. It is still largely a riddle, with many
 components not yet figured out. A stone that gives off light in seven
 colors, you might mistake it for a gem."

"Humans express themselves in thought and action. You observe people and
 analyze to figure out what they are saying. When you bring all that
 together statistically and logically, you have psychology; and each
 psychologist brings it together differently."

"Flower Bud Village Fall Festivals
 9th: Moon Festival
 17th: Horse Races
 24th: Harvest Festival
 30th: Pumpkin Festival
 Not all of them have big crowds.
 Some events appear to specific people."

"Flower Bud Village Winter Festivals
 7th: Chicken Festival
 12th: Thanksgiving
 19th: Fire Festival
 24th: Starry Night Festival
 Thanksgiving used to be a day when
 you baked cake to thank the head of
 household, but now it's changed to
 a day when you send cake to anybody."

"It you're stressed out, sleep is the best medicine! Playing sports, yelling
 and other activities are also good. IT's not good to hold back, but
 taking it out on others is against the rules."

"Festivals were started as a sort of prayer to stop natural disasters that
 humans could not prevent. They also prayed for calm weather,
 rain and good harvests. That is the origin of festivals."

"A primary industry. Recently, the population has dwindled. But
 it's a necessity that we need. It's hard work, but it also gives
 you a sense of satisfaction. Let's think about this more!"

"Long ago, when there are no money, people exchanged goods.
 As the foods and prices became more varied, though bartering become
 more difficult to do, and money was created. Let's think about this more!"

"Living in the mountains, you develop a bond with nature.
 You use things in nature to live with your own strength.
 It's a though thing to do, but it's a great accomplishment for
 a person to do it."

"A patchwork quilt is made by taking leftover fabric and making
 pretty pattern. It's fun to make seat cushions and
 bed covers. Good taste is also important."

"Women are made for the challenges of childbirth.
 There are many methods of childbirth, but they are all difficult.
 The first step in nurturing life is to be mentally prepared."

"Childrens' hearts are pure, quick to emotion and easy to bruise.
 They are curious about a lot of things, are passionate and are good at 
 concentrating. They absorb a lot from the world around them while they

"Baby skin is sensitive, so be careful with the material
 that you pick out. Start with a simple chain stitch, then
 work your way up to more difficult and elaborate patterns."

"It only takes one flower from the garden to smooth out your tension.
 If you don't have a garden, grow flowers in a pot or using water with
 hydroponics. First off, though, you have to go to a flower shop and buy
 some seeds."

"Flower Bud Village Spring Festivals
 1st: New Year Festival
 17th: Horse Races
 23rd: Flower Festival
 28th: Cow Festival
 Lots of flowers decorate the village
 during the Flower Festival. In recent
 years, flowers are rarely gathered
 and the festival ignored."

"A herb is a type of grass used as a seasoning for special infusions, to put
 in a fragrance bag for baths and other things. Would you like to enjoy herbs 
 with us?"

"Flower Bud Village Summer Festivals
 3rd: Beach Festival
 7th: Star Festival
 15th: Firefly Festival
 24th: Fireworks
 29th: Sheep Festival
 In the Firefly Festival, a lantern with 
 a firefly flower is sent into the sea
 with a moonstone."

"If you like to go fishing, just dropping your bait in the water is fine,
 but to catch fish, you have to consider the location,
 what to catch, the time and weather, and a whole bunch of
 other strategies."

"Good food for the body and appearance. Meats made by ours
 ancestors featured vegetables, soy foods and dried foods low in calories
 and filled with important nutrients. When cooking, you can make food
 healthier by reducing soil and seasoning."

"Grill your freshly caught fish outdoors and make some potato salad and
 other food. It might not go very well at first, but there are a lots of new
 discoveries and fun things to do. Try outdoor living for a change!"

"Fragrances are mainly extracted from flowers, though scents from fruits and
 animals are also used. Try changing fragrances to match
 the time, place and even your mood."

"Printing and cursive are the most popular. There are other kinds of
 fonts. Editors use boldface type for
 headlines in the newspapers, then use regular type for the stories."

"Cut down the trees to make a house from lumber. Tall trees years to grow
 and are a valuable resource. A house is infused with the
 spirit of the artisan that built it. Perhaps protecting and recieving that
 spirit is a responsibilty of the owner."

"In orchestra music, scores and parts can be confusing. Start out
 at a place you can handle! Music is an art of listening, but you
 can enjoy it alone. When everyone brings their music together, the group
 feeling created is a genuine band delight!"

"An eye to capture objects in the flower of time. An art for grabbing an image
 and bringing it out. A sensitivity to design, individuality of
 the designer, expressiveness that reaches out to everybody. That's a
 lot of talents for a designeer to have."

"Until you get the knack of cooking, follow the recipes exactly as written
 so everything goes just right. If you buy a lot of cooking immplements,
 you might get some free recipes, too. There isn't any ruined food you can't
 eat, but it might upset your stomach..."

"Tea parties are bust in the afternoon. And note that the purpose is not the
 manners of the procedure. The important thing is to enjoy the tea,
 and to be able to relax. The thing to learn is how to serve
 others, and how to thank others when they serve you."

"At night, I get in bed and close my eyes. As I lie in my bed, I fly into the
 Land of Nod and dreams. While gazing at the stars, I climb
 clouds and dance with the moon. I see the sky in the horizon where
 night and day interwine. My bed, a bed that flies through the skies."

"When I awake, there is a soft breeze enveloping me with an invisible
 softness. A mischievous fairy lives in a deep, green forest through which
 a river honey flows. The fairy sparkles as it lands on a dandelion
 and serves gold drops overflowing from the crescent moon into someone's tea."