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In this section, you will find out how many stamina points you have, how
much points you will lose when you use the method that causes you to lose, or
gain the points if you eat something, or do something that you'll recover your
stamina meter.

      I. Read This First
     II. Power Berries
    III. Theorical Point System 
     IV. Non-Food Related Stamina Recovery
      V. Food-Related Stamina Recovery
     VI. Stamina Loss

              I. READ THIS FIRST
Now, before I begin, let me state something clearly...
I'm no hacker so I have no clue how to take Magical Melody apart and figures
out the exact points for the stamina meter, and how many exactly points for
the food to restore the stamina meter.

So all points I listed here is not from that. *ahem* They're from my ruler,
actually. I measure the meter with help of a trusty ruler, and calcuate it
from there. I really try to be accurate... But it's impossible to get 100%
accurate with methods I'm using.

(I will not list the fatigue restorations since there is no bar so it'll be
 more difficult to see which foods that will restore the fatigue meter.
 That's why I will not list the fatigue restorations here, except those 
 foods that do have very noticable effects. In "Food-Related Stamina 
 Recovery" section, I'll list some fatigue effects next to them, so you
 can look for them.)

(I tested it with some food, it seems it is based on the point system, not
 percentage system. So I doubt the difference in the stamina meter will affect
 any food's stamina restorations.)

              II. POWER BERRIES
In the game, you can collect the five power berries to expand your stamina
meter. Your stamina will be doubled if you collect all of them.

-> Collect 30 Musical Notes, and visit the Harvest Goddess Spring. You will be
   awarded by the Harvest Sprites with a power berry.

-> Get Tai and Tim to open their Blacksmith, and then head down to 100th level
   of Moonlight Mine. Tim will be there to award you with a power berry.

-> Attend the Beach Festival, and participate in the Swimming Contest. If you
   win the contest, you will be awarded by Theodore with a power berry.

-> Attend the Pumpkin Festival (you must donate a pumpkin in the blue shipping
   bin in the Rosa Square, a day before the festival) and you will be awarded 
   with a power berry.

-> Participate in the Spring/or/Fall Horse Race, and enter your horse in the
   race. Your horse have to be at 6-7 hearts so it can participate in the B
   rank. Once your horse win, you'll be awarded with a power berry.

I used several different methods to determine how many points your character
starts out, and how many points your character gains when he/she gets a power
berry. So I finally found the results that seems to be very believable.

I made the calculations based on expansions of the power berries, 
stamina meter, and usage of the tools/others that takes away the stamina.

                       STAMINA METER LEVELS
0 Level - No Power Berry         = 100 Points
1 Level - 1 Power Berry Gained   = 120 Points
2 Level - 2 Power Berries Gained = 140 Points
3 Level - 3 Power Berries Gained = 160 Points
4 Level - 4 Power Berries Gained = 180 Points
5 Level - 5 Power Berries Gained = 200 Points

*You will gain 20 points in your stamina meter if you eat one power berry*
*Your stamina meter will be doubled if you get all five power berries*

If any of you are actually interested about how did I find out the results
of the power berries' points, and stamina meter's points (Which I'm sure
most of you won't care, so you can skip it all. It's not really that
important.) Here it is:

                          - - - - - - - -

To begin with, I have two different save files. 
1. No Power Berry Collected Save File
2. Four Power Berries Collected Save File

From there, I started to figure out about the point system of the power
berries and stamina meter.

I decided to use the method that will slowly, slowly, and ever so slowly
drain the stamina meter and that method is - "Pick Up A Dropped Item."

I proceed with my two different save files, which my character dropped a item,
and pick it up. Repeat. Repeat. Repeat until my character passed out.

My results are:
#1 = No Power Berry Stamina Meter (0L)
It takes 100 times to pick up a item repeatedly until I pass out.

#2 = Four Power Berries Stamina Meter (4L)
It takes 180 times to pick up a item repeatedly until I pass out.

Not to mention in the older games of Harvest Moon, the main character also 
usually starts with 100 points of stamina. So knowing that fact helps a bit.

But just to be more caution, I decided to use all different tools, and keep
using them until I pass out, in both save cards. From there, I calculated.
Guess what I found? I kept getting 100 points in L0 save card, and 180 points
in L4 save card.

One part of my tool tests are this:
I used my Watering Can, and got this result...
Usage: 3 points per use
Use:   33(1) times (Complete 33, and Incomplete 1, meaning it takes less than
                    3 points to pass out. So it's not "true 34".)
Point: 33(1) x 3 = 100 points

Usage: 3 points per use
Use:   59(1) times (Complete 59, and Incomplete 1, meaning it takes less than
                    3 points to pass out. So it's not "true 60".)
Point: 59(1) x 3 = 180 points  

If you attend the Chicken Festival in the winter season, with very little
stamina left. After the festival ends, for some reason, 1/2 of stamina meter
will be filled. I experienced this, but however the players in the gamefaqs
boards said their stamina meter are restored only 1/3, or 2/3.
So I guess it is based on the point system, not %.

                 To my best guess, the near-empty stamina 
                   meter will be restored by 80 points.

If you collect the fifty Musical Notes, and attend the Harvest Goddess Spring.
After the long scene, you can now head back to the Spring to get your stamina
meter completely restored by Harvest Goddess.

I really intend to finish this section, meaning all recipes and so on. But it
will definitely take a lot time to complete them all.

Once I'm done with this section, I will organize them.

[----] = Can't be eaten. Strangely, most vegetables can't be eaten.
[    ] = Haven't tested, haven't got the score of points. Will be filled later

I left out the items that's way too painfully obvious that you can't eat it, 
such as the ores, branches, etc. You get an idea.

Grape................[+ 35]
Orange...............[+ 35]
Apple................[+ 55]
Honey................[+ 46]
Cayenne..............[+  6] (Decrease your fatigue.)
Green Herb...........[+ 19] (Decrease your fatigue.)
Red Herb.............[    ] (Decrease your fatigue.)
Orange Herb..........[    ] (Decrease your fatigue.)
Purple Herb..........[+ 19] (Decrease your fatigue.)
Very Berry...........[+ 28]
Blueberries..........[    ]
Clam.................[    ]
Truffle..............[    ]
Pontata Root.........[+ 20] (Decrease your fatigue.)
All listed here are the middle quality. I'll test high/poor later.
Bell Pepper..........[----]
Carrot...............[+ 31]
Cabbage..............[    ]
Tomato...............[    ]
Strawberry...........[    ]
Turnip...............[    ]
Yam..................[    ]
Eggplant.............[    ]
Egg..................[+ 37]
Good Egg.............[+ 42]
Special Egg..........[+ 47] (Decrease your fatigue.)
Good Mayo............[----]
Special Mayo.........[----]
Milk.................[    ]
Good Milk............[+ 35]
Special Milk.........[+ 42] (Decrease your fatigue.)
Good Butter..........[----]
Special Butter.......[----]
Cheese...............[    ]
Good Cheese..........[+ 42]
Special Cheese.......[+ 52] (Decrease your fatigue.)
Veggie Salad.........[+ 35]
Tomato Sandwich......[+ 90]
Egg Sandwich.........[+ 86]
Quesadilla...........[    ]
Amago Sashimi........[+ 40]
Char Sashimi.........[+ 35]
R. Trout Sashimi.....[+ 31]
Yamame Sashimi.......[+ 37]
Salmon Sashimi.......[    ]
Huchen Sashimi.......[    ]
Snapper Sashimi......[    ]
Opaleye Sashimi......[+ 37]
Shinapper Sashimi....[+ 40]
Snadore Sashimi......[+ 43]
Bonito Sashimi.......[    ]
Yellowtail Sashimi...[+ 65]
Tuna Sashimi.........[    ]
Sardine Sashimi......[+ 34]
Halfbeck Sashimi.....[+ 31]
Saury Sashimi........[+ 27]
Halibut Sashimi......[    ]
Flounder Sashimi.....[    ]
M. Flounder Sashimi..[    ]
Squid Sashimi........[+ 36]
Nice Squid Sashimi...[    ]
Jamasquid Sashimi....[+100]
Lampsquid Sashimi....[+ 37]
Blowfish Sashimi.....[+200] (OR -200, only rarely)
Chulowfish Sashimi...[    ]
Lobster Sashimi......[    ]
Shrimp Sashimi.......[+ 49]
Pie Dough............[----]
Sunny-Side Up........[+ 31]
Plain Omelet.........[+ 62]
Cheese Omelette......[+ 74]
Tomato Omelette......[    ]
Char Meuniere........[+ 48]
R. Trout Meuniere....[+ 38]
Yamame Meuniere......[+ 39]
Sardine Meuniere.....[+ 39]
Salmon Meuniere......[+ 38]
Halibut Meuniere.....[    ]
Flounder Meuniere....[    ]
M. Flounder Meuniere.[    ]
Yellowtail Terikyaki.[    ]
Tuna Steak...........[    ]
Grilled Clam.........[    ]
Steamed Clam.........[+ 60]
Mushroom Saute.......[+ 31]
Truffle Saute........[    ]
Toadstool Saute......[+200] (100% Recovery)
Spinach Saute........[+ 29]
Baked Potato.........[+ 42]
Fried Veggies........[    ]
Spicy Fried Veggies..[+ 40] (Decrease your fatigue.)
Popcorn..............[+ 45]
Tortilla.............[+ 48]
Pancake..............[+ 74]
Boiled Egg...........[+ 45]
Hot Milk.............[+ 35]
Cocoa................[+ 35]
Herb Tea.............[+ 20] (Decrease your fatigue.)
Potage Soup..........[+ 40]
Corn Soup............[+ 41]
Tomato Soup..........[    ]
Pumpkin Soup.........[+ 47]
Mushroom Soup........[+ 38]
Onion Soup...........[+ 75]
Bouillabaisse........[    ]
Cream Salmon.........[    ]
Spicy Stew...........[+ 60]
Stewed Pumpkin.......[+ 45]
Stewed Potato........[+ 40]
Stewed Yam...........[    ]
Boiled Spinach.......[+ 37]
Stewed Eggplant......[    ]
Stewed Flounder......[    ]
Stewed Yellowtail....[+ 41]
Stewed Snapper.......[    ]
Miso Mackerel........[+ 50]
Tomato Sardine.......[    ]
Tomato Squid.........[    ]
Caramelized Amago....[    ]
Caramelized Smelt....[+ 28]
Caramelized C. Carp..[+ 39]
Caramelized S. Carp..[+  9]
Strawberry Jam.......[+ 40]
Very Berry Jam.......[+ 32]
Blueberry Jam........[+ 34]
Marmalade............[+ 40]
Apple Jam............[+ 46]
Grilled R. Trout.....[+ 42]
Grilled Sardine......[+ 38]
Grilled Snapper......[    ]
Grilled Saury........[+ 39]
Grilled Salmon.......[    ]
Grilled Mackerel.....[+ 37]
Grilled Halibut......[    ]
Grilled Tuna.........[    ]
Grilled Smelt........[    ]
Squid Teriyaki.......[+ 31]
Nice Squid Teriyaki..[    ]
Jamasquid Teriyaki...[+100]
Lampsquid Teriyaki...[+ 34]
Grilled Lobster......[    ]
Grilled Crawfish.....[    ]
Grilled Shrimp.......[+ 43]
Bread................[+ 80]
Corn Bread...........[+ 75]
Seafood Pizza........[+140]
Potato Gratin........[+110]
Eggplant Gratin......[    ]
Mushroom Gratin......[+ 98]
Seafood Gratin.......[    ]
Pudding..............[+ 35]
Cocoa Pudding........[+ 40]
Pumpkin Pudding......[+ 46]
Cake.................[+ 80]
Cocoa Cake...........[+ 91]
Honey Cake...........[+ 88]
Orange Cake..........[+100]
Chestnut Cake........[+ 86]
Apple Pie............[+118]
Pumpkin Pie..........[+112]
Chestnut Pie.........[    ]
Yam Pie..............[    ]
Strawberry Milk......[+ 48]
Milkshake............[+ 44]
Very Berry Juice.....[+ 22]
Blueberry Juice......[    ]
Orange Juice.........[+ 45]
Apple Juice..........[+ 45]
Grape Juice..........[+ 58]
Tomato Juice.........[+ 42]
Veggie Juice.........[+ 35] (Decrease your fatigue.)
Grass Juice..........[+ 40] (Decrease your fatigue.)
??? ???..............[    ]
Pickled Cabbage......[    ] 
Pickled Eggplant.....[    ] 
Grape Soda...........[+ 30] (Increase your fatigue.)
Apple Soda...........[+ 31] (Increase your fatigue.)
Very Berry Soda......[+ 30] (Increase your fatigue.)
Yogurt...............[+ 35]
Deviled Egg..........[+ 45]
Salted Amago.........[    ]
Salted Char..........[+ 31]
Sailted R. Trout.....[+ 31]
Salted Yamame........[+ 31]
Salted Dace..........[+ 23]
Salted Salmon........[    ]
??? ???..............[    ]
Salted Cureall.......[+ 15]
Broiled C. Carp......[+ 17]
Broiled S. Carp......[    ]
Broiled Snapper......[    ]
Broiled Opaleye......[+ 37]
Broiled Shinapper....[+ 43]
Broiled Snadore......[+ 45]
Bonito Steak.........[    ]
Broiled Mackerel.....[+ 43]
Broiled Yellowtail...[+ 40]
Salted Smelt.........[+ 25]
Broiled Tuna.........[    ]
Anchovy..............[+ 31]
Salted Halfback......[+ 31]
Salted Saury.........[+ 37]
Broiled Halibut......[    ]
Broiled Flounder.....[    ]
Broiled M. Flounder..[    ]
Broiled Squid........[+ 31]
Broiled Nice Squid...[    ]
Broiled Jamasquid....[    ]
Broiled Lampsquid....[+ 32]
Broiled Blowfish.....[    ]
Broiled Chulowfish...[    ]
Broiled Lobster......[    ]
Broiled Crawfish.....[+ 29]
Broiled Shrimp.......[+ 40]
Broiled Clam.........[    ]
Baked Yam............[    ]
Baked Chestnut.......[    ]
Baked Corn...........[    ]
Potion...............[    ]
Caffeine.............[    ]
Stamina Drink........[    ]
Bravo Drink..........[    ]
Weird Dish...........[+  2]
Failed Dish..........[    ]

              VI. STAMINA LOSS
I only calculate the tool's stamina loss by clicking the button, not hold down
the button for the character to power up.

| TOOL         |PTS | TOOL         |PTS |
| Watering Can | -3 | Milker       | -3 |
| Hoe          | -3 | Clippers     | -3 |
| Hammer       | -5 | Bell         | -3 |
| Axe          | -5 | Brush        | -1 |
| Fishing Rod  | -3 | Reins        | -2 |
| Sickle       | -3 | Bonfire      | -3 |
--------------------| Pick A Item* | -1 |
* When you pick up a item from the ground.
  Picking up the animals/pets do not count.

NOTE:  The fatigue will increase the amount of stamina you need in order
       to use the tools. So it's possible that if your fatigue is so high,
       when you use the milker, it takes away 8 points, instead of 3 points.
       You get an idea.