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Shipping Bin
In this section, all items that you can sell is listed here.

                            CROPS AND FRUITS
All vegetables and tree fruits are listed here. PQ/MQ/HQ is the soil's 
quality. Growing the crops in the XX-quality will affects the shipping price,
so PQ = Poor Quality, MQ = Middle Quality, HQ = High Quality.

| SPRING CROPS / FRUITS                |
 | CROP ITEM     |  HQ  |  MQ  |  PQ  |
 | Strawberry(6) | 400g | 200g | 140g |(6)=Ship 50 Cabbages to unlock the
 | Cabbage       | 340g | 170g | 119g |    strawberries.
 | Breadfruit    | 300g | 150g | 105g |
 | Turnip        | 180g |  90g |  63g |
 | Potato        | 100g | 100g | 100g |
 | Green Herb    | 100g | 100g | 100g |
 | Purple Herb   |  75g |  75g |  75g |
 | Very Berry    |  45g |  45g |  45g |
 | MoondropFlower|  40g |  40g |  40g |
| SUMMER CROPS / FRUITS                |
 | CROP ITEM     |  HQ  |  MQ  |  PQ  |
 | Cocoa         | 320g | 160g | 112g |
 | Corn          | 300g | 150g | 105g |
 | Onion         | 180g |  90g |  63g |
 | Orange        | 200g | 200g | 200g |
 | Tomato        | 150g | 150g | 150g |
 | Pinkcat Flower| 150g | 150g | 150g |
 | Red Herb      |  80g |  80g |  80g |
 | Blueberries   |  50g |  50g |  50g |
 | Cayenne       |  40g |  40g |  40g |
| AUTUMN CROPS / FRUITS                |
 | Pumpkin       | 360g | 180g | 126g |
 | Spinach       | 260g | 130g |  91g |
 | Eggplant      | 240g | 120g |  84g |
 | Carrot        | 220g | 110g |  77g |
 | Bell Pepper   | 140g |  70g |  49g |
 | Yam           |  80g |  80g |  80g |
 | BlueMistFlower| 500g | 500g | 500g |
 | Apple         | 300g | 300g | 300g |
 | Grape         | 220g | 220g | 220g |
 | Orange Herb   | 130g | 130g | 130g |
 | Chestnut      |  50g |  50g |  50g |

There are the items scattered over the land, mostly in the mountain. You can
pick those items and ship them.

        -------------------------        -------------------------
        | SPRING SEASON  | SELL |        | SUMMER SEASON  | SELL |
        -------------------------        -------------------------
        | Moondrop Flower|  40G |        | Cayenne        |  40G |
        | Green Herb     | 100G |        | Blueberry      |  50G |
        | Very Berry     |  85G |        | Red Herb       |  80G |
        | Purple Herb    |  75G |        | Pinkcat Flower | 150G |
        ------------------------         -------------------------
         -------------------------       -------------------------
        | FALL SEASON    | SELL |        | ALL SEASON     | SELL |
        -------------------------        -------------------------
        | Chestnut       |  50G |        | Coral          |  35G |
        | Orange Herb    | 130G |        | Rotten Stake   |   5G |
        | BlueMist Flower| 500G |        | Toadstool      |  60G |
        | Truffle*       |1,000G|        | Mushroom       |  50G |
        ------------------------         | Branch         |  10G |
                                         | Stake          |  30G |
        | Clam*          |  40G |
        | Honey          |  83G |
Truffle* - It can be found in the ground nearby the Mora Trees. You can
use your pig to sniff it out, and then use your hoe to dig for it. Or you
can just use your hoe and dig randomly around the Mora Trees. It would be
better if you upgrade your hoe.

Clam* - Quite a few people asked me about the clams so I thought I might
as well include this. Go to the beach, and use your hoe to dig around on
the beach. You'll find the clams. Best chance of finding them is near the
ocean. Just between the sand and waves.


Fishes with * next to it is the special fishes, such as the kings of sea.
"Cooked Fishes" are the recipes that you can make with only one fish, or
two fishes. Though, there're some recipes that require easy forage such 
as the "herb" (which can be found all three seasons except winter) will be 
included here as well. Reason I included the cooked fishes so you can see
how can you increase your fish's value by cooking (or decrease the value).

[FISH] Sashimi: Use Knife Set, and 1 Fish.
Caramelized [FISH]: Use Pot, and 2 Same Fishes
Salted [FISH]: Use Bonfire, and 1 Fish.
Broiled [FISH]: Use Bonfire, and 1 Fish.
Grilled [FISH]: Use Frying Pan, 1 Fish, and 1 Herb (squid-type don't
require herb at all)

| FISH's NAME    |  SELL  | COOKED FISH         |  SELL  |
| Amago          |   100G | Amago Sashimi       |   110G |
| Amago          |   100G | Caramelized Amago   |   290G |
| Amago          |   100G | Salted Amago        |   110G |
| Blowfish       |     3G | Blowfish Sashimi    |   113G |
| Blowfish       |     3G | Broiled Blowfish    |   113G |
| Bonito         |   140G | Bonito Sashimi      |   150G |
| Bonito         |   140G | Bonito Steak        |   250G |
| Char           |    90G | Char Sashimi        |   100G |
| Char           |    90G | Salted Char         |   100G |
| Crawfish       |    10G | Broiled Crawfish    |    20G |
| Crawfish       |    10G | Grilled Crawfish    |   120G |
| Crucian Carp   |    30G | Broiled C. Carp     |    40G |
| Crucian Carp   |    30G | Caramelized C. Carp |   150G |
| Chulowfish     |     5G | Chulowfish Sashimi  |    15G |
| Chulowfish     |     5G | Broiled Chulowfish  |    15G |
| Cureall        |    30G | Salted Cureall      |    60G |
| Dace           |    15G | Salted Dace         |    25G |
| Flounder       |    45G | Flounder Sashimi    |    55G |
| Flounder       |    45G | Stewed Flounder     |   110G |
| Flounder       |    45G | Broiled Flounder    |    55G |
| Halfbeak       |    35G | Halfbeak Sashimi    |    45G |
| Halfbeak       |    35G | Salted Halfbeak     |    45G |
| Halibut        |    50G | Halibut Sashimi     |    60G |
| Halibut        |    50G | Grilled Halibut     |   235G |
| Halibut        |    50G | Broiled Halibut     |    60G |
| Huchen*        | 1,000G | Huchen Sashimi      | 1,010G |
| Jamasquid*     | 1,000G | Jamasquid Sashimi   | 1,010G |
| Lampsquid      |    60G | Lampsquid Sashimi   |   170G |
| Lampsquid      |    60G | Lampsquid Teriyaki  |   170G |
| Lampsquid      |    60G | Broiled Lampsquid   |    70G |
| Lobster        |    90G | Lobster Sashimi     |   100G |
| Lobster        |    90G | Grilled Lobster     |   200G |
| Lobster        |    90G | Broiled Lobster     |   100G |
| Mackerel       |    30G | Miso Mackerel       |   140G |
| Mackerel       |    30G | Grilled Mackerel    |   215G |
| Mackerel       |    30G | Broiled Mackerel    |    40G |
| Maple Flounder |    60G | M. Flounder Sashimi |    70G |
| Maple Flounder |    60G | Broiled M. Flounder |    70G |
| Opaleye        |    60G | Opaleye Sashimi     |    70G |
| Opaleye        |    60G | Broiled Opaleye     |    70G |
| Rainbow Trout  |    35G | R. Trout Sashimi    |    45G |
| Rainbow Trout  |    35G | Grilled R. Trout    |   220G |
| Rainbow Trout  |    35G | Salted R. Trout     |    45G |
| Salmon         |   120G | Salmon Sashimi      |   130G |
| Salmon         |   120G | Grilled Salmon      |   305G |
| Salmon         |   120G | Salted Salmon       |   230G |
| Sardine        |    25G | Sardine Sashimi     |    35G |
| Sardine        |    25G | Grilled Sardine     |   210G |
| Sardine        |    25G | Anchovy             |    35G |
| Saury          |    30G | Saury Sashimi       |    40G |
| Saury          |    30G | Grilled Saury       |   215G |
| Saury          |    30G | Salted Saury        |    40G |
| Shinapper      |   200G | Shinapper Sashimi   |   210G |
| Shinapper      |   200G | Broiled Shinapper   |   160G |
| Shrimp         |   100G | Shrimp Sashini      |   110G |
| Shrimp         |   100G | Grilled Shrimp      |   210G |
| Shrimp         |   100G | Broiled Shrimp      |   110G |
| Silver Carp    |    20G | Caramelized S. Carp |   130G |
| Silver Carp    |    20G | Broiled S. Carp     |    30G |
| Smelt          |    10G | Caramelized Smelt   |   110G |
| Smelt          |    10G | Grilled Smelt       |   110G |
| Smelt          |    10G | Salted Smelt        |    20G |
| Snadore        |   250G | Snadore Sashimi     |   260G |
| Snadore        |   250G | Broiled Snadore     |   260G |
| Snapper        |   150G | Snapper Sashimi     |   260G |
| Snapper        |   150G | Stewed Snapper      |   210G |
| Snapper        |   150G | Grilled Snapper     |   250G |
| Snapper        |   150G | Broiled Snapper     |   160G |
| Squid          |    35G | Squid Sashimi       |   145G |
| Squid          |    35G | Squid Teriyaki      |   145G |
| Squid          |    35G | Broiled Squid       |    45G |
| Squid Prince*  | 1,000G | Nice Squid Sashimi  | 1,010G |
| Tuna           |   300G | Tuna Sashimi        |   410G |
| Tuna           |   300G | Tuna Steak          |   450G |
| Tuna           |   300G | Grilled Tuna        |   485G |
| Tuna           |   300G | Broiled Tuna        |   310G |
| Yamame         |    80G | Yamame Sashimi      |    90G |
| Yamame         |    80G | Salted Yamame       |    90G |
| Yellowtail     |   140G | Yellowtail Sashimi  |   160G |
| Yellowtail     |   140G | Yellowtail Teriyaki |   300G |
| Yellowtail     |   140G | Stewed Yellowtail   |   210G |
| Yellowtail     |   140G | Broiled Yellowtail  |   160G |

                               ALL RECIPES

When you first start out, you will see some recipes in your ingame menu of
recipes. As you buy the kitchen stuff from Junk Shop, more recipes will
be unlocked. However, there are some recipes that you have to discover by

The food list is in same order as the game's recipes menu.
| FOOD ITEM          | SELL |
Veggie Salad.........[ 280G] 
Tomato Sandwich......[1190G]
Egg Sandwich.........[1120G]
Amago Sashimi........[ 110G]
Char Sashimi.........[ 100G]
R. Trout Sashimi.....[  45G]
Yamame Sashimi.......[  90G]
Salmon Sashimi.......[ 130G]
Huchen Sashimi ......[1010G]
Snapper Sashimi......[ 260G]
Opaleye Sashimi......[  70G]
Shinapper Sashimi....[ 210G]
Snadore Sashimi......[ 260G]
Bonito Sashimi.......[ 150G]
Yellowtail Sashimi...[ 160G]
Tuna Sashimi.........[ 410G]
Sardine Sashimi......[  35G]
Halfbeak Sashimi.....[  45G] 
Saury Sashimi........[  40G]
Halibut Sashimi......[  60G]
Flounder Sashimi.....[  55G]
M. Flounder Sashimi..[  70G]
Squid Sashimi........[ 145G]
Nice Squid Sashimi...[1110G]
Jamasquid Sashimi....[1110G] 
Lampsquid Sashimi....[ 170G]
Blowfish Sashimi.....[ 113G]
Chulowfish Sashimi...[  15G]
Lobster Sashimi......[ 100G] 
Shrimp Sashimi.......[ 110G] 
Pie Dough............[ 640G]
Sunny-Side Up........[ 140G]
Plain Omelette.......[ 620G]
Cheese Omelette......[ 890G]
Tomato Omelette......[ 790G] 
Char Meuniere........[ 580G]
R. Trout Meuniere....[ 525G] 
Yamame Meuniere......[ 570G]
Sardine Meuniere.....[ 515G]
Salmon Meuniere......[ 610G]
Halibut Meuniere.....[ 495G]
Flounder Meuniere....[ 535G]
M. Flounder Meuniere.[ 700G]
Yellowtail Teriyaki..[ 300G]
Tuna Steak...........[ 450G]
Steamed Clam.........[ 750G] 
Mushroom Saute.......[ 140G]
Toadstool Saute......[ 150G]
Spinach Saute........[ 220G]
Baked Potato.........[ 190G]
Fried Veggies........[ 310G] 
Spicy Fried Veggies..[    G]
Popcorn..............[ 210G] 
Tortilla.............[ 440G] 
Pancake..............[    G]
Boiled Egg...........[ 140G]
Hot Milk.............[ 260G]
Cocoa................[ 470G]
Herb Tea.............[ 110G]
Potage Soup..........[ 390G]
Corn Soup............[ 410G]
Tomato Soup..........[ 440G]
Pumpkin Soup.........[ 470G]
Mushroom Soup........[ 340G]
Onion Soup...........[1310G]
Bouillabaisse........[ 695G] 
Spicy Stew...........[ 490G]
Stewed Pumpkin.......[ 240G]
Stewed Potato........[ 160G]
Stewed Yam...........[ 140G]
Boiled Spinach.......[ 190G]
Stewed Eggplant......[ 260G]
Stewed Flounder......[ 120G]
Stewed Yellowtail....[ 210G]
Stewed Snapper.......[ 210G]
Miso Mackerel........[ 140G]
Tomato Sardine.......[ 360G]
Tomato Squid.........[ 370G]
Caramelized Amago....[ 110G]
Caramelized Smelt....[ 110G]
Caramelized C. Carp..[ 150G]
Caramelized S. Carp..[ 130G]
Strawberry Jam.......[ 190G]
Very Berry Jam.......[ 180G]
Blueberry Jam........[ 190G]
Marmalade............[ 490G]
Apple Jam............[ 690G]
Grilled R. Trout.....[ 220G] 
Grilled Sardine......[ 210G] 
Grilled Snapper......[ 335G]
Grilled Saury........[ 215G] 
Grilled Salmon.......[ 305G]
Grilled Mackerel.....[ 215G] 
Grilled Halibut......[ 235G]
Grilled Tuna.........[ 485G]
Grilled Smelt........[ 195G] 
Squid Teriyaki.......[  45G]
Lampsquid Teriyaki...[ 170G] 
Grilled Lobster......[ 100G]
Grilled Crawfish.....[ 120G]
Grilled Shrimp.......[ 210G]
Bread................[ 610G] 
Corn Bread...........[ 590G] 
Seafood Pizza........[1355G] 
Eggplant Gratin......[ 900G] 
Mushroom Gratin......[ 880G]
Seafood Gratin.......[ 975G]
Pudding..............[ 390G]
Cocoa Pudding........[ 570G]
Pumpkin Pudding......[ 590G]
Cake.................[ 810G]
Cocoa Cake...........[ 990G]
Honey Cake...........[ 913G] 
Orange Cake..........[1030G] 
Chestnut Cake........[ 880G] 
Apple Pie............[1150G] 
Chestnut Pie.........[ 900G] 
Yam Pie..............[1300G] 
Strawberry Milk......[ 480G]
Milkshake............[ 360G]
Very Berry Juice.....[  95G]
Blueberry Juice......[ 100G]
Orange Juice.........[ 250G]
Apple Juice..........[ 350G]
Grape Juice..........[ 270G]
Tomato Juice.........[ 200G]
Veggie Juice.........[ 350G]
Pickled Cabbage......[ 280G]
Pickled Eggplant.....[ 230G]
Grape Soda...........[ 580G]
Very Berry Soda......[ 230G]
Apple Soda ..........[ 740G]
Yogurt...............[ 450G]
Deviled Egg..........[ 250G]
Salted Amago.........[ 110G]
Salted Char..........[ 100G]
Salted R. Trout......[  45G]
Salted Yamame........[  90G]
Salted Dace..........[  25G]
Salted Salmon........[ 230G]
Salted Cureall.......[  60G]
Broiled C. Carp......[  40G]
Broiled S. Carp......[  30G]
Broiled Snapper......[ 160G]
Broiled Opaleye......[  70G]
Broiled Shinapper....[ 160G]
Bonito Steak.........[ 250G]
Broiled Mackerel.....[  40G] 
Broiled Yellowtail...[ 160G] 
Salted Smelt.........[  20G]
Broiled Tuna.........[ 310G]
Anchovy..............[  35G]
Salted Halfbeak......[  45G]
Salted Saury.........[  40G]
Broiled Halibut......[  60G] 
Broiled Flounder.....[  55G]
Broiled M. Flounder..[  70G] 
Broiled Squid........[  45G]
Broiled Lampsquid....[  70G] 
Broiled Blowfish.....[ 113G]
Broiled Chulowfish...[  15G]
Broiled Lobster......[ 100G] 
Broiled Crawfish.....[  20G]
Broiled Shrimp.......[ 110G] 
Broiled Clam.........[  90G]
Baked Yam............[  90G] 
Baked Chestnut.......[  60G]
Baked Corn...........[ 160G]
Potion...............[ 423G]
Stamina Drink........[ 300G]

                              RANCH PRODUCTS

They are the products of your animals. The cows will give you milk, and
chickens will give you eggs. So you can either ship them, or turn them
into butter, milk or mayo. with help of the Makers.

        | Egg           |  56G |
        | Good Egg      |  80G |
        | Special Egg   | 160G |
        | Mayonnaise    |  84G |
        | Good Mayo.    | 120G |
        | Special Mayo. | 240G |
        | Milk          | 140G |
        | Good Milk     | 200G |
        | Special Milk  | 400G |
        | Butter        | 161G |
        | Good Butter   | 230G |
        | Special Butter| 460G |
        | Cheese        | 175G |
        | Good Cheese   | 250G |
        | Special Cheese| 500G |
        | Dirty Wool    | 630G |
        | Ordinary Wool | 900G |
        | Shiny Wool    |1,800G|
        | Dull Yarn     | 860G |
        | Yarn          |1,200G|
        | Special Yarn  |2,400G|
        | Purple Yarn   |1,275G|
        | Red Yarn      |1,280G|
        | Orange Yarn   |1,330G|
        | Blue Yarn     |1,700G|
        | Green Yarn    |1,300G|
        | Pink Yarn     |1,350G|
        | Yellow Yarn   |1,240G|

                                MINE PRODUCTS

They're all from the mines, and you have to work to get the items by
using your hammer or hoe. The good clay and pontato roots can be found
by using your hoe on the mine floor. Break the rocks and crystals with 
your hammer to find the ores and gems.

        | MINE ITEM     | SELL |
        | Copper Ore    |  50G | <--- Ore Items
        | Gold Ore      | 150G |
        | Junk Ore      |   1G |
        | Limestone     |   5G |
        | Rare Ore      | 200G |
        | Silver Ore    | 100G |
        | Good Clay     |  10G |
        | Pontato Root  |  30G |
        | Amethyst      | 220G | <--- Gem Items
        | Aquamarine    | 230G |
        | Diamond       | 500G |
        | Emerald       | 330G |
        | Moonstone     |  50G |
        | Ruby          | 350G |
        | Sapphire      | 250G |
        | Topaz         | 240G |


They're special accessories that you can buy from Blacksmith.
(You have to give the gem so Tai will transform it into a ring or brooch.)

        | ACCESSORIES           |  SELL  |
        | Amethyst Ring         | 1,320G |
        | Amethyst Brooch       | 1,220G |
        | Aquamarine Ring       | 1,330G |
        | Aquamarine Brooch     | 1,230G |
        | Coral Ring            | ?,???G |
        | Coral Brooch          | 1,035G |
        | Diamond Ring          | 1,600G |
        | Diamond Brooch        | 1,500G |
        | Gold Ring             | 1,250G |
        | Gold Brooch           | 1,150G |
        | Moonstone Ring        | 1,150G |
        | Moonstone Brooch      | 1,050G |
        | Ruby Ring             | 1,450G |
        | Ruby Brooch           | 1,350G |
        | Sapphire Ring         | 1,350G |
        | Sapphire Brooch       | 1,250G |
        | Silver Ring           | 1,200G |
        | Silver Brooch         | 1,050G |
        | Topaz Ring            | 1,340G |
        | Topaz Brooch          | 1,240G |
        | Emerald Ring          | 1,430G |
        | Emerald Brooch        | 1,330G |